« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 13, 2021


Americans quit their jobs in record numbers, an NBA star gets the boot for refusing the vax, grocery shortages hit the shelves, gas prices top $5-bucks-a-gallon in New York City.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, a pop quiz about the Biden administration.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here wednesday october thirteenth, two thousand, twenty one you are Listening to the o'reilly update, here's whatsapp today, in america, a lot of people are cutting their jobs in the usa and envy. a star gets the boot for reviews, the backs grows restores having. shortages of just about everything, gas prices, top five bucks in new york city Also, I had a quiz: are you ready for it, but first. more than four million americans quit their jobs in august. The most in twenty years, that's three points. and of the entire workforce biggest lost taking place in restaurants and retail condoms. The troubling start on government giveaways Sixteen million adults now receive unemployment benefits every month.
twelve billion no longer face evictions for unpaid rent. Fifty nine million americans or on some kind of federal welfare programme, so That's why some don't wanna work, the brooklyn nets, basque. Ball team banning point gourd, carry irving for refusing to be backed the form rookie of the year is barred from participating until he gets the medicine irving I on his reasons for remaining on vast, but he's not In pay and he's got a for you, contract value a hundred and thirty six million dollars too much math for me, Walmart I get other stores warning shoppers of new shortages heading into the holidays, quoting retailers five essential items are becoming harder to find beef, pork, chicken juice and snacks.
suppliers blame the empty shelves on vacant positions at processing plants. If you find whatever you're looking for you're gonna pay more the costs of state, for example, how dogs, chicken, wings, eggs, all up twelve percent- this is gonna come back to haunt the binding administration. Drivers in the big apple, paying more for gas than at any point. Since two thousand and fourteen global demand sending the cause for a gallon in manhattan above five dollars the national average stands at three dollars: twenty five cents, just eight states in the country, at prices below three dollars, a typical fill up in new york city is now ninety two bucks five thousand dollars a year on gasoline A tory aboard the wall street journal blaming Joe Biden bird
some regulations for the surge in gas prices- and I do not know, we have a quick is about the bite administration right back with it. mary redeemed, fifty thousand dollar cash prize. Fighting child look has seen the highest only playing for fine, so many miles was a dream. Come true and jump. A casino is america's. Never one social casino experience. It serious fought with over eighty casino stale games to choose for you. Two could win life, changing amounts of capping, lightner log onto jumble casino dot com and give them a whirl. That's chump, a casino dotcom, no purchase necessarily vote will bring him into by law. Eating plus terms and conditions apply, see website for detailed the voice and the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner. now the o'reilly update message of the day, a quiz for you,
so we had a little fun on the no spin news. That's my television broadcast, which you can see on bill, o dot com or other outlets across the country. So it's a short quiz on the current state of the federal government You just answer yes or no to the following question, which all fall: under the banner of does it make sense, question ever want does. It make sense to allow millions of foreign nationals when the usa unsupervised yes or no? Does makes sense to abandon afghanistan completely leading to human rights. Abuses by the taliban doesn't make sense to shut down the keystone pipe
and then turn around and ass Saudi arabia to expand oil sales. Does it make sense to support critical race theory teaching in public schools that divides children on skin color doesn't make sense for the Federal government to spend so much money that inflation explodes. Does it make sense to support no bell law does that allow criminals to commit more crimes doesn't make sense, to be one of only seven countries in the world that allow on restricted abortions. At the federal level, Does it make sense to oppose voter ideas? Doesnt mean sense to say that white supremacist are a bigger terror threat. Then the jihadists
and finally question over ten. Does it make sense for aid? resident of the united states to a cue whose his own country of systemic racism, yes or no Now, if you answered no to all and questions. You may have a keen grasp of reality, but a few yes to the questions, CNN would like to hire you. I did this was because the binding. Illustration is having a very hard time, but Millions of americans will not acknowledge that saw me being a simple man. I put ten simple questions up for debate, yes or no very, very easy at all. Ten questions are absolute,
lee happening. So when you discuss politics with your liberal friends or your democratic friends, these questions foreign nationals flooding into the usa, Afghanistan, keystone pipeline shutdown, c r t info. Shit no bow laws. abortion unrestricted by the Fettes voter ideas, white supremacy, systemic racism. All of these things are in play. And I have to tell you I have never in my lifetime seen a more screwed up federal government than the one we have now I'm bill o. I approve that message by actually putting together for more honest news analysis please go to bill o reilly dotcom, and we would like you to write to us bill at below riley, dotcom, bill
bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine, if you think I'm be an unfair, let me know in a moment something you might not know. Mobile phone companies say they offer home internet, but if they are internet comes from a cell phone network, you should know it's just phone internet, not home internet, keep your home up to speed with Cox, cox, internet, is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home. Internet cox is the real home internet you're. Looking for, based on cox, analysis of ugly speed test intelligence data, q, three twenty twenty, two and cox serviceable areas visit Dot com, slash internet for details now be o reilly up day. Brings you something you? Why not know the deck aid is off to a very dubious start. I think we all know that two thousand We will go down in history for covered a bitterly divided nation. Reckless spending and far less policies. If all that
sounds familiar. It should we have been here before in america, the roaring twenties. A century ago the nation was struggling to recover from the spanish flu pandemic. An u s. Troops were returning home from world war. What inflation went way up the stock market was up up up. After the world war. The usa would rise as the only economic superpower on the planet. New york became the center of world finance generating tremendous wealth for those investing on wall street america gross domestic product, more than double between nineteen, twenty and nineteen. Twenty. Not the decade was indeed roaring. but all of that money created a surge in new technologies, reach families installed electricity, purchase cars even bigger,
asian during the summer months in exotic places than genes aviation industry, see, he's the world's attention people. I try, lindbergh experimented with transatlantic flight, so change dramatically and women, one the right to vote. Minority neighborhoods, like harlem new york expense a renaissance spawn jazz in other art forms. The era also witnessed the arrival of mass media by the end of the decade, the radio in more than twelve million american homes, but all of that ended. Ninety. Two years ago, this month, on october, eighteenth nineteen, twenty nine, the stock market crashed panic set in
millions of people ran to banks to withdraw their money. Poverty descended in less than three years the? U s. Market was worth just twenty percent of its entire value. The stock market lost eighty percent of its worth. Nearly half of america's banks fail and unemployment was approaching. Fifth teen million people or thirty percent of the workforce. The roaring twenties were over. The great depression had begun. I hope this decade wherein turns out better than that back after this
Mary redeemed a fifty thousand dollar cash prize playing, chuppah casino, the shave only playing for fun. So winning this was a dream. Come true. Jumbo casino is america's number one social casino experience. It's serious with over eighty casino style games to choose from you, too could win life. Changing amounts of caffeine like merrick log, on to jamaica, casino, dot com and give them a world. That's jumper, casino, dot, com, no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law, eighteen plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details. The voice in the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner. You for listening to the arriving update, I am below riley no spin, just facts and always looking out for you if the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.