« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, October 13, 2020


Donald Trump returns to the campaign trail, American air-travel still down 70-percent compared to 2019, Walmart deploys drones to deliver CoVID tests, the NBA championship series officially the least watched in history, the average American will consume 80-thousand hours of TV in their lifetime.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, the coming collapse of the news media.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
no o reilly here tuesday october thirteenth two thousand twenty you are listening to the o reilly update here's what's happening across our nation presence returned to the campaign trail miracle air travel down seventy percent compared to last year walmart deploys drones to deliver covert tests be a championship officially the least watched in history americans will consume eighty thousand hours of tv in our lifetimes also at big trouble ahead for the media first the present all the campaign rally in florida last night is first stop since contracting code ten days ago why does to say mr trop is no longer infectious to others and is now testing negative for the disease
latest polls show the president joe biden in a statistical heat dead heat in the sunshine state the u s airline industry struggling to lure back frequent fliers the pandemic traveled around seventy percent compared to the same period last year posts majority of americans refused to fly until a vaccine is developed health experts estimate oz of contracting cove it on a plane one out of four thousand walmart now using aerial drones to deliver covert tests to people's homes the new system will drop the kids at your front door weight thirty minutes for you to use a nasal swab then fly the samples back to allow protesting trial started in las vegas last month and will now be deployed in upstate new york and north carolina just
five point five million people tuned into sea lebron james and the los angeles lakers beat the miami heat making the series the least watched envy finals ever recorded by comparison last year's big between the golden state warriors and the toronto raptors too third nine teen million viewers americans do not like the political bent of the nba that's why that happen recent study says the average adult we concern nearly eighty thousand hours of tv and movies during their lifetimes a commission by tv manufacturer l g electronics five people watch twelve hundred hours of programming each year that number is expected to rise sharply during the pandemic might be better to read a book specially mine
in a moment bad news coming for the news agencies right back with it introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belts
right here in the usa and those belts are incredible they are infinitely adjustable let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes ugly strap hanging ugly hanging strap or extra bulk they are so easy and comfortable to use and they look great if that weren't enough they are guaranteed for life with unmatched customer service and fast shipping buy a grip six belt you will never have to purchase another belt again and you'll look great and you'll be supporting american manufacturing from the ground up plus it's a perfect gift because the belts last forever and you really have to see these belts to know what i'm talking about so please go to grip six dot com make sure to use the
code bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number dakar code bill two zero tonnes of the early update message of the day big trouble and i mean big trouble ahead for the american media so a t and t owns cnn and warner media that's hbo warner brothers pictures on like that well eighteen tee is laying off six hundred people at hbo and that's just a first round of firearms cnn you can expect a wipe out after the election disney owns a b c fired too a thousand employees in california in florida the theme parks and now the company is focusing on its media operations
disney owned e s pierre is set to lay off at least seven hundred employees as that sports network dissolves why because of its liberal politics and a b got trouble everywhere the view anyone nbc that's comcast eliminating fur thirty five hundred jobs ten percent of its staff fox news recently fired three percent of its workforce vocs media laid off six percent of it staff the executive director of the new york times predicts most local newspapers we'll be at a business got within the next five years since president trumps inauguration in january two thousand seventeen rating or down at msnbc nbc news abc new sea
as news see has a seventeen percent drop since two thousand sixteen so why is all this happening the news agencies of lost the trust of the american people because of their anti or prowl trump programme folks who watch news what honest information not propaganda but the money is easy in the hay tromp or love tromp precincts because people will go into watch that stuff far more than if you are fair and balance however once the elections this november is over what's gonna happen if donald trump loses he's off the stage and all the viewers to name for him
ninety five percent the fox news channel all of them are gonna have so do i wanna watch joe biden and if the converse is true and trot wins there's no more drama yes yes the left wing pretzel continued a hammer him but it will matter scuffle more years so all of the tv news agencies are looking at arm again and they know it because they have to color advertising in advance and after the election that's gonna go down hard so thousands and thousands of people are gonna be laid off by the corporate news agencies and not only that viewers ship is going to go through the floor not the route my prediction
take it to the back i'm bill o reilly and i approve that message by actually writing it agree i want to hear from you bill bill o dot com bill o reilly dot com consider my new book killing crazy horse big bestseller in a moment something you might not know i left overs the day movie or cleaning can the casino always brings the vine play over a hundred different games online for free from anywhere you can redeem some serious brighter schomberg casino dotcom live the jumbo life nobody's necessarily we're going to need a lot of you must rethink this device it what i could he gets
now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know this month marks the sixtieth anniversary of fidel castro's brutal communist crackdown in cuba starting a fifty year reign of terror that would leave tens of thousands of people dead the story starts a few years earlier fidel and his rebels seized control of cuba in january nineteen fifty not after a guerilla war against cuban president battista by october nineteen sixty castro consolidated power and rule the island asian on opposed his regime hunted down political opponents journalists capitalist the wealthy the religious and light and owners the dictator immediately eliminated personal freedoms to promote the parties communist ideology even the cuban constitution says
free speech is only allowed if quote is in keeping with the objectives of a socialist society ten thousand people were murdered in the aftermath of the communist revolution in cuba seventy eight thousand died trying to flee the marks of state most see historians believe at least fifty six hundred cubans died in front of firing swat two thousand by assassination another eight thousand perished in castro's foreign wars including campaigns in latin america and southern africa while the rest of the americas mostly
prospered throughout the late twentieth century cuba's communist policies cause poverty for the country's eleven million people state mandated salaries amounted to less than a dollar a day to this day government restrictions limit internet access for all citizens and food shortages occur daily all fidel announced his retirement in two thousand and eight handing over control to his brother raul castro died in november two thousand sixteen at the age of ninety and hear something else you might not though despite his brutal crackdown on personal freedoms castro's ideas are becoming popular among some younger americans recent poll of u s college students shows forty percent fat
socialism over capitalism even senator bernie sanders offered kind words to castro during a democratic primaries praising his quote mass literacy programme back after this with the leckie landslides you can get lucky just about anywhere is your captain speaking yeah we've got a clear runway and the weather is fine but we're just going to circle up here awhile and good lucky no no nothing like that it's disease cash prizes add up quick so i suggest you sit back keep your tray table up right and start getting lucky safer free leckie landslides dot com are you feeling lucky this necessary boyd where prohibited by law eighteen plus terms and conditions apply see website more details you for listening to the orally update i am below riley no spin just fact and always looking out for
if the
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.