« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 2, 2022


Mike Slater filling in for Bill O'Reilly!

House Republicans demand answers from Facebook, 9-in-10 voters are gravely concerned about the country’s future, crime spirals out of control in New York City, a new survey ranks the best places to live in the nation.

Plus, a commentary on Joe Biden's speech!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is my fighter in San diego filled up the great bill, o reilly. It's friday September session. Twenty twenty two, you listen to the rally update. Here's is happening today in america house republicans demand answers from facebook. Nine and ten voters are gravely concerned about the country's future. crime spiral out of control in new york city and near every other city, and a new survey ranks the best places to live in the nation also covered up the message today about violence, speech. Last night, but first republicans in the house demanding answers from facebook over the fbi's involvement in censoring the hunt. your biden, lab top story, the oversight committee, the latter two executives at the social media platform writing shortly before the twenty twenty presidential election, facebook suppressed and experts most or post article detailing how hunter bite and use the position and influence of his father. We want to see
all communication with the fbi. What was the fbi's role in censoring that story just before the election, a survey from view. news. Five to eighty seven percent of voters are streamline worried about the future of america, the biggest issues before the midterms inflation immigration, crime, economy, just twenty eight percent think that Biden is doing enough to lower prices of everything Thirdly, the president should do more to ease inflation. Joe Biden, approval rating remained stuck in the high thirties little bit better than earlier. This Now, based on a speech last night, what you're gonna be the theme of the message the deck he'd? Have you believe that Entire countries word about trump becoming the next president. Stick terrorist magda, republicans, the fascist that are out there for it about gas prices and crime violent crime and in new york city subway system rising fifty eight percent compared to the same time. Last year
mare. Eric Adams, the police for police also promised to peep up the police presence to stop the chaos been there for a while now since taken office in january, first shootings, twenty percent assaults up through five percent robberies: twenty five percent car theft. Thirty three percent, U s: news of old report rank in the most livable towns in america. Cities are judged by income pollution there's two healthcare and life expectancy. Top five in twenty twenty two san jose california, pole colorado green. Bay, wisconsin colorado springs colorado, a number one most livable town in america, Huntsville alabama, the least desirable town in the usa, detroit Michigan forty five percent of votes and the motor city live below the poverty line in the average home cells for thirty thousand dollars. The message of the day of our body speech last night, the fight for the soul of america, moments, away
then do presents someday victories, you're a sunday wedding during football season which, frankly, should be against the law. You could be elbowed in case of depth, celebrating your squad, you're celebrating their distant cousin tart from your dad side, is twice removed, but He feels like three or four, but then you you ve, got a smartphone and there's banquet hall has excellent wi fi, as you watch your team ball on the points you cheat, you clap you're, not you leave, cry a little. No one in your room notices, but time is extremely moved, that and you walk in the game of life. My friend now, if you want to bet on the gave a football try, fan, do right now Lucas. where's that five dollars and get one hundred fifty dollars and free bats guaranteed make every
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rose to go to new york, but you'll end up at south africa will that we got a problem there too. And I would argue, as a nation were missing, all three: we don't know where we're going. We get a long and a lot of people are very unwell, for a million different reasons, despair as an all time high were not a healthy fleet. Right now- and you know it's not helpful- calling half the country fascists and terrorists. Now, I'm not surprised, I'm not surprised by. It is doing this when you're flailing, the best way to unite your team is to attack the other team. So it makes sense. Why he's doing it, of course, but it certainly is not good, especially from the great uniter that his job So why am I sceptical when the president talks on this? It's all just a set up for more government control over your life, wherein the pie ass. It was to protect you from coded now they're going to take away your rights to protect you from enemies domestic. We
to take away your rights to protect democracy whenever it had even means here's Why unconcerned about it's a progressive, tend to believe that people are inherently good too. If people are born, good and bad Things still happen, it means something is broken and if something is broken than it needs fixed and the only thing big enough or good enough to fix a broken thing is the government. federal government. So when I hear people like Joe Biden talk about the soul of the nation- and all these things are broken it's just a set up for the government to swooping and fix it democracy is broken, are under attack that we need get rid of the electoral college if the supreme court is violating your rights that we need more people on it. We are packed the court we're not winning elections, what we need more mail in voting and less voter iD we've got to fix these attacks on democracy. Now, of course, as we've seen with student loans and high crime and energy and
