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The O'Reilly Update, October 22, 2020


Trump and Biden prepare for the final debate, Obama returns to the campaign trail in Pennsylvania, New Jersey’s Governor enters contagion quarantine, Ireland brings back the national shutdown, a majority of millennials now “unhappy with Democracy.”

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, what questions would he ask the candidates in tonight's election?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
no bill o'riley here thursday october twenty second two thousand twenty you are listening to the rightly update here's what's happening across our nation the candidates for peace for the final debate president obama returns to the campaign trail in pennsylvania new jersey governor enters contagion quarantine ireland brings back the shut down a majority of millennials now unhappy with democracy was aware what i your humble correspondent would ask mr trump and mr biden if i were moderating the debate tonight but first the
president and joe biden travelling to nashville tennessee for their second and last face to face the debate will be divided into six fifteen minutes segments with each candidate given two minutes to respond unlike the previous debate moderator kristen welcome from nbc news will be allowed to mute the microphones to allow the candidates to answer on interrupted this debate is very important for donald trump brok obama stumping for mr barton in philadelphia the former president directly packing mr tromp saying quote he hasn't showed any interest in doing the worker helping anybody about himself and his friends on call this robot one pennsylvania by ten points against john mccain six points against mitt romney mr trump one against hillary clinton by half a percent
new jersey democratic governor in self isolation after being exposed to a staffer who just positive recovered phil murphy spend time with an infected worker at a press conference the governor routinely criticizes president trumps campaign stops as reckless in unnecessary because of covered well there you go governor get anybody ireland the first country in europe to re impose national lockdown stop covered the uk france italy and spain also closing more segments of their economies
as cases hit record highs in europe the virus as kill lesson two thousand people in ireland most in dublin the six week shut down begins today one hundred and fifty thousand irish may lose jobs there are five million people in the contract new study from cambridge university in england says fifty five percent of young folks are dissatisfied with democracy the questionnaire collected annually for nearly five million people it seems younger folks may getting dumber freedom is very valuable in a moment tough questions for the debaters tonight i back with them let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belts
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code bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero tonnes of the iraqi update message of the day i am not optimistic that kristen a well girl the embassy news corresponded who is moderating tonight's debate and national tennessee will ask questions important voters i hope she will but i'm not optimistic so here are some suggestions from your humble correspondent who as interviewed seven
as it happens over my career let's begin with donald trump now i have interviewed him dozens of times i was always tough but respectful i did not try to hurt mr tromp or any other politician so my question tonight my lead question would be this mr president in hindsight should you have actively promoted wearing masks to mitigate cove it should you have done that in a more aggressive way especially in the beginning second question
president many of your subordinates do not like you are you too tough a boss and then i would have the names of people who didn't like him while badly about him and public if mr tromp would say oh no no they all like me which you might the third question for the president why do you think the corporate media dislikes you so much and the fourth question mr president you
good order attorney general bar to discuss the durum investigation about corruption in the russian collusion situation you could order him to publicly discuss it why don't you that puts donald trump on the spot because this door i'm report vital to american voters and i don't know why it is being discussed in public by the attorney general only present tromp could answer that now joe biden has refused over the years my very kind in madrid just to chat he told me face to face in washington one time he would never interview with me any laughed why would i do that o'reilly reilly well maybe you wanna have a lie
lee back and forth so the folks do you get a measure of you mr vice president first question for mr biden from me your son hunter made millions of dollars do you believe you helped him do that there would be follow up questions to binds answer if he said this stuff has been discredited i would just shred him number two mr biden are you aware that the black lives matter global foundation is a marks
group and what do you think about that question number three mr biden why do you believe american taxpayers should fund the health care of undocumented aliens you said so in a debate a number four if you were ever approach athlete mr vice president would you neil during the national anthem so those are my questions for the candidates i think their fair but they'll never be asked because we live in an age of press corruption and riley and i approve that message by actually writing it disagree i want to hear from you bill bill o'reilly dot com and please consider my new book in crazy horse enormous best seller you will like it in a moment something you might not now this episode is brought to you by progressive
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you for listening to the arrival update i am below riley no spin just facts and always look out for you the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.