« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, November 3, 2021


After months of campaigning, American voters have their say, a CDC panel recommends the vaccine for children, New York bans the Confederate Flag from all public property, a new study reveals how long children stare at computer screens.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, why Virginia went red.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
No o reilly here, wednesday november thirty thousand twenty one. You are listening to the arrival of day. Here's which have. Today in america the progressive left embarrassed in yesterday. Election reply, begins when the governor ships of virginia and perhaps in deep blue new jersey, police win big in minneapolis, The socialists running from air and buffalo is waxed now I'll explain the importance of it all in the message of the day, but where's voters in virginia rejecting carrying the caliph Glenn young can beat it mccall of fifty one, forty nine job carry the commonwealth by double digit exactly one year ago, the last time, public in one, the governorship in Virginia two thousand and nine
It's a toss up in jersey and they are having trouble counting the votes there to close it. With ninety seven percent already counted, but a hundred percent should be republican. Jack chimera holds a slight lead over incumbent phil murphy. Only about fifteen hundred votes right now minneapolis choosing to save the police department. Fifty six percent opting to keep the cops in of replacing them with a department of public safety would be a safety disaster. in buffalo knew your despite support Bernie sanders and alexander o cassio Cortez, indeed walton this we shall lose candidate for mayor again. Murdered by incumbent, byron brown, who a ride in candidate because Miss walden, beat him in a primary.
Your this year, all in all very bad day for the progressive left, a key the board, at the cdc, endorsing covert shouts for kids between the ages of five and eleven The decision means twenty, eight million children will be eligible for the vaccine as early as this coming weekend. The approval only applies to pfizer he'll trials from derner and j J are still being tested. Polls show parents lit on whether to allow urgent to get the vaccine poured from the universe of california at san francisco, says the average child stares at a digital device ready eight hours, a day, and that can cause all kinds of health problems, including obesity, poor eyesight mental problems like anxiety and depression, watch your kids, please
in a moment I will analyze yesterday's debacle for the far left right back packs internet is faster. And has more reliable download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're. Looking for don Cox, analysis of oglesby, test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty two in cox, serviceable areas learn more at cox, dot, com, slash internet. Turn off the arrival of a message of the day progressives and president Biden humiliated at the polls. Yesterday too, who primary reasons number one, the far less despises america in general and Joe Biden is their puppet. It's obvious in ever in fact, from socialistic economics to critical race theory.
Now most americans love their country and do not want radical change. They do not leave whites are brutalizing blacks. They do believe police in general are evil. The left itself constantly dis respect ex traditional americans. Like me, I am insulted. When a person on the left paw, gives me a racist, just because I have white, skin and The president job goes out and says a mirror. In society is quote systemically racist That is insulting and a lot of people
sword that they may not be able to it as far as I just did, but they don't. Like second reason: the progressives lost big yesterday No binds terrible policies are now in your house. You We are paying more for the essentials of life and, of course, all my. But this is about you, the voter, and mister Biden has no solutions to the ink radical danger. Coming from the southern border. The open borders Policy is a disaster for every single american and now we have supply chain problems. Why weren't these anticipate it? Why did we not get out in front of those supply chain problems?
because president Biden is incompetent and I dont say this in any party way he's a disaster I'm a simple man. I have one simple question: give me one Biden policy, just one that has has improved the united states of america even arrogance who believe in global warming and a massive amount of money to combat that even those folks have to know that If China, india, russia Saudi arabia don't cooperate rate in the worldwide climate change effort. It goes Nowhere, so you damage your own economy, for a dream ass. What Biden is putting out there. so all in all again,
two reasons. The far left insulting traditional americans and Joe Biden being incompetent. Voters get that and they went to the polls, the commonwealth virginia a shocking, but if the presses think it's bad now, wait till year. From now the midterms I'm bill, o Reilly, approve the message by writing it for more honest news analysis. Please go to bill orally: dot com, and in a moment something you might not know packs internet is faster more reliable download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for, don Cox, analysis of oglesby, test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty two in cox, serviceable areas, learn more at cox, dot, com, slash internet. The arrival of day brings you something you might not know, sir. Four years ago today, a stray dogs from the streets of moscow was launched into space ship.
he would be the first animal to orbit the earth here is the sad story of laika. The soviet space dog. the three year old husky, was elected because of her sighs and good health. The time little is known about the impact of space flight on living creatures. Engineers placing animals in orbit was a sorry precursor to humans after that successful launch of sputnik by the soviet union october. Nineteen. Fifty seven nikita khrushchev, demanded another flight to honour the fortieth anniversary of the bolshevik revolution so like was selected to head to space now. to adapt. The pooch had to be confined because sputnik too was very small, so she was routinely kept in smaller
smaller cages for weeks very cruel, some those cages as tiny as three square feet on november. Third, The dog was fitted with health monitors that would be more status back to earth for being loaded onto the rocket soviet scientists kissed her on the no saying quote flying dog is sacrificed to science. Going on a one way mission to the stars that signalled that like would not be coming back During the launch, the dogs heart rate skyrocketed two two hundred forty beats per minute Breathing was extremely erratic after six hour, No signs of life were detective aboard sputnik too. Researchers believe the canine died from over here, and ass fixation. according to the very dishonest soviet press, the dogs, I for seven days and enjoy the right. She reportedly
passed away after being mechanically fed poison. But of course that was not true like a suffered, and that will is a shape and here's something else. You might not know the space Ugh remains a national hero in russia. Those to pay. Their respects can visit the canines official memorial in Moscow russians traditionally place. Flowers at the statue too, day november. Third, back after this mobile phone companies say they offer home internet, but if they are internet comes from a cell phone network, you should know it's just phone internet, not home internet, keep your home uptown.
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-14.