« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 17, 2023


Hamas releases its first hostage video, Trump gets a gag order, U Penn in turmoil, and a pharmacy goes bankrupt.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, Biden’s softball interview with 60 minutes.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is expensive these days. You know that the government is pretty. Trillions of dollars in consumer prices higher than ever government continues its printing and spending. The dollar could continue its freefall and loses coveted role as a world reserve currency. Let's hope that doesn't app but there are a few things you can do right now, a marrow in our view, goal, can show you how to protect your money. Your retirement you're hard earned savings against in. Nation. By helping you diversify a portion of your portfolio in defeat ago gold and silver start with this: Phone call- and they get physical gold and silver delivered writing your door or put in your four all one k- or I are so please collar tax them right now, hell I'm bill, o reilly, censure, call determined, seven. Four, four for gold
seven, seven, four, four for gold or tax gold to six five five three to again that seven, seven, four, four for gold or tax gold to six five, five three to arrive a year. You are listening to the originally update coming up. The new swift might slater. Thank you, it is tuesday October seventeenth, twenty twenty three years what's happening today in america, stage. Video released trump gagged. You again in turmoil. Pharmacy goes bankrupt. That's all coming up, then they'll, be here with your message today refers to. First released its first, stage video me a sham twenty one years old. She said, and the video at sea to me under some duress quota. Took me to the hospital for three hours. They are worried about me, they're, taking care of me they're, giving me medicines. Everything is fine! I'm just
asking to be returned home as soon as possible to my family, my parents and my brothers, please get us out of here as soon as possible. Thank you knowledge has issued a gag order in relation to donald trump january, sixth and diamond. The judge at first remember protections yield to the illustration of justice and the protection of witnesses, his as an actual candidacy, does not give carte blanche to vilify public servants who are simply doing their job. So this would mean that trump can't jack's met the special council deranged anymore, I suppose One of transit attorneys in court said what does somebody do in the face of oppression? system now approaches to tell terrorism and trump rode on truth. Social today really isn't about gagging me. It's an attempt to gag the american people. John huntsmen, junior former governor of you Tom? He was also the former bass her to china, and russia is a network of one point: two billion dollars. He served in every presidential administration since reagan,
he also has given tens of millions of dollars to his alma mater university of pennsylvania, an ivy league school in philadelphia, but huntsmen said, the cheque book is officially closed in response to the universities, weak bots to anti semitism on campus Another man who makes huntsmen look poor mark rowan. Worth six billion dollars. Also said: he's not giving any more money to the university and another board member resigned, while the next day, The university president released a message speaking out again anti semitism, money talks and courage is contagious, right, the third largest pharmacy has filed for bankruptcy. They have two thousand to its doors and they're closing. five hundred of them for now, There are a lot of issues over the years, but the final blow seem to be thousands of lawsuits against righted because they, old prescriptions for opium painkillers people blaming the pharmacy
in the last forty years, the number of independent pharmacies in the country has been cut in half mike slater bill o'reilly with your message the day. Next. eggs or cancelling law abiding americans, because it all like their politics. It's real lives on american patriots, like doktor Carson Larry elder John rich and experienced conservative bankers have started. America's first cancel proof, bank called old glory bank, all lorry bags mission they ve been, is very simple: it's the constitution. They do not subscribe to as g only pay as our privacy, security liberty, they value faith, family freedom and the floor all glory bank as one location only in oklahoma, but they have top notch mobile bank it. So they can serve customers and all
If these states all glory bag is a real f. The icy insured back you're insured up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars per deposit saw cancel your bag before they cancel you go to old, glory, bang dot com open an account today. Remember terms and conditions apply. An equal housing lender. time now for the o'reilly update message of the day on this tuesday as an invite appeared on sixty minutes to discuss the Hamas, Israel war and in out of to the interview, CBS correspondence, god Pelee told the order The president was tired and therefore I had some trouble speaking because the interview was tape in that turned out to be true, that was a courtesy from Mr Paley, one that I might have offered myself. She knows, president Biden is feeling the effects of asia and to report that is not out of lot
of the interview was predictable- would solve questions like it freeing the hostages your highest priority come on Scott. What are you rectum say MR binds Paul. You have supporting Israel is correct, but in my opinion here illustration, have no insight into the she's dilemma which has been going on since nineteen forty eight, the prey trotted out the old misdirection of establishing two independent states in the region and that, is utter nonsense. The palestinians are complete really dominated by terrorists, who want terminate jus, so Could you have a peaceful state solution? You care we reachable in history or american leaders are largely mediocrity, ease with few in I too, or any historical knowledge whatsoever.