pretty much every single thing wrong at america as you can trace back to some government failure that got us in this mess in the first name, a problem, I'll tell you the government solution that got us here, so the power, miss abandons argument. These things are broken I'll fix it, that is at least some conservatives by the way believe that people are inherently flawed. Our founders billy this therefore our should be dispersed as wide as possible that no person or even small group of people should have too much power over anyone else, and if people do have power, there's checks and balances also. They believe that individuals make the best decisions for their own lives and should feel the consequences of those decisions good or bad, which is why conservatives tend to preach morality this way. Adam said our constitution was made for a moral and religious people, its wholly inadequate to the government of any other person, responsibilities, assent.
May I suggest, instead of focusing on the soul of the nation, we focus instead on saving souls, but many people don't even believe in those in people that they, which is the product of evolution and were brains and bodies. As is why here many people on the left talk about like bodies as their way to describe a person sod to focus on saving souls that comes first, the nation follow suit. More coming up bill riley here please join each day for fair, smart in fact base analysis. You will not find anywhere else
had on over to bill, o reilly dot com and become a premium member today, premium members get exclusive access to members only benefits, including on demand, access to the nose been news. Member message boards: they are fun, store discounts, they will save you money and its own levels, even direct access to me. Your humble correspond at the annual membership level. You'll get one free book any of my books, and here the killing box.
Freight each year right now that means you can get killing the killers when you signed up. We all know the corporate media is corrupt, the woke monsters or on a mission to eliminate independent thought, turn americans at the political, correct, zombies into politically correct zombies. These fanatics are misguided, hell bent on destroying traditional values, and they are bad. I take them on the hate america. Crew cannot be allowed to win so please become a premium member today, a bill o reilly. Dotcom join us stand up for your country. Don't wait become a premium. Member in catch. The no spin news each night and anytime on demand bill, O'Reilly, dot com. It is mike slater filling in for bill O'Reilly. Now it's time for something you might not know, inflation is bad, but shrink violation might be worse dawn dish,
hope it was seven ounces. Now it's six point five hours and you can't tell the difference if you look at the two bottles even next to each other, bunches of oats was fourteen point two out the new boxes, twelve, that russia, the boxes the same there's just two balls less of the cereal in it for the same price, so the inflation in this box of cereals, actually, seventeen percent Gatorade always been? Thirty, two ounces. Now twenty eight, the middle of the bottle, is thinner. Gatorade said they did this because it's easier to hold as the recent they're gave a speech yesterday about the soul of the nation, is because what else Gonna talk about the economy, cats, prices, inflation as the country is beginning to unite against Democrats, all he could do to keep his powers to try and unite his team against republicans. Does evil terrorists the economy is going to get worse. and it will be very hard and we'll get through it
we ve been through worse and it's in the bible. Second kings, Six. Twenty five tells a story of somalia and the city surrounded by the enemy of the bible. The siege lasted so long that a donkeys head sulphur, thirty pieces of silver and a cup of doves dung sulphur free I've pieces of silver, So the siege on the city was causing prices to be so expensive, there's so much inflation. That is a donkeys head. The head of an unclean animal could only be afforded by the rich. This was gods punishment on them for worshipping jabez, pagan guy, these people are so pagan at times like this are desperate and pagan. They were then expert the kings, walking along in a woman yells for help- and this is it's about what's going on and she says this woman told me give up your son so that we do eat him today, tomorrow? Will you my son, so we cooked
son and ate him, and the next day I said to her- will give up your son, so we made him, but she had hidden him. Women were eating their children and she was mad that we ain't my kid, but then she's give tat before we can eat her kid that pretty aspirate pre bad makes eating a dog he hadn't, dove droppings not seem so bad. There's. Another new under son. So what do we do this? Of course, let's like people to make better decisions, for our country of course, and, in the meantime, let's focus on what really matters during difficult times, things that money can buy and we'll make it through. More coming up, no time for lunch skip the drive through indigenous chalky protein by smithfield she covered with high quality, flavorful protein pact, convenient meals that can be ready and minutes. Smithfield of a love of me
then an honour and a pleasure being with you this week and filling in for bill MIKE slater, dot, locals dot com of data
Transcript generated on 2022-09-12.