« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 26, 2020


Congress moves forward on Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee, Americans flee California in record numbers, Opioid overdoses jump double-digits during the contagion, angry Italians riot in Rome over CoVID curfews, covens of witches cast a spell on Donald Trump this Halloween.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, what Joe Biden believes.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the riley monday october twenty six two thousand twenty you are listen to the arrival update here's years who today in america judge barrett likely to be confirmed to the supreme court today americans flee california in record numbers opiate overdoses jump during the contagion angry italians riot in rome over covert curfews coffins of witches cast a spell on president trump this halloween also ahead what is joe biden real
we believe but first a set holding a final vote on the confirmation of judge amy coney bear at present trumps third pick to join the supreme court latest poacher majority of americans do back berets approval while two thirds oppose the democrat plan to pack the supreme court after the election californians high income exit is breaking records of vicious believe nearly one million people have fled the golden state since march most earning more than a hundred thousand dollars a year folks there being forced out by california's liberal policies hide taxes crime and homelessness most californians now moving to texas arizona or nevada drug overdose as in the usa surging obi i'd fatalities up twenty five percent in maine fifty percent in kentucky seventy
percent in oregon and ninety percent in new york doctors the surge on social isolation unemployment and a disruption of drug treatment services during the pandemic riots erupting in rome as italian officials impose new covert shut down measures hundreds of most raiders battle police in the capital after two months of loch downs it is in italy have recently risen seven fold despite closing parks restaurants and beaches similar protests now taking place in spain switzerland in germany as people suffer economically from covert thousands of witches targeting president trump this week casting a binding spell so he loses the election the ladys claim to for moons in a month of october give them special powers to take
i the president the coffins try the same incantation into two sixteen didn't work as a black magic failed to deliver happy halloween in a moment what joe biden really thinks about america up next let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belts
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code bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero tonnes of the iraqi update message of the day joe biden and his country by the end of last week's second debate mr biden seem tired he looked at his watch and then appeared to be silently thinking who has my jammies it was closing in on and thirty but all joe was not a diminished guy on the stage degradation of a debate winner is the candidate help the most than present tromp want but biden held his own until the last round when he blurted out here to eliminate the oil industry i knew that all along but what i did not know until this week is exactly how joe biden feels about his country
yes he's a long standing public servant and that should be respected but as far as the nation is concerned i believe widens hard is not in the right place in a rare question and answer with a journalist of former vice president said quote america was idea we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal we ve never lived up to it on what that is are left view that the united states is not a noble nation because some citizens were and are are denied equal rights so we have to rearrange the entire country and create a powerful central government to impose social just you may remember that new york governor andrew como said pretty much the same thing when he opined america was quote never that great it is
the joe biden has bought into a governing concept that would harm some citizens in order to help others and if he is elected president many americans unlikely be hurt in the name of economic environmental and racial justice it is certainly true that our country has treated blacks and native americans unfairly throughout history a document that in my books killing crazy horse and killing lincoln and by the way most americans except that history is flawed not only here but in every single nation on earth the end two of the founding fathers was to provide a system that would allow freedom and the pursuit of happiness without government interference we father evolutionary war in the civil war to ensure that promise over here's hundreds of thousands of americans have died in conflict against tyranny
many of the colonists including some of the founders understood slavery was an insult to god and to humanity but the power did not exist in philadelphia back then to force this southern colonies outlined so asian arose with a brutal deficit does that mean america has never lived up to its promise no it does not the truth is joe biden does not accept is that the usa today provides more opportunity to pursue happiness than any country in the world poor and desperate p in honduras understand that mr biden does not after forty seven years in government joe biden does not seem to see the truth about america and he's not alone to me that is very sad i'm gonna riley and i approve that message by actually writing it disagree i want to hear from you bill
at bill o reilly dot com bill bill o reilly dot com and please consider my affirmation book killing crazy horse big best seller i think you will like it in a moment something you might not know six hundred thousand work hours and four million dollar saved in one year fifteen times r o y and sixty percent increased revenue do all those results sound impossible what what if i old you those were results from monday dotcom customers when all of you people in data are connected through one work platform you can achieve more than you ever imagine start your free trial in my they dot com rarely have day brings you something you might not know what hundred thirty nine years ago today to outfits squared off
in a dusty town on the american frontier the herb brothers against so called outlaw cowboy gang at the o k corral in tombstone arizona here's the real story behind america's most i miss western shoot out after discovering silver and some gold in the nearby hills around eighteen seventy seven tombstone quickly grew into the richest mining town in america wyatt earp a former kansas police officer moved to arizona with his brothers morgan and virgil and they became the law in tombstone the clarity and mc lorry brothers were bandits hulu on a ranch outside of tat working as cattle thieves and guns for higher in the following teen eighty was the cowboy is rode into tombstone for supplies booze and a little gambling on the morning of october twenty sixth
the gang had multiple run ends with the herb brothers and their friend doc holiday around three p m the outfit was found drunk in an empty lot behind the ok corral the famous gunfight last is less than a half minute about thirty shots were fired though it still debated who started the phrase is most report say the shoot began when virgil herb pulled out his revolver and shot billy clanton point blank in the chest when small cleared after thirty so hence billy and both mclaren brothers were dead virgil morgan and holiday were wounded but wider was unharmed and here is something else you might not know the local sheriff of coaches county
actually saw the shootout charge the herbs and dark holiday with murder one month later a tombstone judge found the men not guilty ruling they were quote fully justified in committing these homicides unquote the thirty second gun fired at the ok corral has been depicted more than fifty films dozens of books and is considered the most famous conflict in the american west back after this you know when you're thing at an urban be it might have crossed her mind comment european air bambi and if it could look at an earn you could be sitting on an air be and not even know it like maybe you have spare bedroom where friends or family crash every once in a while but when it sitting empty you could there be in bed
help pay for some bills or something more fun either way your home might be worth more than you think find out but said air be dark come flesh host the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.