« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 28, 2019


President Trump confirms the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Syria. Europe braces for possible terror strikes in the days ahead. Joe Biden's presidential campaign is running on empty. California declares a state of emergency after wildfires shut-down San Francisco. Florida turns to hunters to help control their exploding python population.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the no o reilly here monday october twenty eight two thousand nineteen you are listening to the orally update here's what is happening today in american president trumpet for the killing of isis leader outback daddy in syria europe bracing for possible terrorist strikes in the days ahead dubai presidential campaign running low on funds california declaring a state of emergency is wildfires go while florida turns to the folks to help control the exploding python poppy asian also coming up the message of the day criticism of the isis operation but first present i'm confirming u s troops killed by car l a bag daddy the world i'd leader of the ices sharing network monsieur trot dressing the nation from the white house saying albert daddy died like a dog crying whimpering and screaming the ices terror work as you may know as carried
ninety attacks in twenty one different countries killing more than fourteen hundred people inside syria an iraqi islamic state likely responsible for the deaths of more than fifty thousand civilians the usa concerted albert daddy a quote high value target offering twenty five million dollars for information that could lead to his car sure so somebody has a lot of money today but there when some negative reaction i'll deal with that in the next segment as in other european nations placing their security agencies on high alert warning terrorist sympathisers could plot revenge attacks against civilian targets in the coming days joe biden presidential campaign running low on cash the former vice and his team asking donors to quote ratchet up fund raising efforts as mayor of buddha judge bernie sanders and elizabeth worn are bringing in big dog
where's the should bind currently has less than nine million box compared with laurens thirty three million calvin declaring a state of emergency after local authorities ordered the mandatory evacuation of two hundred thousand people because of wildfires whether experts confirm wind of more than one hundred miles an hour are helping the flames that's the equivalent of a category two hurricane florida turning the hunters to tackle the everglades exploding python problem one applicants is reza all away from a wrought mohammed scurry requesting permission to join floored is pie it's an elimination team multi million dollar effort to stop the invasive species florida offers a cash bounty for every snake killed conall isis in a moment why some americans are not celebrating the assassination of the ices leader right back with that
millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or a serious illness if you are one of them and money is a problem you're not alone it's simple if you own a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more than life guide partners can evaluate your coverage for free to see if you qualify for cash now when you need it the most be ready to take down this number if you own a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars more and you are living with a serious illness than life guide partner we can evaluate you're coverage free deceive you qualify for cash now so right this number down one eight eight eight guide fifty totally free to call get rid of those insurance premiums stop paying them consider turning that life policy into cash
the number again one eight eight eight guide fifty one aid aid aid for aid for three three five zero one eight eight eight guy fifty call now time of the israeli update message of the day a reaction to u s special forces killing the isis leader in two thousand eleven u s intelligence pinpointed the hiding place of al qaeda air osama bin laden in pakistan president obama then canvas is top advisers about how to deal with the situation almost all of them including secretary of state hillary clinton encourage mr obama to order special forces raid on bin laden's compound and eventually that's what happened but there was one major dissenter vice president joe by his council was not to use military force parenting sure biden fearing below back from pakistan and political damage at home if the american action fail now
i thought of that this weekend when the ices busher outback daddy was killed by u s special forces in northern syria joe biden was quiet about the victory but present trump was not telling the world the isis leader got what he deserved and went out a coward eight years ago in laden killing united most americans we were happy the architect of nine eleven was gone i remember my operation soul thousands of bumper sticker set red seal one bin laden nothing the reference is to the navy seals but the tromp take down of the ices maniac what's not greeted with universal applause speaker that nancy policy wimp bird that she was an informed in advance well that i'd be madam because the prey and i believe you might leave work the raid in advance not a crazy thought
her fanatical cohort congressmen adam schiff issued a statement saying it was not the end of isis and criticising president tromp for his syrian policy no joy from schiff cnn a host jake tapir a devoted trump hater asked his audience what ices would do in response as if it should be a concern when trying to eliminate terrorists another cnn analysed said that where's the raid was a success people help america in the middle east might be put at risk as if they aren't at risk now talk about ridiculous blather
