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The O'Reilly Update, November 6, 2023


Election latest, protests at the White House, Sec. Blinken in Iraq, and a new city in California.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, President Biden's open border policy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I I might bigger cia veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday, for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotify or wherever you get your bought guest, get briefed stay ahead with the president's daily brief. bill o reilly. Here you are listening to the arrival update coming up next, the new swift mice Thank you pal. It's Monday november, six, the twenty twenty three years is happening today in america. Election latest protests outside Whitehouse blinking in iraq, and a new city and cattle. Fournier, that's all come up and bill will be here with your message of the day, but first election day tomorrow, in many places too big
national raises ohio issue, one that they abortion related bill. Pro lifers are urged to vote no and the king. Fucking governor's race Kentucky as a republican legislature, but a democratic governor and with Mitch Mcconnell eighty one and frail the state senator there is this right, matters for the make up of the centre of the entire country. one kentucky, and twenty sixteen by thirty points should be binding. By twenty. Six So we see who shows up to vote in an off your election, and here too Paul has trump winning five of the top six battleground states and by a lot trumped up, ten in nevada, six in georgia, five in arizona, five in michigan and foreign Pennsylvania Biden has only had in wisconsin right now by two Meanwhile, the governor of iowa can Reynolds endorsed descent for president.
The republicans have a debate this wednesday in alabama hosted by NBC. For some reason the Republicans let NBC have any role in this process at all. tens of thousands of pro palestine protesters marched in d c, Shaking the gates of the white house chanting allow who are barred blue. Joe Biden. They accuse the press, of genocide. Our debate Ceasefire pro Mr Smith, red paint over stone blocks that hold up the metal outside the white house. Meanwhile how's passed a fourteen billion dollar bill to give aid to Israel, and the white house said, though, veto any israel only bill. The white house wants that money tied up for also with ukraine and taiwan, and disputes the asylum claim process at the border, the secondary date blink and made a surprise visit to Iraq and his team. Of the Middle EAST. He met with the prime minister of Iraq. He says The three hundred americans have been able to leave gaza in recent days. The believers hundred americans,
still remain advice. We heard about this new city in California, a group of billion airs have finished, buying fifty three thousand acres. They want to build a new city, in theory, for this trump is for this. In campaigns beat. You said he wants to build ten cities on federal land. If these billionaires can pull it off in California, later for the podcast politics by faith, the great bill riley has your message today. Next did
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any plan american home she'll protect what you don't expect. Service fees, limitations and exclusions apply, see plan for details time now for the really update message of the day on monday, you may be aware that prison and binds open border policy, which has led to about eight million foreign nationals crossing into the united states, since Biden spent in office, has created havoc throughout the country. I know Where is that best illustrated then in new york city, where hundreds of thousands of migrants have shown
up and they need food, shelter hospitalization for some and education for their children. Well, this city can afford it new yorkers, the highest taxed americans. In the entire country. Now the liberal mayor, Eric items is demanding Oh Biden, give him federal money. Blood Biden says no and then there is the moral question. So I
Our bed in newsday, the newspaper of long island and a catholic priest is writing that we have to be humane toward the migrants. Ok, that's would Jesus would be humane toward poor people who need help, but the priest does not acknowledge that the taxpayer is need help as well. Most americans are living pay check to pay check and in order to pay for millions of far nationals will have to raise taxes on those people. Hey father is that humane. I'm bill o. I approve the message by writing. It you can reach me. Ill bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom billet bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male.
coffee house or bonneville tennessee. I hate that innocent palestinians are being injured and killed every day. Unfortunately, that is war. Citizens were killed, it yorktown. I read killing england and now I know how citizens were treated in that war. Kill eel is excellent bill You mean witches in england right in a row. You know everything about the founding of your country, but anyways back to the house today. Are they victims? They all well, namely support hamas. Overwhelmingly. They have an alternative, the palestinian authority, which is much more modern. Now they want moss. You want hamas What you get now, I'm not for harming innocent civilians, but I do know what happened to the japanese people and the german people.
Were to sue maser, whereas soup from so I dont think you put your town and, here, but I'm going use your letter anyway, but I want towns here. If you can, please I love the fact you're a fan of old horror movies. Last night halloween, I watched frankenstein the bride of frankenstein. I do love those horror movies. They are so funny and and if you watch them, you see the same extras. So the people running up to burn asshole are the same people that they use at other scenes so that they they have like twenty extras and they're all in different situations change their clothes. It's
We funny savary shepherd little falls new york. I want to express my appreciation for killing the witches heard. Many accounts assumes horror, but your book taught me so much more. That's what we're in business to do in a moment, something you might not know. This episode is brought to buy amazon if you're. Looking All your holiday shopping done. Early amazon have got all the visas covered. It's like a one stop shop with everything you need us. If your holiday budget, further low prices and unbeatable deals, so you're gonna find the hottest gives way discards and most one and here at a price that suits you shop, we holiday deals today. Is the amazon com slash holiday deals, twenty three. Now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know he's a goaded area. Twenty nine year old new yorker became the this woman ever elected to the? U S, congress,
since then, she has also become one of the most contract So here is the story of Alex andrea, o cassio quartet. oh see as she is call was born in the bronx Up in a wealthy suburb, however, north of the city Her mother was an emigrant from Porto rico, her father, a native new yorker. She turned boston university than in turned with senator TED Kennedy after tk young, a yo see worked as a bartender in manhattan, in two thousand exchange volunteer for bird. me, Sanders's presidential campaign, two years later, o cassio courtiers, surprise the political establishment, when she defeated incumbent, democratic, Joe Crowley. In the party primary on november. it's two thousand eighteen she was elected to serve as the congressmen from new york's fourteenth congressional.
district right now she represents seven hundred fifty thousand people in northern queens and the south bronx grab. It are evenly split between whites, blacks, hispanics, with a significant number of asians as well since taking office, as has been at the centre, of numerous national controversies. She has call for the elimination of billion air in america in society, while equal, immigration centres on the southern border, with nazi concentration camps accused Israel, placing palestinians. children in cages and oh casio, cortez intentionally tank amazon's plan to build a major hub in queens which would have employed thousands of people.
Well, in two thousand twenty one, a o was hit with an ethics violation for receiving free tickets to new york's met gala. She attended the event which regular folks pay fifty thousand dollars To see wearing a design address featuring the slogan tax, the rich, and there's something else you might not know during a short time in congress will cause you got just when the Spenders in american history she's game for ninety trillion dollars to fight climate change. Back after this, I might beggar, cia, veteran and host of the president's daily brief podcast stay informed on the rapidly unfolding conflict between Israel and Hamas, as Israel responds to the deadly terrorist attacks tune in monday through friday for the most up to date, insights, download and listen on apple pod, guests, spotify or wherever you
your bad guest, get briefed stay ahead with the president's daily brief. Thank you for listening to your riley update, I'm below riley, no spin, just facts and always look out for you there's a lot of noise and very little signal out of his real there's, a lot of propaganda. Lot of misinformation, disinformation and bad media reports what's actually happening on the ground, and where does it had? I, Marianne Eriksson, I will explain to you the state of play in Israel to hear the special episodes ascribed to the erika, irksome podcast on apple bud, guess spotify or wherever you get. Your pod guests
Transcript generated on 2023-11-08.