« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, September 12, 2019


The Supreme Court sides with the White House on new asylum regulations, The Trump administration considers a ban on flavored E-Cigarettes, California public schools block teachers from suspending students, Scientists clone rare White Rhino embryos to save the species from extinction.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day previewing tonight's Democratic primary debate. Who has the best chance of taking on President Trump? 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
no o reilly here thursday september twelve thousand nineteen you are listening the riley update here's what's happening today in america the supreme port size with the white house limiting asylum seekers the twelve administration it is a ban on flavour to ease cigarettes california politicians blocked school officials from suspending disruptive students scientists create roy air white rhino embryos to save this species from extinction also coming up the message of the day who really has a chance to run against president trot but first this reemployed side with the trumpet ministration on new regulations limiting asylum requests seventy two to allow the white house to enforce strict limitations on refugees trying to enter the usa
law requires many migrants to first seek asylum in another country before applying here this ruling overturns a lower court decision that some saw as political activism from the bench liberal justices ruth bayer ginsburg and sonya so to my war dissented writing quote once again the executive branch as issued a rule it seeks to up and long standing practices regarding refugees who seek shelter from persecution the trumpet menstruation also considering a ban on flavoured e cigarettes saying the popular nicotine products are deliberately targeting children similar to the joe camels cigarette cartoons of the early ninety nineties at that time researchers found more children could identify the smoking
camel then mickey mouse liberal california governor gave a newsome signing new legislation banning school officials from suspending students for disruptive behaviour the bill and suspensions for those ninth grade and under who disrupt school activities or otherwise wilfully defy the valid authority of school personnel critics of the new law make it harder for teachers to control their classrooms and of course that is true side in italy confirming they have successfully created to embryos of the near extinct white rhinoceros there are just two one of those creatures remaining on earth both of them female and living in captivity their fertilized eggs are currently stored in liquid nitrogen if successfully birthed the white rhino would be the first species brought back from extinction in the history of the world in a moment who will challenge
and a drop in two thousand twenty right back with that i have been telling you about a first time buyer in texas now i want to show you the other side a seller found an agent on real estate agents i try dot com a home seller in a very hot market needed to relocate quick their agents suggested the following steps one rice the home just below similarly priced homes in the area to ensure high demand with multiple offers to stage the home so that it stood out with great pictures no clutter and great curb appeal free market aggressively two fellow asians providing a timeline for accepting offers this created a big sense of urgency for buyers interested in the home for their agent review the offers quickly communicated with the owners about the calibre of the offers strong financing
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it will work and julian castro the debate moderator hers will be george snuff annapolis david muir lindsey davis and you agar jorge ramos and that's interesting mr ramos is an open border advocate in addition to doing a news programme so we can expect a lot of those kinds of course from him now realistically if you believe the polling only joe biden and elizabeth worn have a chance to run against donald trump the other candidates are all way way back in the polls with the exception of bernie sanders however mr sanders is support is pretty much locked and he says the same thing over and over and over again as he did the last term around in two thousand sixteen also he's an elderly white guy and the democratic party
oh they are embracing joe biden at this point are very wary of white mao's at this point oh elizabeth war and the socialists senator from massachusetts is coming up in the polls now i've written a column on ms war on bill o'reilly dot dotcom entitled the car we clearly spells out what would happen if elizabeth worn work ever elected president of the united states already the financial press is moaning that capital would flee the usa and that is likely true
you remember that donald trump cut corporate tax rates so capital came back in to america and that spurred the robust economy we ve had for the past two and a half years while the opposite would occur if a socialist like ms warren or bernie sanders would obtain power companies are not gonna pay forty to fifty percent in taxes and individual tax rates could rise to seventy percent so you'll see individuals take money out of the country as well all of that could quite possibly lead to a drastic recession
now joe biden will be in the spotlight tonight of course because there's much criticism of him from the far left is to moderate for that and also he's made a lot of verbal mistakes but that's been the case for the former vice president his whole career if joe biden does well tonight in the debate his pole numbers will increase and he will be the likely nominee because none of the others can raise the money or have the profile to overturn binds appeal so really it's warn against biden tonight now to morrow i will oh you who the winner of this extravaganza was and maybe i'll change my opinion maybe one of the other democrats will rise up
that is a message for more using commentary please head on over the bill o reilly dot com where you can get a free copy of my upcoming book the united states of trump if you sign up coming next something you might not know the amazon capital one data breach just hit one hundred six million of us just our names home addresses banking information expose forget credit card theft you're far greater risk is home title fraud tata fraud is rapid because identity thieves figured out the title and mortgage to our homes are kept online they're big payday comes by forging your name off your homes title so it appears they own your home then they borrow all your equity till it's gonna forget your insurance bag origin that program they don't touch this home title log does do it by locking down your homes online title and mortgage the four
sixty days after crimes like the amazon server capital one breach are crucial god you sixty risk free days of home title our protection claim your sixty risk free days at home title dot com and enter your home address to see if you're already a victim that's home title lock dot com home title lock dotcom now we really update brings you something you might not know food tourism one of the fastest growing sectors of the entire travel industry social scientists say the rise of technology allows people across the planet to virtually visit locations on their devices their machines so if you want to see the vatican you go to you to buy you can't taste anything on the smartphones so that's what experience technology can never get you here
look at a few countries popular among american tourists and the food the locals are eating in the united kingdom fish and chips remain a daily stable anguish residents can sue three hundred and eighty million portions of fish in french fries that's what they call ships over in england every year six servings for every man woman and child but before worn in many places is a greasy meal cross the english channel trans folks consume more cheese than any other country in the world typical frenchman or woman is close to sixty pounds of cheese a year whoa double the average american and what good is all that cheese without a little why french adults down thirteen gowns wine per person
to russia lana borscht traditional beat soup full of meat and vegetables and hear something you might not now during the cold war the cia recover to soviet issued cookbook from a russian ship the agency quickly classified the borscht recipe fearing the wording might include encrypted messages from moscow the ingredients did contain one topsecret the unconventional edition of bacon to the traditional soup in china one of the fastest growing tourist regions in the world was seen varies greatly from region to region many national favorite you know but china is also famous for some unusual dishes deep fried scorpions frocks pigs ears even dog me the scorpion dish can be supported
yeah here in a recent survey by the irish operation ass americans if you can eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be pizza was the answer back after this millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or a serious illness if you are one of them and money is album you're not alone it's simple if you own a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more than life guide partners can evaluate your coverage for free to see if you qualify for cash now when you need it the most be ready to take down this number if you own a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars more and you are living with a serious illness than life guide apart
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.