« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, November 29, 2023


Rosalynn Carter laid to rest, a 14-year-old charged with murder, trapped me rescued, and “blackface” at the Chiefs game.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, who is still supporting Joe Biden?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is expensive these days. You know that the government is pretty trillions of dollars in consumer prices higher than ever. If the government continues its printing and spending the dollar could continue its freefall. Loses coveted role as a world reserve currency, let's hope that doesn't app, but are a few things you can do right now. American harvey I can show you how to protect your money, your retirement, your heart, earned savings against in flight. And by helping you diversify a portion of your portfolio in defence. go gold and silver star with a short phone call, and they can Have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put inside your foot four o one k or I are so please collar. tax them right now, hell I'm bill, o Reilly sent you call it
Seven, four: four for gold: eighty, seven seven! Four for gold or tags gold to six five, five, three to again that aids. In seven, four: four for gold or tax gold to six five, five three to no o reilly. Here you are listening to the orally update coming up. Next, the new swift might sleep. Thank you. Build is Wednesday november. Twenty nine twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, rose carter, funeral forty are charged with murder trial, men rescued and black face at the chiefs gay. That's all coming up and bills going to be here with your message of the data first former first lady roseland carter laid to rest yesterday and a tribute service in georgia, her husband president Jimmy Carter is ninety nine left his home was care to be
her side, they're married for seventy seven years ever since roseland was eighteen, The couple had four children. Twenty two grandchildren and great grandchildren Amy Carter. Their daughter showed a letter that Jimmy wrote wife. Seventy five years ago, when he was in the navy, said my darling. Every time I've ever been away from you, I've been thrilled I returned to discover how wonderful you are goodbye darling until tomorrow, Jimmy their son said my mother was the most beautiful woman. I've ever met and pretty to look at two a fourteen year old north carolina was charged with murder after he stabbed classmate, while in high school, fourteen year old, murdered the fifteen year old and sixteen always hospitalized during the brawl. They must of the suspect said she warned the school that morning that the students have been fighting for weeks and that he would likely get jumped from us.
students because he defended his sister in a previous altercation. Forty one men were trapped from collapsed highway tunnel in india there were trapped force seventeen days and a team of people who were digging by hand were able to dig through the debris and pull them all to safety. people doug by hand there called rat minors is a real profession there were they dig tunnels as wide as one person usually to get call its affair. we been banned in india, but still done and for two weeks of trying to rescue the men with heavy machinery the the call in the illegal rat, minors and before rat minors were able to rescue these men. In one day the sports log dead, spin, a writer wrote the nfl needs to speak out against the kansas city, chiefs, fan and black face. They choose, and with a kid, maybe ten years old, and the picture they ran was of one half of his face. If they showed us
we face you'd see that half was painted black and the other half was painted red. The team colours of the chiefs, either in response said to the idiots who are treating this as some harmless act, because the other side of his face was painted red. I can the argument that it makes it even worse, making these people on my site or bill or with their message the day. Next, If the holiday friends and family sale at jc, penney and you're invited everyone can take on something extra with their thirty percent off coupon, that's on top of already great savings across the store, like fifty percent of essentials, to deck your halls and home, and up to forty percent off liz claiborne perfect for any get together or use your coupon to save an extra thirty percents storewide jc penney make your holidays count, offers valid on select styles, storewide coupon in store. Three. This event ends twelve six home sale ends. Twelve, seventeen exclusions apply, see, store, gc dot com for details, for. The really update message today on this wednesday is
what it becomes even more out of control and the cost of essentials continues to hammer working americans One wonders who exactly is approving president Biden is job performance. Well, that crew is basically those who are invested emotionally, with the president's satisfied that he defeated Donald everything else, including personal prosperity, is secondary, About eighty million americans voted for Joe Biden, mainly because they despise trump Joe is never offered any problems. having ideas or even showed concern over the summer ring. His idiotic policies have caused Biden, throws tax dollars it everything, then a way to take a nap. Hade is more power
