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The O'Reilly Update, September 11, 2023


The anniversary of 9/11, New Mexico suspends open and concealed carry, Virginia Governor pardons a father, an escaped killer remains on the run, and a bit of sanity in California.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, Biden’s border policy creates havoc…

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Testosterone levels in our society have been cut in half in just the last fifty years. Isn't that staggering? You know that that's the end of america right, if that, if that trend is global, that's the end of everything, my friends at chalk, they're out to put a stop to it, naturally, not with more big farm of filth. Naturally, you know they sell male vitality, stats, natural herbal supplements, we're talking. Twenty per cent increase in your testosterone in ninety days. Naturally, you feeling better a better mood, better energy! Ladies, don't worry! There's a female vitality stack for you. We must be strong and we must be ready to take on the communists in this country. Chalk go get some now c h, o que dot com shop.
is the way forward make sure you used a promo code bill, because I get you a thirty five percent discount for the lifetime of your subscription chalk. Dot com, promo code bill below riley. Here you are listening to the arrival update coming up next, the new swift mice Waiter. Thank you. Bill is Monday september. Eleventh twenty twenty three years it happening today in america, twenty two years No more second amendment in new mexico virginia I've been a the man Did murder are still on the loose and California has a bit of sanity. That's all coming up than bilby here with your message of the day, but first new york officials, If identified the remains of two victims, from this september, eleventh attacks, which are twenty. Two years ago today there identified through newly adopted dna testing. Still,
forty percent of the victims of september, eleventh one thousand one hundred people remain unidentified The governor of new mexico, michel gresham, a democratic system. And the right to carry firearms in public in and around albuquerque. She said the real. in the shooting deaths of three children at a minor league ballpark last week was the last straw. So she issued a thirty day ban on open and concealed carry the declared gun violence, statewide public health emergency to declare you you can't do that he can ban people from opening conceal, carry just because you want so this will go. The governor says will be enforced by say, police and violators will face a five thousand dollar. Fine, too. Republican state lawmakers in new mexico are calling for her to be impeached over this. The governor A republican glenn young can pardoned a father who is iran stood at a school board meeting and twenty twenty one,
Maybe you remember that video of scott smith, he was charged with obstruction of justice and disorderly conduct for what happened. At school board meeting shortly after is fifteen year old daughter was sexually assaulted in a bathroom school about them. By a boy wearing a skirt and smith, got five because the superintendent at that meeting denied any knowledge of any sexual assaults happening in school bathrooms, but he knew about its daughter. They collect and murder in pennsylvania that escape from prison still on the loose. But eleven days is now spot in more than twenty miles away from where the police had their initial search. You somehow slipped, the police perimeter. Stole a van had a north. He since ditch white Van arena, gas and he's change. It appears he's been knocking on people's doors and talking to the cameras to try to get inside convicted in the killing of his former girlfriend. He stabbed thirty eight times in front of her two children, always good to present a bit of sanity and california there's not much of it
Nepal, in the early times asked caliphs. In that they support cash reparations for black californians I was shot. Fifty nine percent oppose only twenty eight percent support latest proposal from the state is one point: two million for black californians san francisco is seeking. five million in reparation. Am I slater bill, or rather with your message today? Next did traditional found hardware and move your business to cloud based phone system, enable your teams to be mobile, more productive and communicate seamlessly from anywhere any time through one manageable solution to schedule: a free consultation at the modern office, dot com, tar for the really update message of the day, Monday? You may be aware that prison abundance, open border policy, which has led to about eight million
foreign nationals crossing into the united states since Biden's been in office? Has the havoc throughout the country. I know where is that best illustrated the and in new york city warehouse, so thousands of migrants have shown up. and they need food, shelter hospitalization for some and education, for children. Well, this city can afford it knew you hers in the highest taxed americans in the entire country. Now the lip World mayor Eric Adams is demanding Joe Biden, give him romani bought by says no and then There is the moral question reading in a bed in newsday the newspaper of long island and a catholic priest is writing.