And the savages around the world know that our political leadership is we And believe me, they are taking advantage of that. I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town? If you wish to opine, let's go to the male kenny Hastings ontario. canada, hey bill, it was It's really unreasonable for the allies to give the jews the holy land, but don't you think it would have been smarter to give them some other territory? There was no other territory and it was already a structure in the holy land, so that was never going to happen, Kenny good question: you're, asking David carpenter, adirondack new york just finished reading, killing the killer. Hers
the day before moss attack, Israel ass. We get purchased a book in an airport bookstore and read it, I couldn't put it down. I highly rick, mended. Anyone who wants to understand the terror threat killing the killers, I think, was my best reporting ever that I've ever duff. kind of sullivan, golly bridge west virginia. Why does in Egypt accept refugees from Gaza? Another infrastructure? Do it this way, Do it I wouldn't do it that would alienate the terror people and. doesn't want any more trouble with the islamic brotherhood, and all of that should it wouldn't do it. Angela did you not to morocco Michigan. As you said, Hamas only goes, kill juice, Couldn't care less about its own people or two state solution, I believe, was real bulge cause Israel to end up killing mulder, times more innocent palestinians yeah, I'm sure that's what they walk:
and israel it's gotta, be very, very careful when it goes into Gaza, janet concierge, member jackets, direct access to me, hope you consider that program. It will enhance your life, it will but I see no evidence of Barack obama running the bite administration. How much you Obama wants is fingerprints. What's going on. Even though is fundamental plans to destroy our country, JANET look. I know a lot of people believe that Barack Obama wants to destroy america. I understand, but it's my job to report the facts, not individual belief systems
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adds guarantees. Predictability and control to your financial plan. Go to bank on yourself, dot com, slash, no spin, that's bank on yourself dot com, slash no spit! Now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know ninety two years ago today. America's mode notorious gangster was convicted evading law enforcement for a decade he sentence ended a brutal campaign of smuggling extortion and murder the crow. No Al Capone his crime tax evasion. Here is the story. born in eighteen. Ninety nine brooklyn new york, Alphonse Capone, was expelled from school at the age of fourteen. He then and the gang and earn the nickname scarface after being slice across the cheek in a back alley. Bra
in nineteen nineteen move to chicago the invitation of mafia boss, Johnny janitorial. He became a crime. King pin, murdering his competitors, the bloodshed got the attention a federal agent eliot ness. his crew of untouchables for the next decade, the poem became one of the most powerful men in america. The bodies piled up, but the untouchables could not make any murder charges stick. This strategy change: nineteen, twenty seven in a land Our decisions still used against criminals today, the supreme court rule that money made from illegal activity like smuggling, can be taxed as personal income capone famous for his lavish lifestyle, had never while the single tax return The irs, compiled evidence that big AL made millions by distributing illegal alcohol
It was indicted on twenty two counts of tax evasion. On october, seventeenth, eighteen thirty one, the gangster was convicted in federal. One week later, he was sentenced to eleven years in prison components. it is time and alcatraz then a mental hospital before dying and nineteen. Forty seven from syphilis he was forty. Eight years old And here's something else you might not know for his crimes? The I r s ordered AL capone to pay two hundred, thousand dollars in back taxes. Well, that figure was far too The agency. Estimates are made one hundred million dollars a year selling boots
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Transcript generated on 2023-10-18.