full emotion than love. It's tough to say that, but it's true and binding was elected primarily by hate trump voters. but that will not be enough next year in two thousand. Twenty, for the present record is so horrendous that even Jimmy Carter looks brilliant by comparison. One vivid example, since Biden took office, prices for essentials have risen in eighteen, teen percent, the old saying is stranger. Things have happened, but that will not cut it in next november as election, I'm no o. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill
o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine, let's go to the now concierge member m e g, the high school college, kids, putting on mars no little or care about history. Who is right, it was wrong. They ve been programmed a protest when the vienna movement started losing steam. They needed something else to be offended by what a truth to that! No doubt about it, Lord miller, Jacob monticello indiana. I came to the usa in nineteen fifty one, a refugee of world war, two from a camp outside of Munich. Germany observed how hard my parents worked and love becoming a citizen both escape from belarus and understood what destroys personal freedom socialism. Now I see the bite administration, many in congress promoting that which will destroy america. Excellent letter lead miller. We are very glad
You are here, and your parents got you here after the chaos of world war, two kevin macneil, brooklyn new york, when you say the consequences of so called criminal justice reform, are unintended. I think about the oft repeated mantra of the ultra left. We must confront the afflicted and afflict the comfortable seems pretty clear to me. The results are precisely as intended by a few of the real revolutionary laugh, but most of the lemmings that follow this have no idea what is going to lead to and fill. It all boils down to common sense, a good thing. Young people are listening to you O'Reilly. Maybe it will cause them to stop think before they do something stupid. I also deserve done some stupid stuff, and I wish I hadn't so we are here to provide a pathway to success. Mark concierge member, thank you mark.
Keep saying you're in all guy, but when it comes to news you're, the future, I hope so I mean this organisation is now the most powerful, independent news agency and a world. No doubt about that. I hope so in a moment something. Might not know if the holiday, friends and family sale at jc, penney and you're invited everyone can take home something extra with their thirty percent off coupon. That's on top of already great savings across the store, like fifty percent off essentials, to deck your halls and home, and up to forty percent off liz claiborne perfect for any get together or use your coupon to save an extra thirty percents storewide jc penney make your holidays count offers valid on select styles, storewide coupon install three. This event ends twelve six home sale ends. Twelve seventeen exclusions apply, see store, gc dot com for details. Now the arrival of day brings you something you might not know. Forty. Two years ago today, one of holly was biggest stars was found floating face down in the pacific ocean.
She was wearing a flannel nightgown wool socks and a winter jacket for decades later. The event remains a mystery here, the story behind the death, of Natalie would born nineteen thirty eight, the actress gay national fame from our roles in miracle on thirty four street rebel. Without a cause and later west side story would mean fellow actor, Robert Wagner, nineteen fifty seven couple divorce than remarried. Ten years later, on murmured. Twenty seven nineteen one, the celebrity do all along with actor christopher Walken, sits here four catalina island off the coasts of southern california. The plan was. celebrate thanksgiving aboard their yacht, the splendor We ve journey was chaotic, the three rank heavily consume drugs and fought verbally. I accuse would have having an affair with walk,
organ denied them got so intense the yahoo com in personally sailed Natalie wood to a hotel using a lifeboat. She returned to the art the next morning, on the night of november twenty eight a nearby I would call the coastguard to report screen being a boy, the splendor. on thirty, I am first, spiders arrived on Saint Not only would it vanished, body was later discovered in the ocean, one, my from the ship. She was forty three years old the death was ruled in action. The coroner concluded would have been drinking fell overboard and drought. Today, the circumstances surrounding her demise are undetermined. some believe she accidently fell into the sea. Natalie Your sister, however, and says she was pushed by her jealous husband,
something else you might not know the investigation into downwards. Drowning remains open to that. Twelve, the los Angeles county shares department, officially changed natalie of death from accidental to undeterred. Back after is the holiday friends and family sale at jc, penney and you're invited everyone can take home something extra with their thirty percent off coupon. That's on top of already great savings across the store, like fifty percent of essentials, to deck your halls and home, and up to forty percent off liz claiborne perfect for any get together or use your coupon to save an extra thirty percents storewide jc penney make your holidays count, offers valid on select styles, storewide coupon in store. Three. This event ends twelve six home sale ends. Twelve seventeen exclusions apply see store, gc dot com for details. Thank you, Listening to the arrival update, I am below riley no spin. Just facts and always look
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-01.