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The O'Reilly Update, October 7, 2023


The Weekend Edition of The O'Reilly Update!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
When you ve got better hygiene, your business performs better and talk can how you get there as a leading global brandon, workplace hygiene. They get how important it is to sweat the small stuff notice. Every detail I keep striving to make your business run better from claiming calls to toilet paper. Talk offers a broad range of dispenses. Ray bills and services that can help you cut waste claymore sustainably and even avoid run out with data driven cleaning, better hygiene for better business performance visit, talk, usa, dot com for slash hygiene, talk, think ahead. Reilly. Here you are listening to the weekend. Edition of the arrival update coming up the new swift mike's later thanks bill is this happening this week in america, airplane crash rates tick higher another dog gone and the air, be guest for home. How tall coming up The bill beer. With your message, the deva, firstly fedex airplane cry
The chattanooga airport. They plain had landing gear failure during its final approach. It circled airport a few times, but had to come down eventually crash landed, skidded off the runway into the No fire occurred and the three people on the plane were uninjured about. Forty five percent of airfreight is true supported at the bottom of passenger planes and there s dark. Cargo planes, no one ever thinks about, but the fedex hub in Memphis. Is the largest cargo airport in the world. and an awesome place to take a tore. It's like that scene with all the doors from monsters ink, but in real life. Mortgage rates hit seven point or nine percent off from some point three one last week, two years ago, its were too is of courses hurting homes, sales, fewer people can afford to buy a home with those rates people are even sell and over ninety percent of homeowners have mortgage rates under six percent
people are reluctant to put their home for sale supplies law, which is keeping the prices high. about and dog a german shepherd Fifthly, been booted from the white house, gives biting people. When the world's gonna first, ladies communications director said. They remain grateful for the patience and support. of the. U s: secret service and all involved they continue to work through solutions why they think for the patience of the secret service, because that's what the dog kept biting secret service agents. We have. air be guessed from hell story, los angeles, six month, rental of a guest house, The rental agreement ended Eighteen months ago the person has left a job just ruled that the squatter can't be evicted and to make it The squatter claims that the home owner Started construction outside so few rooms and other odors went into the guest house she claims the owner played music on. I long place rotting, trash her
door shut off the high water pad like the mailbox and unlocked We entered the union torone human, which led to a breach in the quiet enjoyment of her home so counter suing. She could. At the homeowner owes her money and the judge again rule that this person cannot be evicted undercut. when you law reason, ten million, my california, such a ridiculous state MIKE's later slater bill, o the author of killing the witches with your message today. Next Patients first, you here at a lot in health care, but you don't already see it that's Physician associates come in, please go the extra mile to make you the priority, using their medical training and expertise to address your specific health needs and taking the time to listen, explain and follow up. Every Physician associates go beyond to ensure that you receive the care you deserve see held there redefining healthcare at ph? Go beyond dot com.
now for the really update message of the day democratic in showed the need once again that they are far more cohesive than their republican peers. Not one damn not want voted for speaker Mccarthy to retain his job and saw for the first time in american history. As you have heard, a speaker of the house is dismiss. Eight republicans cast ballots to oust mccarthy, led by congressmen. Matt gates, who believes the former speaker is not tough enough on liberal policies and high government spending so gates. One
but his party lost with the presidential election. Thirteen months way, the grand old party has shown weakness to thy nation. Kevin Mccarthy is a consensus seeger and in this polarize country that did not play well among some on the far right. In theory, limiting government spending is vitally important, but at this point the mad gates brigade does not have the votes to stop the fiscal mad.
This, the democrats in president Biden have unleashed. So it is farewell to Mr Mccarthy as speaker of the hats, hey kevin. We hardly knew you. It was unfair. He did not deserve this, and the reason is a core reason and mccarthy was booted is that there is no leader at this point in the republican party donald it is not really a republic any a populist. No leadership leads to chaos. I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill, O'Reilly, dot, com, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male donna, mad gets and faced all of those congress.
And down, and with total tell with that one, every single thought he had quick and intelligent responses to each of the rights of dynamism that gets fat. This is another donna, care. We have one daughter life's get neither donna, concierge member direct access to me. I'm very weary every possible again who can get their act together? Why can't republicans taken age and democrats. Playbook go behind closed doors park there, overheated egos at the door closed rank. Do what is right for the country in the american people. I don't know what perhaps because they have no later than me. That's why patricia timings. Everything truly there is no room for personal and in data within a party to win the hearts and votes of the people asked it's cheney. How that one worked out, I think by gets is going to great, but he did, but that just a yes re affair
los angeles, California. I thought for change, is to be brought there had to be standing on. We have a climate, I'm were of any liners insurers complaining about donald trump in new york city, so wisely skates going forward because, The attorney general says new york state its complaint, the people of new york, state trump, somehow offended them or hurt them. That's why this is a which did I tell you the story. So, if I didn't know, I am sorry to be repaired, so I said to a trump guy: can every time Donald trump says the words which one can you hold up, killing, which is blue My book, I would be really good. Publicity cause is the same thing for what we're getting into in a book in a moment,
something you might not now imagine having your own personal spy available to every single morning, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker, from behind a desk of a seasoned intelligence officer, MIKE breaks down globally been sent away once reserved for the president of the united states. New episodes every week day morning get briefed stay ahead. The president's daily brief with MIKE baker subscribe now, wherever you get your podcasts now, the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know. Mobile tourism industry suffered catastrophic law. Whose during covered air travel, Hotels, restaurants, dropped ninety two percent worldwide before the virus, half of all americans took at least one family vacation each year. Now that figures up to sixty percent,
If you are planning a get away here, are the most visited cities in the usa, rank by travel magazine safer just go number ten twenty million tourists every year, but that number crater ring because of public. This order in the streets of san francisco. What would he are malden, say next Boston, great town. My army denver, then las vegas sin city is home to twitter of the world's largest hotels. So also the brightest, place on the planet. Visitors to International space station can see thus strip while orbiting earth, number five most visited city seattle then angeles chicago and new york. The big
apple is a hot spot for global visitors. Thirty percent of tourists visiting n Y see come from europe or asia. the top city in amerika for tourists, orlando florida. Seven five million people descend on orlando each year to visit disneyworld universal studios and see work. always travel generates major dollars. Of course, the average household spends we in five and nine thousand, box on a family vacation total tourism generates about to turn billion dollars a year for the american economy. That industry directly employs ten million workers accounts for two percent of the entire gross domestic product. The traveller History is a top and in ten states for why you florida main alaska, nevada, louisiana and theirs
may I wish you might not know for Looking to say of a little money, a popular tourist destined, asian last summer was the humble campsite. Thirty june set of families spend at least one weekend enjoying the outdoors average price for camping in america. Eighteen dollars a night back after this. Hi guys liz wheeler here my brand new book hide your children. Exposing the marxists behind the attack on america's kids is out now get your copy at hide your children book dot com. My book is a massive critique of the republican party and how the republican party is to blame for the cultural insanity that we are suffering right now, because the republican party has not fought well against the marxist enemy that we are facing in my book. I offer a solution for how we can fight back effectively go to hell.
And your children book dot com to get your copy. Today. That is the weekend edition of the riley update, no spin, just facts. We are always looking out for What, if you could choose, medical provider who makes you the priority: a provider who truly listen to your concerns, answers your questions and explains your treatment, a provider who sees you as more than just there. Next patient for more than fifty years physician associates have been going beyond for patients providing high quality care. That says personal as it is comprehensive, giving you the confidence that, when you see appear there only priority is you learn more at p s go beyond dot com.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-08.