« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 29, 2020


The presidential election now 5 days away, Philadelphia imposes a curfew to stop the riots, Disney World fires more workers in Florida, the UK cancels Christmas over CoVID, 8 in 10 Americans now seriously stressed-out over the country’s future.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, what will happen to the media AFTER the election?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
reilly they october twenty nine two thousand and twenty you are listening to the o'reilly update here's what's happening across our nation presidential election now five days way though althea imposing a curfew to stop rioting nay world fire more workers the u k castles christmas over cove it eight in ten americans now seriously stressed out over the country's future also i had will the collapse of the media directly affect how americans vote but first more than seventy five million of us have already cast valets for joe biden or donald trump letters pulling says the two candidates basically are tied in ten ground states the president
targeting the media in his final pitch the voters saying quote we don't have freedom of the press we have suppression of the press more on this in the message of the day philadelphia during a city why curfew to stop protest violence all residents told stay in i'd between nine p m and six asia more than two hundred fifty people have been arrested riding started earlier this week following the police shooting of a man wielding a knife at least forty five officers have been injured as another liberal run city veers of control disney employees in orlando florida facing another round of lay offs the corporal firing live performers from attractions in restaurants rout the park some products have been running since nineteen seventy four disney has lost more than
billion dollars and revenues and covert struck in march the authorities in the uk wanting warning residents there against congregated for christmas visuals threatening to physically break up gatherings of more than six people in london and other major cities great britain now witnessing roughly twenty thousand new cases of covert each day the highest since april eighty three percent he was adults report severe anxiety over the fate of the nation and other seventy two percent believe america is at its lowest point since the revolutionary war a majority so racial tension covert and the impending presidential election as a source of stress but things will get better first strike the vaccine however things will not improve for the corrupt media that
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i would build twenty at checkout to get twenty percent off your bill that's g r i p six the number dot com code bill to zero ton now for the o'reilly update message of the day no matter what happens on tuesday the american media will be the big loser from george stephanopoulos asking cupcake questions of joe biden to sixty minutes correspondent lesley stahl telling president trump there is no verification of spying on his two thousand
sixteen campaign to the failure to cover at all financial questions regarding the vine and family the media has been a disaster this election year and is now a totally corrupt industry there is no doubt about that corporations control ninety percent of the national news flow when president tromp leaves office that could be for more years or it could be for more months when that happens the television news industry will collapse the cause americans no matter what their belief system no they cannot do and on tv news or their major newspapers for honest information it's quite clear
now i know all the players i know george stephan apple no less way stall and i have to say that i am surprised that they would go in the tank for joe biden but maybe i'm the one that's naive maybe i'm the one that's not seeing clearly because from the very beginning of donald trump quest for the white house the corporate media has looked upon him
as a vault garrison and then against all odds when he won the presidency four years ago the press was appalled there are two reasons mr troms personal style of fans the fat cats in the corporations and secondly he has embraced the conservative movement because they are his core supporters and the corporate media in america is decidedly and fervently liberal so you could make a case that donald trump has really destroyed the american media because they hate him so much that they ve corrupted their coverage of politics and its true there's no two sides to this story the hunter bide in situ
whether you think it's important or not is a legitimate news story it is being left out by the major networks by the major newspapers and two out of the three cable news operations that means you cannot get information about it again whether your liberal or conservative that's a fact so why on earth after the presidential action is over would you invest any time in the american media they are not going to tell you the truth will anyone think that george definite a abc news is chief corresponded is worth listening to anymore anyone and sixty minutes mike wireless
mike while as you must be rolling over the american media is done i'm know o and i approve the message by actually writing it how much something you might not know did you know that sick the eight percent of brand content created is never used which means all that time and money is spent creating custom videos documents and ad creative goes down the drain but not with brand folder grant folder keeps brand assets up to date and in use allowing you to scale your marketing efforts more effectively the result is greater creative impact faster speed to market and optimized collaboration across internal and external teams worldwide to your brand a favourite with rand folder learn more at brand folder dot com we have to reach you something you might not now ninety one years ago today more than sixteen million shares with suddenly soul and the new york stock exchange billions of dollars lost thousands of businesses when
under millions of americans saw there savings disappear in minutes october twenty nine nineteen do not also known as black tuesday at the beginning of the great depression the usa and the rest of the world would plunge into a decade of the longest lasting economic downturn in the history of western civilization but what exactly cause the crash well during the nineteen twenty is the euro stock market underwent rapid expansion reaching its peak in august nineteen twenty nine after a period of rapid speck elation during the roaring twenty that meant foe were borrowing money too by risky stocks prices began to decline in september nineteen twenty nine october eighteen
four began panic soon set in millions of people ran to their banks to withdraw their money others immediately sold stock at any price just to get out by nineteen thirty two three years later the u s stock market was worth just twenty percent of what it once was nearly half of america's banks had fat president roosevelt new deal struggle to revive the economy and had a little success but it was america's entry into world war two years later that really relaunched the stock market and the american economy investments in mining steel energy and agriculture help propelled the usa to the strongest economy on earth by the end of the war nineteen forty five and here's something else you might not know one of the biggest
there's behind black tuesdays rapid meltdown was the aging infrastructure on wall street all technology and a rapid rise in volume and tickers were running hours even days behind but i people realise what happened fortunes were lost and lives were ruined defect the problem new york city officials install new cable systems and a backup generator most of that equipment still used today
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.