that we have to be humane toward the migrants. Ok, that's what jean This would be humane toward poor people who need help, but the praise does not acknowledge that the taxpayer is need help well, most americans are living pay check. The page act and in order to pay for millions of foreign nationals, will have to raise taxes on those people, hey father, is that humane I'm bill O'Reilly. I approve the message by writing. It. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town, if you wish to opine now, let's go to the male mariamne keen salute a virgin. I am grateful for your daily messages. Thank you, marry
I hope everybody goes to bill, O'Riley, dot, com first thing in the morning and reads a message: okay, you are real and truthful appreciate. Reading the message every day I look forward to them. The world has become very scary, place, I'm seventy four. I was a public school teacher, We used to be a wonderful place. Why do they want to ruin it because they, the progressives, don't believe it used to be a wonderful place? If you get a hold of my book culture warrior, I outlined the whole thing in that book. John wrote me lincoln nebraska bill. What do you think a term limits movement for congress will succeed not not now, because these people want to keep their power as long as it can, but if there was a popular uprisings swell at my change
but where is now now Peter doberman, omaha nebraska you mentioned Mcconnell find sign in buying should resign because they can't do the job. Why didn't you include fishermen and their groupie, because we were talking about age old age? Vermin? Isn't in that category? Amphetamines? Physician personal physician says he is able to do its job case. It would be unfair. To put fetter mean in that I dont think fishermen can do his job by the way, but that's an opinion. Jean paquette Portsmouth, rhode, island You stated that mutual conall should resign, but kentucky as a democratic governor view, resigns with the governor, appoint a replacement, Turkey is a law that, if a senator
or anybody else has to be replaced by the governor. The governor has to pick three selections from the replacement person's party, so Mcconnell and three people would be given to the governor. I guess by the legislature the republicans in the legislature in it, but he'd have to pick person of that party. That's in kentucky in a moment, something you might not know. If you would allow me rate has convinced due to stay put in your house for a while. Now is the time to protect your homes, value when it comes to prioritizing home improvement projects, your foundation comes first. If you have or suspect foundation damage the time to call ram jack is now don't let foundation. Issues state, the value of your home, choose the professionals rammed jack train to identify foundation, damage and offer permanent, affordable solutions schedule
On side evaluation today at ram jack dotcom, that's ram jack dog com. Now the arrival of day brings you something you might not know. Twenty years ago. Today, the united states, suffered the greatest terror attack in history. nineteen, your hot assume, control of for commercial airliners crashing the jets in new york city northern virginia and pennsylvania between eight forty, five and ten thirty two thousand nine hundred seventy seven people were killed. Ten thousand seriously wounded by comparison. Twenty four americans die during the japanese attack on pearl harbor. In two thousand nineteen, the national memorial at the world trade center in new york city unveiled. A new edition. Unmarked granite labs honouring the growing list of victims who perished from this
These issues related to nine eleven officials estimate. Twenty five thousand people have developed life threatening illnesses from the toxic debris that fell over lower manhattan two decades after the attacks I've men are still facing charges at guantanamo bay for Plotting nine eleven the defendants are accused of directing training or providing financial support to the job. Hot is the trial was supposed to begin in january, two thousand twenty one, but was delayed because of cove. It. Now, the mastermind behind nine eleven may avoid the death penalty entirely lawyers from the justice department, are considering a plea deal with khalid shaikh, mohammed. That would spare his life
mohammed allegedly concocted the nine eleven attack with osama bin in nineteen. Ninety six, it was captured by a man can soldiers and has been detained at guantanamo since two thousand three twenty years and here's something else you might not. no, at the height of america's war on terror, seven hundred men were held. It get mom, affiliated with Al Qaeda as well amber two thousand twenty three this month, just thirty detainees remain inside the prison camp on you soil in cuba, the by ministries has vowed to close the detention centre. Be
for the end of the present his first term, but no plan has yet been announced back after this imagine having their own personal spying available to every single morning. Introducing the president's daily brief, with MIKE baker, from behind a desk of a seasoned intelligence officer, MIKE bridgestone globally been sent away once reserved for the president of the united states. New episodes every week day morning get briefed stay ahead. Is it a stately brief with MIKE baker subscribe now wherever you get your upon casts. Thank you for listening to me, o reilly update. I m o reilly no span just fact. and always looking out for you, The
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-12.