« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, November 4, 2020


Bill's analysis of last night's election.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
reilly year wednesday november for three thousand twenty you are listening to the o'reilly update here's what happening today in america the election still happening we don't know who is going to be the next presidency the united states and the reason that we don't know is that some states cannot count the votes why because their system is chaotic nevada is a small state why can't nevada count its voting right now as we go to air joe leads prejudice drop in that as six electoral votes there by lesson
thousand votes but there are only seventy five percent of all a balance has been tabulated why why same thing in pennsylvania where president tromp has a big lee eyes it taking so long we understand mail and ballots but we don't understand to three hundred thousand of them not being counted on election day when they have been received so what's going to happen is congress is going to have to make new election laws but let's look at the situation right now there are only two scenarios the first one is the president trump wins two hundred and eighty electoral votes and joe biden to fifty four thus president trump keeps his job the second one joe biden gets two hundred and seventy alert robots trumped to sixty four
the main state right now is michigan only twelve thousand vote difference with eighty three percent of the ballots counted michigan has sixteen electoral votes it looks to me like georgia we'll go for president tromp that sixteen north carolina fifteen for tromp obeying twenty four trop alright but that's not enough to put him over the two seventy more it looks to me that was concert in nevada will probably vote for joe biden and that leaves michigan with sixteen electoral votes in flux as they say so in the next segment i'm gonna analyze why this all happened why people voted the way they did but right now it could go either way it problem
we will be litigated which is terrible for the country and i'm just take off that states can't count their own votes in a moment the message of the day the why behind the vote of two thousand and twenty let me introduce you to a company that does things right grip six makes belts
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no bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero time now for the really up the message of the day what the heck just happened why are we a nation's so divided and that's what we saw yesterday election day in america half the country pretty much voted for joe biden and have voted for donald trump and we don't have an outcome and it will probably be litigated and the supreme court will most likely get involved just like in two thousand when al gore and
george w bush fought it out in florida now maybe that won't happen and i hope it will because this is very very bad for the country but here is fundamentally what we are seeing most americans are very uneasy with the far left that's why the republican party held this many many people thought democrats going to sweep and take the senate that did not happen so senate will now act as a bulwark against a president i'd never gets in so the crazy taxes and the green new deal and the trillion spent on entitlements robbie blunted in the senate and the folks they know they can have the far left running the show
are we went over this openness and openness in the run up to the vote so the set it stays in republican hands very very important not because its republic this isn't a party thing but you have to check the power of the far left progressive movement and joe biden is not going to do that donald trump covered really hurt him now out about it in my mind had there not been cove it he would have eased we defeated away challenger and joe bought minorities did not turn out four donald trump as much as his campaign expected with the exception of florida cuban americans and day county supported donald trump hu a degree not seen down there in a while for the republicans
but in arizona and in other states in the south west hispanics voted democrat americans did not turn out that much for the republicans and the reason for that is yours tremendous peer pressure in all minority communities not just african americans donald trump did a good job for black americans in the end mc realm he was largely demonized arrays as we all know that we know what the hate trump media did to him but african americans themselves i think they took a look but when it came right down to it and michigan is a good example of this in michigan goes to biden it will be because
the black vote the other underpinning of the vote yesterday was that donald trump is a tough guy to like and a lot of people just said enough we were more on his fine radio station all this week on the election i'm bill o reilly i approve that message by writing it in a moment something you might not know you're doing business in an app driven multi claw world you gonna build and run europe's on your choice of clouds and you need to manage all those clouds as easily as one with vm where cross cloud services you ve got options that's because vm where delivers the multi cloud choice security and control you need to accelerate innovation deliver great apps and drive business forward vm where the smarter way to cloud learn more at vm where
come now the arrival of degrees you something you might not know election day is over but we still do no the outcome which is incredibly frustrating after two primaries more than a dozen debates hundreds of millions of dollars spend a mirror can remain divided and a number of states are incompetent cannot count votes that there were some very strange occurrences yesterday in ohio for example several counties were forced to use paper ballots after the entire electronic voting system broke down minutes after the poles open the old fashioned sheets force officials to dispense latex gloves who comply with covert guidelines in ohio some places in north carolina in new york city also switch to pay verbalance after machines broke amish americans and pennsylvania arrived at polling places in horse drawn carriages
flying make amerika great again flags footage of a two hundred person parade went viral on social here the national guard deployed in chicago to protect residents from any potential violence new policies many seven percent of americans are predicting riots and looting in the weeks ahead the award for the longest wait time goes to georgia voted just cited lan allied over seven hours to cast ballots visuals blame social distancing fewer polling stations lack of volunteers and on and on but that should never have massive laws also reported minnesota california and of florida there's something else you might not now most of the election confusion was caused by america's complicated system of government
there are four hundred thirty five unique voting districts in all fifty states containing ninety thousand different municipalities each one requires it's own valid hires work validates vitale using various forms of technology there are more than two dozen different companies approved by the feds to manufacture voting machines in america each device must offer a ballot at least sixteen different languages cutting growl for the visually impaired and audio for deaf voters democracy in america is a complicated and expensive business back after this you're doing business in an app driven more he cloud world you gonna build and run europe's on your choice of clouds and you need to manage
all those clouds as easily as one with vm where cross cloud services you ve got options that's because vm where delivers the multi cloud choice sir surely and control you need to accelerate innovation deliver great apps and drive business forward vm where the smarter way to cloud learn more at vm where dot com thank you for listening to the arrival update i am below riley no spin just facts and always look out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.