the sad truth is donald trump will never be praised for anything by his opponents no matter how much it benefits the country most of it as rightly praised barack obama for his bold action in taking out bin laden it was a rare sk descend navy seals into a foreign country without alerting the country's government which was harbouring been lot and pakistan has not paid a price for that by the way but present trump gives little credit from the opposition in sending out bag daddy to the nether world they don't really seem to care that the world is safer today because the president ordered the hit on baghdad it now when we get to this
i'd of extreme reaction we're americans are not praising the leader of isis is the mob you know there's something wrong something very wrong when hatred overrides the national good and ass a message please check out my latest what the united states have dropped i think you'll enjoy it more on the isis situation on bill o reilly dotcom something you might not know you ve been hearing about gold all over the news prices continue to climb not surprising experts recession could happen but pay attention to the bank some of them ran out a cash last monday night and had to borrow money from the federal reserve since last more than five hundred billion dollars has been printed and given to the bank's just so they can stay in business sound familiar remember in two thousand and eight when the fed had to bail out the banks while it's happening again americans looking for stability and many are turned
the gold and precious metals is a way to protect their savings in retirement that's why i recommend that you contact american hartford goal group now to learn more to get you started american harvard goal group will give you a free silver coin no purchase necessary all you have to do is column eight seven seven four four four g o l de gold that's eight seven seven four four forego oh please give them a call today to claim your free coin avail well for a limited time only eight seven seven four four four four six five three now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know planet earth is home to more than eight million different species of plants and animals and scientists many more lie undiscovered in the ocean
many of the creatures are well known for their friendliness to humans dolphins koala cats others are infamous for posing a major risk to those unfortunate enough to encounter them in their national habit that's here is some of the deadliest creatures on the planet ways and snakes kill more than fifty thousand people each year most we in india and africa the planet's deadliest serpent the black member can be and an tropical rain forests a single bite from that species is lethal to ninety five percent of all human beings in fifteen minutes and the member can actually stalk human beings crocodiles our next on the list the aggressive reptile kills more than a third i in human beings annually with experts saying the number could be much higher because eighty percent of all crocodile attacks occur in very
remote areas that don't have any communications the hippopotamus love by children across the planet is the world's deadliest large mammal killing about five hundred people a year hippos are notoriously aggressive in routine lee target boats and other man made vehicles like other animals that use poison or teeth hippos perverter crush their victims and average adult ways more than six thousand pounds that'll despite their scary reputations most of these animals will not kill as many people as domestic it dog's man's best friend they killed twenty five thousand human beings a year mostly from rabies and other diseases hello coup joe and here's other you might not now the planet's deadliest creature is actually much smaller and something most of us will encounter hundreds of times a year the lowly mosquito
side you say more than one million people a year die from diseases transmitted by the pets so if you are planning on heading outdoors any time soon you might run the other way of you see a mosquito blot you're probably much better off with a can of bugs spread a big can the rally update we'll be back after this bill o reilly here with an important message if you're a listener to this programme you may know how much i love docks today list talk about something i care about very much there are sound since of abandoned animals in the usa and these animals need your help them this is why i support it up with delta rescue the largest no kill care for live animals sanctuary in the world
delta animal sanctuary is i one of a kind rescue operation because they care for the animals for life their staff by specially trained attendance who look after the animals providing them with water treats toys and affection for more information on deltas tax saving estate planning vehicles please go to the website delta rescue dot org slow bill it leaves out all you need to know about growing your estate through tax savings which can help you bill the size of your estate while letting your computer for animals live well on into the future donate online today delta rescue dot org slash bill that's delta rescue dot org slash bill thank you for listening to the arrival update i am below riley no spin just facts and always looking out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.