« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 9, 2023


Israel at war, Democratic socialists back Palestine, voters trust in government falls to an all-time low, and credit card debt mounts to deal with inflation.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, big changes in American society...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Imagine having access to incite set were once reserved only for the president of the united states, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. Every day c I a veteran mike bakeries, your personal intelligence officer door, key tool. Understanding, standing events like never before with our world changing rapidly. You shouldn't be left in the dark, get briefed stay ahead, new episode, every morning tune in to the president's daily brief. With MIKE baker no o reilly. Dear, you are listening to the orally update coming up. The new swift mike's, later you bet it is Monday october. Ninth, twenty twenty three here's it's happening today in america, israel at war democratic socialists, back palestine, voters, trusting government falls to an all time low and nine and ten families pile of credit card debt to cope with infinite. and that's all coming up.
They'll be here with your message at the deva first, over seven hundred israelis are dead and other Thousand wounded after a month, The tax cities across Israel, What say the terror group has adopted over one hundred hostages before returning to Gaza is, of course, in a more difficult for Israel to retaliate. Many too, acid, his ruddy music festival for peace, The one billion dollar iron dome system in Israel can keep up with the thousands of rockets there were coming in, and Rarely security cabinet officially declared war for the first time in fifty years, Salt took place on the anniversary of the nineteen seventy three war arab nations bombed the jewish state on the holy day of Yom kippur back here Thus, the democratic socialist of america. That's the political party of a o, Bernie sanders, ilan, omar and rashida to leave. They have organs. I protest in new york city on behalf, of the palestinians, the
publicize the event on social media, quoted solidarity with the palestinian people and their to resist. seventy five years of occupation and apartheid, congresswoman worry bush blamed the attack on america's military support for the jewish state, appall from pew fines, Just twenty percent of adults trust the government to do the right thing. That's down Seventy seven percent and ninety six in the seventies numbers, another twenty third, say politicians, gotta washed and serve their own interest, only six percent that our leaders are careful, but taxpayer dollars. Seventy. eight percent believe the country is moving in the wrong direction and the unhappy it is mostly blamed Joe Biden for the state of the nation and nation, hurting americans, new data from citibank, so nice. percent of americans carry credit card that every single month, because I prices only And percent of adults, Have a zero balance? The average family eight thousand dollars, for the banks
A third of americans have drained their savings account completely since coveted three years ago and twice the five percent of americans live within one hundred dollars of their maximum credit card lemon mice. Later from the podcast, politics by faith bill, o we'll be back with you. Our import method to the day. Next,. did you know water heaters lass about ten years or that refrigerators last thirteen as weeks, then our time in our house films. We rely on aging systems and appliances. I mean it's time to consider safeguarding your budget from unexpected expenses. American home shield, as a solution
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me direction. The country is taking what happening is that people are withdrawing into their own private worlds and that's made easy by technology. You know that computer. You got your smartphone, you, god new, to ban and theirs and that an end diversions all day long. so you really don't have to live in the real world. If you do not want to you I have to make a living. You have to go to work and your enough money to buy food and to have a place to sleep, but in your leisure time. The deal with anybody face to face of you don't want to You can do it all by the machines and this does is it sets up an insensitivity to the plight of other people, So it used to be that every neighborhood in the country, everybody knew each other. They help each other. There were free strong bonds,
somebody dies. Everybody comes in and help family, a kids in trouble neighbour, tell the parents about the kid in trouble, all of it. coordination, went on in america. That's traditional america. It's gone now in many places in this while towns, you have a remnant of it, but in the big cities it vanished so isolation is not good for a human being on any level. And these machines are robbing somewhat of armor. can pride, is something think about it. With other people. As much as you can I'm bill o. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill, bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male. Joe Russell knoxville tennessee bill. I want to know the news every day. What is doctor
jewels were all in conjunction with the money given to her husband and son, no idea, but she in two nice houses I have no idea- and it's not fair for me- to speculate mark so I used to love cnn, so I wrote a calm about our dishonest cnn is sancho on Reilly, dot com. Again, you don't need to be a member of any thing to redo. Com drops every sunday I use a luxury news, but when they started supporting be allowed on every program, I watched him any more. I also tried foxes for a while, but their ideas were too far out. Ok, that's why people are coming to us. Then I get what they want on cable Jeffrey bill. What cnn and did was vile thanks to bring to your attention. I hope you get even with them. I don't know
even with them. I want to expose them not an honest agency anymore. Simply not, and I provide all a back up for that in the column that's posted on the lower Sean wayland pine built north carolina, I was hoping cnn would change for the better when discovery took over the company. Well, it looks like cnn does not change. The same old place has been for several years in business. For the Democrats, I think that's accurate, I think that's accurate there in business. They helped the democratic, progressive movement In my mind, Brenda clog, the woodlands, texas, less night's interview, Tucker Carlson, was informative. Thank you for doing it. Why became a member of very first rigour and business? Will? Thank you brenda. So nice of you we're opening personal, it was informal and find a watch us what we try to do. I you you to have information, but we make it fought. Killing witches
We are going to get an awful lot of information out of that, but it's fun great halloween book that can be able to put it down. but something you might not know. imagine having your own personal spy available to you every single morning, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. from behind the desk of a seasoned intelligence officer, MIKE brimstone Believing sent away once reserved for the president of the united states, new weapons suits every week day morning, get briefed stay ahead. The Residents daily brief with MIKE baker subscribed. Now, whenever you get your on casts. now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know. Today is columbus day in the: u s say well, parts of it. anyway Tina states have vanished column stay. However, the italian explorer is widely acknowledged as
The first european to formally discover the new world the kings floating around bud thing was made official, in polling, says half of americans do not know the true story behind Columbus's discoveries Here's how the voyage of Chris really went out. after working as a sailor, Columbus believed he knew a better to asia. Terry safari, the west. He lobbied monarchs across Europe. Finally, securing money from the spanish crowned king ferdinand queen isabella agree to finance the trip offering Columbus the title of governor for any territory. He discovered along the way. in fourteen ninety two, forty one year old captain set sail with a crew of ninety men. Five, Weeks later they made landfall. On an island in the caribbean. It was
name and door. Which is now in the bahamas chain adverse europeans thought they were in Japan right about the caribbean, indians. He encountered Columbus said quote these man, wherever they are from automatic, good servants for they repeat very quickly. Whatever we say to them on quote fourteen ninety three chris returned to spain was granted the title of admiral of the oceans. During lifetime columbus, low, three, more expeditions to the new world, but he never accomplish getting a western route to asia. Chris died and fifteen o six at the age of fifty five historians. Believe me, like we perish from arthritis and here's something else. You might not now colombia's obviously is not as popular as we want. Swaps, quoting
all published by news: weak eighty percent of americans under the age of thirty one to ditch columbus day for indigenous peoples, that swap, would end the annual celebration that dates all the way back to seventeen. Ninety two and honours italians in america back after this. This is attorney mark J, victor with the attorneys for freedom law firm here to warn you about some of these concealed carry associations offering to sell you their self defense protection plan. Did you know that if you were charged with a criminal act, their contracts as they won't cover you, where you may be required to reimburse, if you're a gun owner check out our attorneys on retainer programme, where a real law firm, not some insurance company and would be honoured to have you as our client for more information visit us online and attorneys on retainer dont? U s. thank you for listening to your riley update. I am below riley no spin
just facts and always looking out for you. All right, I hear the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-10.