« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 31, 2023


It’s 1 year until the presidential election, an Israeli soldier is released, pharmacy employees strike, and a "bad parenting" surcharge.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, Kamala Harris’ softball 60 Minutes interview.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I I might bigger cia veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotify or wherever you get. Your body. get briefed stay ahead with the president's daily brief, the low year. You are listening to the arriving update coming up the new swift mike's later. Thank you bail. It is tuesday, october thirty, first happy all hollows eve. Here's is happening today in america One year away, soldier hostage, released pharmacists, on strike and a new surcharge at one restaurant vulcan, Nothing will be here with your message of the day before the presidential election is three hundred and seventy days away
CBS his bill whittaker, common harris, the binding harris ticket is running neck and neck would Donald trump. Why are you not thirty points ahead? which reminds me of one of the all time great clips of Hillary Clinton in September before Twenty sixteen election that she said. Why aren't I fifty points ahead? You might ask no, never get it. the IRA caucasus, are january fifteenth so that these holiday months, are going to be over before you know it, and as soon as you come up for air after you put your christmas tree back in the garage or down to the gerb, it's iowa caucus time. And israeli soldier who was kidnapped by Hamas has been released this the fifth hostage that's been released. None have been rescued. Yet a twenty three year old, german israeli woman who was captured from the music festival, There was a video of her that went around of her body being paraded through the streets of Gaza and the back of a truck she's been founded
more than two hundred sixty bodies were found at the music festival site itself see vs walgreens have started there three day, walk out across the country to demand that the company fix what they say are harsh working conditions that make it difficult to safely. bill prescriptions, but these are non union employees. So I said Our walk out like this is harder to coordinate. So maybe your local pharmacies, in normally. The complaint is that the farmers are understaffed. So there actually not asking for more money. There are before their employer to hire more people. a survey and twenty twenty one from the american pharmacists association seventy four percent of farmers who work or say they don't have enough time to safe perform non clinical work arrest in Georgia has started a new surcharge, we've seen different credit card surcharges, a minimum wage surcharges or healthcare surcharges. This is a surcharge for poor
parenting Your kids are loud or messy or running around tacked onto your bill. Fifty dollars one cup got into an argument with who they thought was just their server and said I want to talk to the owner. He said I am the owner think of a fifty dollar bad parenting surcharge on myself, bill o'reilly with your message today. Next I I might beggar, c. I a veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotify or wherever you get your boss guest, get briefed. stay ahead with the president's daily brief time now for the really update message of the day on this tuesday. Vice.
Israel calmly Harris got a pretty soft ride. On sixty minutes, Sunday corresponded bill, Whittaker was based. We gentle in his questioning, allowing this harris to dodge her Popularity in the polls and utter failure on border policy, but that wasn't even in peace. britain, because most intelligent people well understand. Ms Harris has no answers across the board, as they say in texas, she's all had no cattle The most interesting part of the chad, which was rather dull, is the timing. The sixty minutes. Crew had to know Calm was offered because president Biden is in trouble, Whittaker, scrip focus how involve the vice president is with the administrations decisions. she's very, very, very, engage with everything, and don't you forget it
The euro of calmly harris is network news standard issue these days, both CBS and the white house gain. So let's keep things nice. So we can do it again? Y'all come back. Now here by A subtle signal was set calmly. Harris is open for business, just in case her boss can't make it did. I mention she is very involved, I'm bill o. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me. Bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine Let's go to the male sinclair short ache in south carolina. Why does Israel not take out IRAN's ports. And oil refineries right now, because I would start a bigger war.
And you'd make IRAN a victim. We do that unless IRAN does something first. Now. I know they ve done something by training, moss and arming Hamas and funding of mars. I know that but it's gotta, be more visible bill forest would bring. virginia Hamas marshy addis, believe they have the right to kill anybody, even innocent people and children. What Theology promotes this kind of barbarism there. It Hamas is not a thief well now I know you word jihadis holy war, but that's just basically a rationalization for terrorists to do it. You said they did bill schoolchildren, thought of theology sought a religion, so movement Leslie I haven't neck dallas texas. You said the broadcast The by demonstrations so maintains the programme that you described in killing the killers. That's right,
If so, why haven't we heard about the retaliation for numerous tax on american basis because their top secret? here, too, no report is in the area in africa in particular. American special forces engage a lot kid. I can hear it. The government doesn't want people to know where our forces are and what they're doing again ass were killing the killers. Tells you Bonnie, we are doomed, civilization, already past point of no return when half the country, while the other half gets. It is our political parties, the greatest threat to the country. There is now coming back cycles, bonnet historical cycles k, so we could come together. I think critical mass is approaching. I think the progressive far left is going to take a big hit by twenty four is a key election. In our nations. History, no doubt about it in a moment, something you might not know. There's a lot
noise and very little signal out of Israel. There's a lot of propaganda lot of misinformation, disinformation and bad media reports what's actually happening on the ground and where does it had? I Merrick Eriksson? I will explain to you the state of play in Israel to hear the special episodes ascribed to the erika ericsson, podcast on apple bud, guess spotify or wherever you go we're pot guests. Now they rarely up day brings you something you might need, No, on this day in ninety forty one thousand a federal workers finished a fourteen year project origin, They called america's shrine to democracy. The ring, outside is now one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world. Here is the story of mount rushmore. in eighteen, sixty eight, the united states signed a peace treaty with the sioux nation. The agreement recognised the black hills, the dakota territory as sorry, friends sue land
The deal was violated a few years later, when suddenly discovered gold in the mountains war is like sitting bowling crazy horse load of fierce resistance, but were eventually subjugated by the: u s army after world war, one officials in washington wanted to attract tourists out west now, russia was conceived in nineteen twenty five construction, big two years later, the presidency on the mountain each represent a specific historical event. Joy washington for the revolution promised ever since the louisiana purchase abraham. leg in the civil war, roosevelt, the panama canal, too, the heads into the stone workers detonated more than twenty thousand pounds of tea and tea Despite the dangerous enterprise, no lives were lost construction
I finished on halloween day. Nineteen forty want the total project, cautious nine hundred thousand dollars. That is eighty. Million today more than ever, Five million people now visit mount rushmore each year. It is the most popular traction not located on the east or west. host and hear something else you might not know now: Rushmore remains unfinished space. As for adding new faces to the monument to a new york times, survey from two thousand and eighteen sixty Six percent of americans would like to see franklin. Roosevelt added to rushmore, followed Dwight eyes in our eleven percent, brought obama. Seven ronald
again five now rushmore is worth visiting. I had a great time out there and make sure you check out the not quite finished crazy horse monument just miles away back after this o reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free.
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-02.