« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 14, 2020


Andrew Cuomo blames nursing home deaths on Republicans, The World Health Organization reverses course on mandatory shut-downs, Democrats attack Trump’s Supreme Court pick over gay rights, the Attorney General’s investigation into “unmasking” concludes with no charges, just 13-percent of Americans say they are ‘satisfied’ with the direction of the USA.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, can the polls be trusted?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
reilly here wednesday october fourteen thousand twenty you are listening to the israeli update hears from happening today in america new york governor are blaming nursing home das on republicans the world health organization reverses course on pandemic shutdowns more americans approve of judge amy coney bearing the attorney general's investigation into unmask him by the obama administration goes nowhere just thirteen percent of americans say they are satisfied with the direction of the country also i hadn't can we trust presidential pulling but first governor cuomo saying covert fatalities in nursing homes are really just a conservative talking point in his new book he writes
republicans waited an offence to distract from the narrative of their botched federal response so they decided to blame democratic governors all right that doesn't do the thousands of elderly people died by your order in new york nursing homes any good they can't read your book governor
it shows that the world health organization backtracking on national lockdown doktor gave it no borrow instructing countries to avoid using the shot down as a quote primary control method said the physician locked down just have one consequence that you must never be little and that is making poor people and awful lot poor democratic senators corey booker and maisie horatio suggesting judge bear it maybe homo fall back because she used the term sexual preference just one nonsense at the supreme court confirmation hearing a new balls has forty eight percent of americans approve of judge barrett thirty one percent oppose apparently the rest have no clue
turning general bars provand allegations that obama officials illegal on mass and surveyed the trunk campaign in two thousand sixteen has ended with zero charges it is now urging justice department officials to release all documents related to the case now from gallop says only thirteen percent of american adults are satisfied with the current state of the country down from forty five percent last march research it's a covert unemployment and anti police protests as the biggest threats to the usa in a moment what about those presidential poles are they fake right back let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belts
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code bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number dot com code bill two zero tonnes of the o'reilly update message of the day a look at presidential polling as you may know most of them were wrong four years ago when they predicted hillary clinton would win easily overdone donald well today we have almost the same situation the poles all predicting joe biden will romp
over now president drop there is a new gallup poll out this week that may cast a little bit it out on that prediction gallop ass are you better off today than you were four years ago fifty six percent of americans say yes despite the pandemic forty four percent say no it seems to be good news for mr trump but no according to the ongoing presidential pulling the real clear average has it biden fifty one from forty one a big ten point spread now real clear pal it takes dot com is a website and they get all the polling in the presidential race and the senate races and the house races and they average it so that's what the real clear average is
specifically morning console poll biden fifty one trump forty three ipsos biden forty seven trump thirty seven a b c news biden fifty four trump forty three harris biden forty five trump forty only the rasmussen poll which was accurate in two thousand and sixteen has the race close the rest of them have a landslide in the making what's really going on here well if you look at the methodology of the polling which we do every day at bill o reilly dotcom you see that the polling operations ask war democrats then republicans about their preference
now why do they do that while they say well more democrats are registered to vote in the united states that's true but that doesn't mean more democrats actually vote so a fair poll would have a very very close margin between democrats and republicans but these polls are not fair they are called push polls they want to push an answer to a question or a preference in a certain direction and that is that by will win so that's what's really going on now i'm not saying the donald trump is winning right now in america because he's not internal holding that is surveys paid for by the political parties that are kept private but some of us yet a picket them like me
internal polling says donald trump is behind joe biden but not by the margin that the public polling hats and with almost twenty days left before we ve all anything at happen so summing up don't believe the poles they were wrong last time i dont know who's going to win the election i might know by halloween i did predict donald trump victory last year but more data is going to have to come in i'm bill o'reilly and i approve that message by actually writing it disagree i want to hear from you bill and bill o'reilly dotcom bill bill o reilly dyke also please consider my new book killing crazy horse big best seller i think you'll like it anymore something you might not know leftovers the day
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dating back fifty years eagles first formed nineteen seventy one when the four founding members don henley glenn fry randy meissner and bernie laden came together as a backup ban to play for linda run step that year the group signed with manager david given an agreed to work with his new label asylum records they release theirself titled album in june nineteen seventy two it would reach the top twenty and become certified gold within a year by nineteen seventy five the lineup was constantly changing eagle was released hotel california the next year becoming the biggest and in the usa and uk they would tour add members fire members break up reunite than to her again for the next three decades
dawn hamley would go on to sue his record label then sue s clothing company for using his name and he was involved with other losses he he was also sued for allegedly assaulting a woman after she tried to pose for a photo with him don felder who was in the group filed a suit against eagles for wrongful termination after he was fired into that one but despite all that the ban remains one of the most successful in history their greatest sits album is the best selling record of all time in the usa eagles have sold a hundred fifty million albums worldwide one six grammy's and i've had five number one singles and hear something you may not know even with all the accolades the band is routinely ranked as one of the most device of groups in american music billboard magazine once declared eagles the most hated banned in
erica founding member glenn fry died in two thousand sixteen at the age of sixty seven he's obituary bitch the new york daily news red quote fries death is sad but eagles were a horrific ban not true the daily news is stupid eagles is a great bad but a troubled one back after this mobile phone companies say they offer home internet but if they are internet comes from a cell phone network you should know it's just phone internet not home internet keep your home up to speed with cox tax and your net is faster and has more reliable download speeds than five g home internet cox is the real home internet you're looking for based on cox analysis of nuclear speed test intelligence data q three twenty twenty two and cock serviceable areas visit cox dot com
internet for details thank you for listening to the o'reilly update i am below riley no spin just facts and always ing out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.