« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 13, 2023


Speaker McCarthy launches house impeachment inquiry, lawsuit filed in MN to keep Trump off the ballot, the FDA may pull the plug on a common drug ingredient, and a terrible debut for Aaron Rodgers. 

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, the rebirth of American patriotism?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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and a not so great debut, that's all coming up. Then bill will be here with your message. The deva first cabin mccarthy has ordered and impede An inquiry president Joe Biden, an inquiry, is the committee's more power to see further information to see if any crimes were committed and anything to go to a full impeachment vote, even mitt romney. Who was one of seven republicans who voted to remove tromp from office and his second appeasement? the ports as inquiry against bought. It he's at the fact that the white house has been singularly silent and coddled hunter binding since an inquiry is not inappropriate that a different than an impeachment. By the way, an actual impeachment will require the evidence of high crime or misdemeanor, and that not an alleged but inquiring is something the president in the white house could have avoided alive who has been filed in minnesota to keep donald trump off of the twenty twenty four ballot in that state
There was another lawsuit last week in colorado, saying that donald trump should not be allowed on the ballot because of january sixth, fourteenth amendment clause three so that if you are involved in an insurrection or rebellion or gave aid and comfort to its enemies, ineligible to run for office? This laughs latest attempt to keep him from winning. That is come off the ballot entirely, we have after news that does not involve covered an advisory panel for the FDA agreed unanimously. That comment. decongestant ingredient used in many over the counter cold medicines doesn't do anything fda is now going to decide if they should ban the ingredient, fena lefrank, which would resign in companies pull their product from the shelves entirely the fed scientists, congestion, tylenol, cold and flew severe, nigh quill, severe cold, it flew thereof, flew severe.
Of amusing ex sinus max, and a bunch of others might be completely unavailable until the company's try to reformulate them. This increase it is in two and fifty products, total net worth one point: eight billion dollars and sales. Last year aaron rodgers they future hall- a famer. Thirty nine year old quarterback made his new york jets debut on monday on september, eleventh no less ran from the tunnel. With a giant american fly, the crowd went not. There was great on the Fourth, snap of the game. tackled tourism These ten and probably after the horses zack wilson third year, quarterback took over led the jets to a twenty two to sixteen overtime. Where am I, if bill O'Reilly with your message of the day? Next jack foundation, repair specializes. In one thing: the science a foundation repair. If you notice fraction. Your breaker she'd rock a chip point: why bore have doors and windows that are miss aligned, cunt at ram jack for an on site evaluation. We aren't roofers
part time. Contractors or plumbers, we're foundation, repair specialist trained to provide you with permanent, affordable solutions schedule your onsite evaluation today at ram jack dotcom, that's ram, jack dot, com, now for the o'reilly update message of the day On wednesday, incredible rendition of the national anthem by queen look he far on sunday before the giants. Cowboys football game sideline shod showed most of the players paying attention than idle in theme, was apparent in the stadium now, this is a good beginning, to re, ignite, ace, of patriotism in america. We're too long. The zella to frown on their country have had the floor sure miss Latif understands that her success most likely,
would not have occurred anywhere else on the planet. That doesn't mean descent must be muted. All of us strive to improve the usa and that means objecting to on fairness and corruption. but there is a right way to make headway and you start by being respectful to your country, and the noble things it has accomplished a short history of the twentieth century and pull Nine eleven should dare straight that no ability to any. rational human b years ago, football player, collins cap, her and his crew were not respectful, by dishonoring, the national anthem I am glad the national football league, the poster child, capitalism has finally you're that out it took far too long, I also hope you will watch queen, the tea for honour, her country, you have an already seen it you
I even to europe I'm bill O'Reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine Ok here is the male dan dawn, goodwin Sarasota Florida. Any thoughts on charter in his career. I don't watch NBC, but am interested your opinion because of the great tim russet, so timorous Was a legendary journalists, good guy and drove meet the press to its highest esteem. Ever I knew russia very well was on the programme. We had a good relationship. Russia was liberal, but he wasn't crazy laughed so then check Todd took over from russia. Now russia was a liberal but did not impose liberalism on his audience tie. Is a liberal by did carried by leaving snuff out by skewing its presentation
So I am glad tat has gone. I like people who, through their job the way it should be done. Ok, linda illegal migrants. All over this country is by design all right you're. We are correct. it'd be happening if Donald trump were in the oval office, wouldn't the remain in mexico policy would still be in place. Solow the Democrats win first day on the job, Joe Biden strips all of that trump stuff out and opens the border, and here we oh you're, actually like Jan cubits left this law Chuck humor are not interested in solving problems for americans, they're interested in power buying votes, mailing america's customs traditions, exceptionalism freedoms and individual liberties. I wouldn't put schumacher in that category. He's not o Kostiei cortez
or raw Bernie sanders, but you're right in your first paragraph. So about chuck not about viewers, It's not about Brooklyn we're trucks from that truck, getting more power, chuck play The democratic machine game in a moment something you might not know jack foundation, repair specializes. In one thing, the science a foundation repair. If you notice fraction, your breaker she'd rock, a chip, point: why bore have doors and windows that are miss aligned, cunt. At ram jack for an on site evaluation. We aren't roofers. part time, contractors or plumbers, we're foundation, repair specialist trained to provide you with permanent, affordable solutions schedule your onsite evaluation today at ram jack dot com, that's ram, jack dot, com. Now the riley up daybreak you something you might not know. Each year, the american sport,
Industry generates ninety billion dollars. The money is may primarily through ticket sales, tv deals, merchandise and video games. All our cash translates to very large paychecks for the country's best athletes, and here they or the average salary in the national football ie eight hundred thousand dollars highest pay players andrew bronco Russell Wilson. duffy eagle jail and hurts bolder. Wars, Lamar jackson, allay charger just and herbert and cincinnati bengal Joe borough who's the highest of all Now all of these men are more than five. a million dollars a year to the n b, a the national basketball association, where the average player makes five million In doubt, but there Twelve on the roster, as opposed to make its forty
on the nfl rosters, anyway, top five basketball, there lebron James Kevin, the rat, Stephen currie, brow Lee beale, Paul George, each make guaranteed minimum of fifty million dollars per sees it the difficult is player paid one point: five million biggest checks go to my trout, Erin judge max user anthony, ran down and just in rural andor, with forty war million dollars annually. Why. Overall, the most viable sports teams in america are the l, a ram six billion new york giant, seven billion new york, yankees, eight billion golden stay. warriors. Eight point: five billion and number one day: was cowboys. They are worth ten million dollars.
To actually see the teams in person is becoming very expensive average ticket this year, two hundred box and all sports up from just an average of twenty two dollars back in in ninety and here's something else. You might not know a players biggest paycheck does not come from the teams, but from endorsements each year. Global corporations, like a t tv arise pepsi shell out of hundreds of millions to have stars hawk their latest products because of his partnership with nike.
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-14.