« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 19, 2023


Biden in Israel, more aid for everyone, a Trump supporter thrown in jail, and the most expensive place to live.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, America’s most popular socialists.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is expensive. These days, you know that the government is printing. Billions of dollars in consumer prices higher than ever. If the government continues its printing and spending, the dollar could continue its freefall and loses coveted role as a world reserve currency? Let's hope that doesn't app, but are a few things you can do right now: american irving I can show you how to protect your money. Your retirement, your hard earned savings, inflation by helping you diversify a portion of your portfolio in defence, go gold and silver star with a short phone call, and they can have physical gold and silver, delivered right to your door or put inside your four o one. kay or I are so. Please call or attacks them right hell, I'm bill, o reilly, censure, call ate.
Seven. Four, four for gold, hiv, seven, four: four for gold or tax gold to six five, five: three to again that eight, seven, seven, four four for gold or tax go old to six five, five three to below riley. Here you are listening to the arrival update coming up The new swift mike's later Thank you bill. It is thursday october nineteenth. Twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, Joe in Israel, more aid for everyone, trump supporter thrown in jail, and the most spencer, place to live coming up. The bill will be here with your method to the day, but first Joe Biden wrapped up his trip to Israel meeting. while IRAN's foreign minister, tweeted time is over, for israel and the iranian embassy in syria tweeted time is up
saudi arabia said. The bombing of the hospital in Gaza by Israel was a quote. Heinous crime committed by the israeli occupation forces that saudi arabia that asked The story is increased also yesterday, almost every media that reported that is dropped a rocket on hospital in Gaza and five people were killed and reporters just without an of critical analysis just accepted it. As fact. the turkey to couple hours, for there are not only to be ample proof that it wasn't. A from Israel, but it a bomb from Gaza. now one sideways and landed in Gaza and not on did not five and of people die, but maybe no one died don't even hit a hospital but landed in a parking lot. Carson damaged. The cars suppose Maybe worse, and all that the picture on the front page than your times was that bombed out building it wasn't that building these the picture of a random bombed out building on the front page of the new york times above the full story.
This is a potentially deadly combination of a race for clicks and and jerk response to always believe the oppressed which, in this case, as Hamas violence team drafted a one hundred billion dollar foreign aid package that includes assistance to Israel and ukraine. The ball both to ukraine, ten billion to Israel. For ukraine became a thing. Israel was the greatest recipient of foreign aid. A trump supporter was just sentenced to seven months in prison because of a meme. He posted on his twitter account to fifty nine. And followers. He was tired with election interference, acute of course, a scheme to deprive individuals of their constitutional right about what did you do? He made a picture. Hillary Clinton, ex said, save time avoid the line vote from home text, hilary five, nine. Ninety five, the job. You call this. Nothing short of an assault on our democracy
U s news about report rank in the five most expensive places to live: seven of the top ten or in california number five santa Barbara before miami Three honolulu to allay number one. Santiago, median home price over a million dollars, six a thousand more than the national average, but the weather's nice excited pillar, rather with your message today. Next some days You just don't have the energy you need swinging by race, track for three monster energy drinks on food, drink budget yeah that tracks get one free monster energy drink with by two available on fifteen point five and sixty out master energy beverages limited time only while supplies last see store for detailed make tracks to race track. For whenever gets you going. Time now for the iraqi update message of the day,
thursday. There are two socialists in this country, get an enormous amount of media attention. Senator Bernie sanders and congress woman, alexandria, o cassio, quartet centres is a hard core marxists, who believes american should subjugate themselves to a federal government which will dictate who has what troll, almost every aspect of life, his prevailing philosophies at capitalism oppresses people and the free market place should not, be afraid. Miss Alexandria is different she's. trendy socialist, who has fuselage since the serious problems are lacking. understanding about how the world works is simply frightening the latest is her call for a cease fire in the Hamas, Israel, conflict or quartet as does not believe Israel should destroy Hamas, but what about that
