« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 19, 2019


The US Immigration Court backlog exceeds one million cases. Nancy Pelosi tells Democrats to back-off impeachment hearings. Bernie Sanders introduces his new ‘Housing for All Plan’. Anti-Semitism on the rise at college campuses across the USA. The number of abortions now at the lowest level in 45 years.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
fill all o'riley here thursday september nineteenth two thousand ninety you are into the o'reilly update here's what's happening across our nation immigration cord backlog now exceeds one million cases nancy blowsy tells democrats to back off in peach hearings bernie sanders introduces new housing for all plan andy images are on the rise and college campuses the number of a boy is now at the lowest level in forty five years our joy at my message of the day about bad parents but first you as immigration confirming court backlogs for new cases now exceed one million growing at a record he's as migrants continued across the u s a illegally along the southern border you're thousand as he blows you telling fellow democrats to doubt
grade impeachment proceedings against the present plus you saying ass judiciary chair gerald nobbler and other far left lawmakers our quote out of sync with the rest of the party warning progressives i simply do not have the votes to impeach president trot senator bernie sanders running for president of course introduces new housing for all plan calling for two point five trillion dollars and new spending to provide quote safe decent accessible and affordable homes to all americans centres as new taxes on giant corporation since and wealthy americans will help finance his new government programme but he says the same thing about free healthcare free education and debt elimination anti semitism on college campuses up seventy percent in the last twelve months according to a recent study more than twenty five
incidents have been reported it more than four hundred schools in america some do organisations linked the disturbing trend to the popularity of the israeli boycott movement promoted by a faculty at liberal universities across the country the number of abortions now at the lowest level since the supreme court legalized the procedure in nineteen seventy three a new report counted eight hundred and sixty thousand abortions in the usa in two thousand and seventeen the procedure peaked at one point six million abortions in ninety ninety major factor in the decline is widespread use birth control and increased awareness that life ending procedure is controversial in a moment are you a bad
right back the amazon capital one data breach just hit one hundred six million of us at our names home addresses banking information exposed forget credit cards aft you're far greater risk is home title fraud tata fraud is rapid because identity thieves figured out the title and mortgage who are homes are kept on they're big payday comes by forging your name off your homes title so it appears they own your home then they borrow all your equity till it's gonna forget your insurance bagger identity that programme they don't touch this home title locked up and they do it by locking down your homes online title and mortgage the four
sixty days after crimes like the amazon server capital one breach are crucial so i got you sixty risk free days of home title on protection claim your sixty risk free days at home title dot com and enter your home address to see if you're already a victim that's home title locked dot com hometown lock shop of the o'reilly update message of the day joe biden wants to make you a better parent during the third democratic presidential debate the former vice president was asked about slavery abc moderator lindsey davis pose this question to mr biden quote as you stand here tonight what responsibility do you think that americans need to take to repair the legacy of slavery in our country uncut
well joe biden didn't want any part of that course so he quickly pivoted to suggest that the federal government monitor parenting miss right end quote we bring social workers into homes with parents to help them do without a raise their children it's not that they dont want to help they don't know quite what do play the radio make sure the television excuse me make sure you have the record player on at night the phone make sure the kids here were unquote well mr barton was derided by many because of that statement the record player thing and on and on but i've been thinking about this for about a week and what the former vice president is trying to get across is that the gulf
really cannot ensure quality education for american children whose parents are derelict and as a former high school teacher i know this is true but miss biden solution is kind of nutty and not stated well so let me try to do it better first of all the federal government to state government the local government cannot legislate good parent and unfortunately tens of millions of american parents are terrible some of them are addicted to substance some of them abandon their children some of them don't care some of them are abusive all of that makes teaching an american child extremely difficult and mike
ass i knew the kids we're having trouble at home you could see it but i couldn't call the parents and demand that they be responsible and neither can joe biden as for sending social workers into homes to try to improve the parents performance that can happen number one the federal government has no right to go and annie home number two there are nearly enough social workers to do that and number three the intrusive nature of it would be rejected by many bad parents the way they do this is a shame if you are a mother or father who is intoxicated in front of your children who uses horrible language whose violent screaming throwing things this is honest
the bull and the media and fame is celebrity should say it as should the president and all of the powerful politicians one more thing bad parenting is something that is not unique to the united states but it has been with us forever we cut it down but will never defeated as you rightly update message of the day for more analysis please visit bill o reilly dotcom also tuesday my new book the united states trump comes out good order it on amazon bourns and books a million if you sign up for premium membership on bill o reilly dotcom will give you the book free of charge my not something you might not know millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or a serious illness if you are one of them and money is a problem
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i'd fifty call now now the orally uptake brings you something you might not know everyone has a favorite toy from their childhood whether a particular doll board game set young americans have been obsessed with toys forever into in eighteen the children's entertainment market as they call it generated twenty one billion dollars and sales the biggest seller superhero action figures but there's something you might not know over the years your favorite place things may become quite valuable so if you have the time dive into that attic and take a look for these sought after items pokemon trading cards from the mid ninety nine these or popular with collectors from asia and the u s
some rare cars can sell for twelve thousand dollars at auction the highest ever sold fifty five thousand next america's classic doll barbie first introduced in nineteen fifty nine a men condition barbie doll can fetch more than twenty thousand dollars the original designer jack ryan once work for the pentagon as a missile engineer it was eventually hard by mattel create barbie signature look the miniature car series hot wheels more valuable than you think one in addition a tiny model featuring a volkswagen bus with surfboards on the roof purchased by a wealthy collector in two thousand and eleven for one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars there's an item some americans of lying around their basement next to the old vcr disney the ages
believe it or not original taves from the early ninety nine these can go for thousands on ebay alive in addition release of beauty and the beast was purchased by a collector for ten thousand dollars the little mermaid five thousand dollars finally the most sought after toys ah star wars action figures dating back to the seventies and eighties men condition collections in their original packaging it's over half a million dollars at sotheby's auction house the original prize back a nineteen seventy nine nine dollars ninety nine says unless you got it from santa then it was free back with more of the o'reilly update right after this it's an uncertain world out there you know that disaster can strike at any time so you need to be prepared to protect yourself
your family one way to do that is with freeze dried food it tastes good its healthy can be stored for twenty five years that's why i'm happy to tell you about a company i recommend wise foods i have experience with them myself during superstore sandy i lost power for seven days all of my refrigerated food done but my foot fly from wise foods was as fresh as the day i received it visit wise food storage one word wise food storage dot com slash bill and explore their starter kits and long term emergency food options they are even offering free shipping plus a big discount of twenty if five percent off for my listeners so please go to wise food storage dot com slash bill wise food storage dot com slash bill or you can call eight five five two six nine zero five zero one that's eight five five two six
zero five zero one thank you for listening to the o update i am bill o no spin just acts and always looking out for you the the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.