« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 29, 2019


House Democrats schedule their first formal vote on impeachment, Joe Biden refuses to acknowledge President Trump’s ISIS raid, 7 in 10 millennials support socialist candidates, the Air Force’s mystery space plane returns to earth after 2 years in orbit, ‘Escape from LA’ as Hollywood celebrities flee the wildfires.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, is legalizing marijuana a good idea?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the the riley here tuesday october twenty nine two thousand and nineteen you are listening did you really update here's what's happening across our nation has democratic scheduler their first formal vote on impeachment joe biden refuses to acknowledge president trumps isis its success seven and ten millennials may support socialism the air force mistreat space plain returns to earth escape from our way as hollywood celebrities flee the wildfires also i had the messages legal part a good thing but first democratic announcing their plans to hold a formal vote on the impeachment inquiry regarding present in trouble
legislators will finally cast a ballot on the controversial move after weeks of closed door meetings there are currently seven democrats most in districts won by donald trump in two thousand and sixteen who refused to comment on whether they will support impeachment if it comes that the republicans call all thing a sham your by refusing to give the president credit for the operation that took out isis mastermind al bag daddy flat out insisting quote its clear that this victory was not due to donald translator ship may remember mr biden did praise barack obama forgetting of osama bin laden even though the vice president opposed the mission a new walls as america's you far more liberal than previous generations the u gov survey shows seventy percent millennials are likely to vote for a socialist candidate if given the option one
in three millennials view communist policies favourably and one in ten think president trump has caused more death and human rights violations that stalin and hitler results speak very poorly to america's educational system the airforces mysterious ex thirty seven beast based plain back to earth after seven hundred eighty days in orbit the unmanned vehicles successfully landing at ass kennedy space center near orlando florida the solar powered craft designed to spend years in space where the ninety percent of its payloads admissions remain high we classified meaning we will not know if allianz hitched arrived back massive wildfires plague in los angeles causing somehow i was celebrities flee their mansions
this year's include arnold schwarzenegger egg maria shriver and nba superstar lebron james the inferno has now destroyed about five hundred acres in west allay that's about the size of the country of monaco in a moment legalizing pot good or bad right back with it finding a good real estate agent who understands your needs can be incredibly difficult my friend glenn back started the service real estate agents i trust dot com to make sure you get connected with agents who are ambitious and have a long and successful track record their agents who are experts in your town and do business like you with your values i heard a story of a family is home had been on the market for more than a year and they were facing a difficult scenario of what to do next they learn about real estate agents i trust and after contact a real estate it was able to go and make some changes to the house
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lawmakers move to ban marijuana following the repeal of prohibition in the nineteen thirty painting the drug is far worse than alcohol and quote a growing social minutes unquote twenty nine states initially ban marijuana which was then outlawed completely in nineteen thirty seven fast forward to today right now there are eleven states that permit the consumption of marijuana for recreational use alaska caliph yeah nevada oregon washington colorado illinois michigan vermont massachusetts in may you must be twenty one to purchase pot justice tobacco and additional twenty two states of legalised the use of marijuana for medical purposes prescribed by a doctor which is easy because many pot shops
often higher their own doctors who write scripts for anything one in seven you us adults use marijuana on a semi regular basis according to studies nine percent of americans have consumer marijuana in the last thirty days the national survey on drug use and health claims two percent of u s adults now have a map i wanna abuse problem at approximately six point six million people marijuana accounts for sixty seven percent of new drug treatment admissions for teenagers big problem of young people major factors in teen abuse are the availability of marijuana and the perceived harmlessness of the drop despite link
safety in a report from the department of public safety shows felony marijuana cases for crimes like inspirited distribution in possession actually increased from two thousand fifteen two thousand seventy that's because pushers can now by the drug legally in some states and transported to other states where its illegal also states that have legalised by what i have seen big increases in u i accidents raising public safety concerns colorado is one of the first stage in the usa to legalise recreational marijuana back in two thousand twelve recent data shows pot shops generate more than a hundred ten million dollars a month in the rocky mountains state but the question american should address is the war
venus of adding yet another in toxic and to the legal marketplace it's obvious that you cannot control pot use by policing that's impossible but the crimson lies in marijuana might be better than legalizing it outright because of the kids when something is legal children deem it acceptable and once a kid uses pot and gets intoxicated say goodbye to childhood ask any drug counselor and that's a message please check out my latest book the united states of tromp it's good you'll like it big het up next something you might not know millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or
serious illness if you are one of them and money is a problem you're not alone it's simple if you own a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars more than life guide partners can evaluate your coverage for free to see if you qualify for cash now when you need it the most be ready to take down this number if you own a life insurance policy sea of one hundred thousand dollars or more and you are living with a serious illness than life guide partners can evaluate your coverage free to see if you qualify for cash now so write this number down one eight eight eight guide fifty totally free to call get rid of those insurance premiums stop paying them
consider turning that life policy into cash the number again one eight eight eight guide fifty one aid aid aid for aid for three three five zero one eight aid aid i'd fifty call now now the really update breaching something you might not know more than two hundred and fifteen democratic members of the house apparently support impeachment proceedings against donald trump largely reaction to present troms july phone conversation with the leader
ukraine speaker nancy blowsy plans to hold the first formal vote on removing donald trump from office this week should democrats move forward with impeachment donald trump will become the third commander in chief to be impeached the second being bill clinton back and ninety ninety eight mr clinton was acquitted in the senate but the first effort by legislators to remove a chief exactly from the white house with way back in eighteen sixty eight andrew johnson hard drinking tough guy the seventeen president of the united states was born in eighteen oh wait in north carolina he would later be
am a congressman governor of tennessee united states senator and finally vice president on april fourteenth eighteen sixty five vice president johnson met president lincoln for the first time they didn't know each other at all old a b would be shot dead later that evening andrew johnson was not fit to run the country and chaos ensued over reconstruction of the south after the civil war his opponents and there were many trumped up pardon upon some charges against johnson he was emily impeached and convicted by the u s ended but lawmakers fail to gain two thirds now you did in the senate to remove it johnson would complete his term lose his party's nomination and refuse to take in the inauguration of ulysses s grant opting to write his horse from the white house insult two but there's something about our seventeen president you might not now andrew
not delivered his keynote speech in abraham ham lincoln second inauguration completely drunk he arrived in washington suffering from typhoid fever doctors recommended vast quantities of whisky to ease the pain break his temperature johnson willingly agree things got so bad bystanders had to physically remove andrew johnson after he nearly collapsed while swearing in new lawmakers a hundred and fifty one years later another impeachment effort is here so far no one has turned up intoxicated although it may seem that way back after it's an uncertain world out there you know that disaster can strike at any time so you need to be prepared to protect yourself your family one way to do that is with freeze dried food it tastes good its healthy can be stored for twenty five years
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euro five zero one thank you for listening to the arriving update i am below riley no spin just facts and always look out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.