« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 5, 2023


Still no Speaker of the House, a massive healthcare strike hits the U.S., bedbugs plague Paris, and Disney is the gayest company in America.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, Democrats show they’re more cohesive than Republicans.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Imagine having access to incite said were once reserved only for the president of the united states introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker. Every day c I a veteran mike bakeries Europe snow intelligence officer, your key to understanding globally events like never before without world changing rapidly You shouldn't be left in the dark, get briefed stay ahead, new episodes every morning tuning. The president's daily brief with MIKE baker no o reilly. Here you are listening to the arrival of date coming up, The new swift mike's later thank you. Ballot is Thursday October fit the twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, a real government shut down Largest strike of its kind in history watch out for paris and disney has never been more gay talk
up the bill will be here with your message today versus the real government shut that now phony bologna government, shutdowns, where I think we have to shut down the national parks. This is a real. Governments are done, ass, big ass. If nothing had happened to republicans Fifthly, put their name in the running Jim Jordan from oil and steve squeeze from Louisiana. If squeezes cancer You'd think he'd be hard to travel and raise money during cancer treatment Hopefully, whenever the vote takes place, it's fewer than the fifteen it took to get. Mccarthy. In his seat, speaking to shut down the largest healthcare strike in. U S, history is going on right now. Seventy five thousand unionized employees of keyser Permanente walked if the job california colorado washed in virginia organ in DC. It's for percent of the staff overall, basically everyone, except for the doctors and nurses, not emergency and elective surgeries. The hospital recommends to reschedule, but that yours will remain open, wide.
For the bedbugs in paris, only ten months before the twenty twenty four summer olympics paris is crawling with bedbugs, and they're, not just in beds. By the way, the reason they're called bedbugs is because they tend to come out at night to feed on human blood. Doctors suggest doing an inspection of your hotel room under mattresses and curtains, looking for them If I travelled, you should keep your luggage in the bathroom the bedbugs d like the tile floors. They also recommends spraying ice approachable, alcohol on on fabrics. the bedbugs will come out of their hiding places. They don't like the rubbing uncle the gay and lesbian alliance against defamation, glad released its annual studio responsibility index attracts how much algae bt q content four movie studios, popping out each year, a number one of the top of the list disney busy studios included.
how would you be taking characters in all five of the disney theatrical releases? I'm glad celebrated that algae. Dickie representation was groundbreaking kids and family spaces disney release. Fifty nine films last year, twenty four of them or algae beating you inclusive, so two percent of the population and forty one percent of your children's movies. That's why some colleagues, coming, I might slater the author of killing the witches pillow riley with their message today. Next.
The my biggest goal is to make as much money as I can to help with most people as I can go through crap, and you still just give it your all that we don't come from kings and I know I'll make it to the nfl the survive. This is my turn. My life watch music city football track for on titans youtube available. Now, time now for the iraqi update message of the day on this thursday democrats in the house
well the nation once again that they are far more cohesive than their republican peers, not one damn not what voted for speaker, mccarthy to retain his job and so for the first time in american history. As you have heard, a speaker of the house is dismissed. Eight republicans cast ballots to oust mccarthy led by congressman matt Gaetz, who believes a former speaker is not tough enough on liberal policies and high government spending so gates one, but his party lost with the presidential election. Thirteen months away, the grand old party has shown weakness to the nation. Kevin Mccarthy is a consensus seeker and in this polarized country that did not play well among some on the far right. In theory, limiting government spending is vitally important.
But at this point the mad gates brigade does not have the votes to stop the fiscal madness that democratic president Biden have unleashed. So it is farewell to Mr Mccarthy, as speaker of the hats, hey kevin. We hardly knew you. It was unfair. He did not deserve this, and the reason is a core reason and mccarthy was booted is that there is no leader at this point in the republican party. Donald It is not really a republican he's. A populist! No leadership leads to chaos. I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing. It you can reach me bill
bill. O'reilly dotcom com, bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male Donna mad gets stood. and faced all of those congress and down we went toe with that one, every single time he had quick and intelligent responses. Each of the rights of dynamism that gets this is another Donna care. We have one daughter likes, get neither donna, concierge member direct access to me, I'm very weary every possible again who can get their act together? Why can't republicans taken Age and Democrats playbook go behind closed doors park there. Overheated egos at the door closed rank, do what is right for the country in the american people. I don't know what perhaps because they have no later. Maybe that's what
patricia timings everything. Truly, there is no room for personal vendetta within a party that wants to win the hearts and votes of the people ass with Chinese out. One worked out, I think by catch is gonna three great, but he did, but that just a gets re at fell. Los Angeles California, I thought for changes to be broad. There had to be standing on. We have a climate, I'm not we're of any liners insurers complaining about donald trump in new york city so wisely scale going forward, because
the attorney general, says new york state its complaint. The people of new york state from somehow offended them are hurt them. That's why this is a which did I tell you the story. So if I didn't, I am sorry to be repaired, so I said to a trump guy: can every time Donald trump says the words which one can hold up killing, which is please my book. I would be
Good publicity, whose is the same thing, what we're getting into in a book in a moment, something you might not now imagine having your own personal spy available to every single morning, introducing the president's daily brief with MIKE baker, from behind a desk of a seasoned intelligence officer, MIKE breaks down globally, been sent away once reserved for the president of the united states. New weapons suits every week day morning get briefed stay ahead. The president's daily brief with MIKE baker subscribe now wherever you get your upon casts now they arrived. I praise you something you might not know. mobile tourism industry suffered catastrophic lawsuits during cove iD area. have hotels, restaurants drop. Ninety two percent worldwide
before the virus. Half of all americans took at least one family vacation each year. Now that figures up to sixty percent If you are planning a get away here are the most visited cities in the usa rank by travel magazine safer. just go number ten. Twenty million tourists every year bought that number create a because a public. This order in the streets of san francisco, what would he are malden, say next: boss, great town my army denver, then las vegas sin city is home to plenty of the world's largest hotels, so also the brightest place on the planet, visitors to the international space station can see thus strip, while orbiting earth number five most visited city, seattle
then los angeles, chicago and new york, the big apple is a hot spot for global visitors. Thirty percent of tat Visiting n Y see come from europe or asia. top city in amerika for tourists, Orlando Florida, seven five million people descend on orlando each year to visit disneyworld universal studios and see work. All this travel generates major dollars. Of course the average household spends. We in five and nine thousand box on a family vacation, total tourism generates about to try billion dollars a year for the american economy. That Industry directly employs ten million workers accounts for two percent of the entire gross domestic product. the travel industry is a top and in ten states for why you florida
may in alaska, nevada, louisiana and theirs. Now you might not know for looking to say of a little money, a popular tourist destiny asian last summer, was the humble campsite, thirty two percent of them, spend at least one weekend enjoying the outdoors average price fork
helping in america eighteen dollars a night back after this o reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the riley update and much more without commercials premium and cause you urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill o reilly dotcom premium ever today and enjoy listening to my podcast
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-06.