« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, November 30, 2021


The worst COVID hotspots in the US now found in Blue States, more Americans take-on debt this holiday season, the trial of Jussie Smollett begins in Chicago, frequent flyers rank the worst Airports in America.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, two presidents and COVID-19.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The no o Reilly here to Jane november thirty, two thousand twenty one, you are listening to the really up gay here's. It's happening across our nation the worst covert hotspots in the usa now found in blue states more. americans going into debt this holiday season, the trial of jesse small, let begins in Chicago Frequent flyers rank the worst airports in the country also Biden, verses, trop, on covert, but first a handful democratic leaning stage, another worse places in the usa for covet the nations its transmission rates can be found in michigan, new hampshire, new mexico vermont minnesota off. States voted for Joe Biden best parts to avoid
contagion include Louisiana texas, alabama florida, all places that went to donald trump in the election report farms, NBC says, a majority of shoppers will go into debt. This christmas, fifty six percent, plan on using credit cards, thereby gifts day otherwise could not afford sixty six percent, say: they'll pay off the purchases within the next. Two much sales on cyber monday smashing records folks spent more than eleven billion dollars in less than twenty four hours, the average american. Shells out thousand dollars between thanksgiving new year's day on gifts, actor jesse's mallette, facing six charges of disorderly conduct in Chicago. The entertainer could spend three years in prison for concocting a hay
crime hoax in january, two thousand ninety smell smollett. Police. He was assaulted. Two men wearing make amerika great again hats. The do all that these screamed homophobic slurs, doused him in bleach, looked a noose around his neck and told him he was in mega country. I am then sender, calmly, harris call. The attack quote an attempted modern day, lynching. Of course. The whole thing never happened according to chicago police, a new survey from fox news, wrecking the worst airports in the country. The obs rated by flight delays, is quite linear shopping, that kind of stuff, the five worst dallas fort worth blossoms logo. San francisco international
guardia in new york, newark airport rank get last thirty percent of all flights out of new york. New jersey are delayed every day in a moment to president's and covert Right back, let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip, six makes belts.
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I would build twenty at checkout to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g r. I p six. The number dot com code bill to zero time now for the o'reilly update message of the day politics and covert during the two thousand and twenty campaign Joe Biden said, quote. anyone who is responsible for that. Many deaths should not remain as president of the united states of america, referring of course, to donald trump. Mr binding again, quote. If the president had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive, on quote
Well, a funny thing happened on the way to the vaccine plates cove it s this year, two thousand twenty one now surpassed the toll for two thousand: with three hundred fifty thousand deaths from covert it's inauguration day. So monsieur Biden has done far worse than MR tromp in the cove id arena. That is the fact. Did you know that? Did you hear it reported? the national network news lester, Nora gay. Muir chances are you did not hear that because of tromp administrations. Preparation where say led most of the world,
in vaccinations last spring when Joe Biden was in office, but after that vaccines, sloan and then the covert death count now covered should not be a political thing, but it is. The best example is doctor Anthony found. She, who is the government spokesman on cove it Most perhaps all conservatives and independence who lean to the right spies vow cheat. They ate him
So why is he there? That's about fifty percent of their country? Generally speaking, the left likes the doktor, because the left want strict rules and mandates about cove it. right generally supports the vaccine, but otherwise wants to be left alone. So what we have now is just chaos. We ve got a spokesperson, and for the government that half the country rejects their only listen to. So why can't prison and bind find a non political, non tainted, doktor, an expert in infectious disease to be the spokesperson for calls it. Why can't that happen? And then president Biden says nothing
about the death toll this year being higher than last year. He doesn't address it at all and of course the pliant press, the white house press corps doesn't ask: why is the death toll up this year? simple question: bottom line: prison biden continues to demonstrate he does not know what he's doing I know o reilly. I approve the message by writing it for more honest news analysis. Please visit billow, riley, dot com, When something, you might not know, This is Brian dean right former cia operations officer by now you probably heard of my podcast, the president's daily brief. We too around the world talking about the most pressing news of the day and the goal is to take complicated issues both here and abroad them really simple to understand. We also
about solutions to the problems that we discuss, just like the actual brief deliver to the president each day in the oval office so download and subscribe to the president's daily brief available all major podcast platforms, starting at six, a m eastern monday through Friday. It be a pleasure if you join now the rally of Gabriel something you might not know. Twenty so ago today, police in washington state detained him and suspected of killing dozens of people over a two decades span. The arrest, would stop the worst serial killer in the. U s: s history, the case the green river killer was exposed you saw the madman was finally caught, story begins in nineteen. Eighty two, when hikers found the body a missing twenty three year old, Deborah lynn bonner, her remains were
located in the green river just outside she out every few months. More victims would be discovered in that area law enforcement originally suspect that a local painter named Gary ridgeway of targeting hitchhikers at interstate trucks. he was taken into custody, but released after passing. A lie. Detector test the mistake allowed ridgeway do continue, killing Until two thousand and one On november thirtieth he was working at a local factory. One police arrived to arrest. Him New dna and other forensic evidence finally got ridgeway to confess and plead guilty in exchange for a life sentence rather than the death penalty in total. Ridgeway was convicted of forty,
eight murders but told investigators he killed at least double that amount. His oldest victim thirty, eight, his youngest thirteen most were in their teens or early twenties and hear something else. You might not know police were able to capture Gary ridgeway with the help of another serial killer member, so the green river taskforce interviewed TED Bundy before his execution, Bundy told investigators the killer likely visit the remains of his victims: usually on the annex, three of the murders? He was correct. Police, a new dna evidence after thus aspect ridgeway. dug up a body from the banks of the green river.
Ridgeway now. Seventy two serving wife at the washington state penitentiary, no possibility, of course, of parole back after this I'm starting at the new year right with a great night slave. Thanks to my cosy earth betting, as I wonder, over five thousand customers have left five star reviews on their website, swap bedding betting to suit the weather is a huge pain. It's a giant hassle, just one more reason why I love cosy earth betting, kismet, cozy and comfy year round cozier. It was founded to transform lives by offering the softest most luxurious and responsibly source betting in the world cosy earth betting is made using only the finest premium
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.