paragraph killing, thousands of innocent israeli civilians if a cease fire, is achieved. Then Hamas would not be destroyed and could massacre people again right. The congresswoman cannot answer that question because she's not smart enough to answer it shows or ignorance. Every time she's interviewed no solutions, all the time prediction for miss alexandria, is that you will find a safe it's on the view down. There We will see here as a well paid co host. She still won't anything but at least she'll be Her element. I'm bill o. I approve the message by writing. It you can reach me bill? Bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town, if you wish to opine, ok let's go to the male weighing concierge member and again concierge membership will o dot com. Reilly. My orders is not doing a bad job
is doing exactly what has been told to do, which is open up the bordering get as many people in here as fast as possible. So they can vote. That's a bad violating immigration laws, badger! Don't care! What he's told to do you told to do something he shouldn't do resign badger cabin, a wheeler british columbia, canada. What do you make others are rewarding. That Netanyahu has been encouraging the arab countries. A prop up hamas, along with iran, ordered undermine any possibility of a two state solution. Conspiracy, dumb stuff- that's what I make of it. We want occurrence agostino georgia, so angry Democrats are deliberately stalling the election of speaker of the house in ohio immigrants have nothing to do with it. Democrats are never going to vote for a republican to be speaker that has ever under any circumstance ended the ones doing it it's gates and all those people
you gotta, be fair, lowest, be all tucson arizona. Your remarks about the left, her marriage college mere taken mirrors exactly what happened and my alma mater hartwick. It's enough state new york. I know it look. Many colleges, veered sharply to the left and your alumni. You know like that. Don't give any money. My exact m, latro pennsylvania love those big news. You reported that much of the millions raised by democratic Party comes from hollywood people. I know you say you're, not a boycott person, but I am, and I'm not going to watch these films. Well, look the entertainment industry is listing. Let's put it that way, it's not in good shape at all, and I I mean I'll go to see a movie if I'm interested in it, but I know who's behind the hollywood stuff. I don't like them, but I'm not going to let it seep into my life at that
In a moment, something you might not know, you can live out your master sheriff dream. Will you find a professional analogy to tackle your dream, kitchen remodel. Never skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well in I too, outside repairs to renovation, get started on the andrea, revisit andrew duff, today you can do this when you angie that. Now the orally up day brings you something you might not know wandered. Forty years ago today, british general, charles cornwallis, surrendered his army to george Washington, Population ended england chances of winning the revolutionary war. Here is the story behind The battle of york town lord cornwallis was the most successful
british general during the fight for america's independence in seventeen. Seventy six, he successfully drove the continental army out of new jersey. Four years later, he crush general Horatio gates's patriot forces in south carolina. How first by the summer of seventeen eighty one breton, was losing the war, the remaining redcoats gathered on the virginia coast in the city of yorktown. In September washington and french general if I am siege the village, where the combined fighting force of twenty thousand men. the american army surrounded the town on land, the french navy prevented any escape by sea on october, nineteenth cornwallis conceded defeat under his command. Eight thousand soldiers and nine hundred sellers
surrendered. Although the war persisted in the atlantic ocean and other theatres, a patriot, victories yorktown ended combat in north america, peacenik go creations dragged on into seventeen eighty two and on September third, seventeen. Eighty three, the treaty of paris was signed formerly recognising the united states as a free and independent nation, and hear something else you might not Just by giving the order general cornwallis refuse to participate in this surrender ceremony under the protocols of war, cornwallis should have made an appearance at formal surrender, handing George Washington, his personal sabre or pistol? The english general told us
the borders that he was sick that day he couldn't make it so he dispatches second in command to hand over the sword to wash tim for more amazing stories about america's struggle for independence. Please check out my book killing england. You will thank me on that. Back
after this picture stay away in tiny giant. Instead, we need to give this house and, as I understand it, enjoys competent joy, tommy santa is not the only one with a sack you know about where it yours today with tommy john underwear, it's one percent off your first order, right now at tommy, giant icons, lash, spotify, tommy, john dot com, slash spot of vines in sight for details. Thank you. Listening to the o'reilly update, I am bill, O'Reilly, no spin, just facts and always look out for you, if you're low mortgages
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-21.