« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, November 27, 2023


Hostages released, US Destroyer driven away, Santos (almost) expelled, and the busiest travel day of the year.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, the problem with cable news.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Everything is exposure these days. You know that the government is ding trillions of dollars in consumer prices, higher than ever If the government continues its printing and spending the dollar continue which freefall and lose coveted role as a world reserve currency. Let's hope that doesn't app. But there are a few things you can do right now. American harvey goal can show you how to protect your money. You retirement your hard earned savings against Inflation by helping you diversify a portion of europe, portfolio, physical gold and silver star with ashore phone call. It can have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door. Put inside your four or one k or I are so. Please call. attacks them right now, bill o reilly censure call determined, seven, four, four for gold
seven seven, four four for gold or tax gold to six five three to again, that's each seven, seven, four, four for gold or tax gold to six five five three to know o reilly. Here you are listening to the orally update coming up next, the new swift mike's later. Thank you bail. It is Monday november twenty seven, twenty twenty three hope you're, a wonderful thanksgiving, welcome back to adhere, as is happening today in america, so hostages, released. U S, destroyer, driven away, santos, almost expelled and busy travel day of the here. That's all coming up and bills, gonna be here with your message of the day: the first on friday, hamas released thirteen israeli hostages and ten thailand and one from the philippines on Saturday there released thirteen israelis and for more
nationals from thailand, and yesterday they release seventeen hostages. One was a four year old american little girl. She was Her mother be shy. killed and she ran her father who his body to shield her he was murdered as well. She was held hostage for fifty days, Israel, least thirty. Nine palestinians there are still ten accounted for americans. China's military says it drove away a: u s warship from waters. They claim as their own. china, sea china, harry claims at our guided missiles. Destroyer entered their territorial waters. They claim that they drove our ship away and said that we engage in a serious violation of china sovereignty and that we the biggest destroyer of peace and stability in the region.
George sent us who is a republican congressmen representing part of long island is facing possible expulsion. The Ethics committee, chairman Michael guest, introduced a resolution to expel santos months. Long investigation include, he used campaign funds to pay for botox, personal travel, and even pornography is also facing twenty three charges and federal court. santos. Did I live stream where he said congressmen are acting like there. An ivory towers with white, pointy hats and their untouchable He said within the ranks of u s: congress, there's felons galore people with all sorts of shyster backgrounds. And he said his colleagues republican colleagues are more worried about getting drunk every night with the next lobbyists. Then too, their job. Is it I'm not running for re election, because I want to work with a bunch of hypocrites I hope you're airplane travel yesterday was one of the few uneventful once a record. Three million people travel through our airports plenty of storms across the country
fully, you got back from grandma's how safely and eventually exciting for the bad gassed politics by fate. The great bill, o reilly is back with your message of the day. Next, did you know water heaters last about ten years refrigerators, typically about thirteen every day.
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protect what you don't expect c h, dot, dotcom, slash contracts for coverage, details, including women, amounts fees, limitations and exclusions. Time now, for the o'reilly update message of the day, on this one day trying to watch a video cable news this week, couldn't get engrossed late after programmes, lang with pacing thing new on the facts from now not to mention the eggers, because disparaging comments get us nowhere. I I'll tell you. I sampled, cnn and fox news see, I was doing presidential politics but the panel, and that now Work loves panels had nothing new. violence in trouble. Trumps, hitler the usual on fire it was Gaza, the might happen way that could occur
What about the hostage it's on and on not a learning experience now, the other day I looked up my ratings on the o reilly factor for the first quarter of two thousand and seventeen in age. Twenty five to fifty four demographic, that's the advertiser. All they say, I delivered more than seven hundred thousand viewers at eight p m now The delivery at eight p m on fox about two hundred forty thousand. Obviously, a big drop The other cable outlets are far lower. the primary reason is predictability. Nobody wants to get in trouble with all the cancel cultures surveillance out there, So the Figures are dull, boring tell him
I'm no o reilly. I approve the message by writing. It you can reach me bill. Bill o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine, go there they'll follow pacific policies- California, nice community out there you are correct biden- is not going to run into four o reilly. However, he will wait until the Democrats. convention to announced that he is running he'll delay for several reasons. First as soon as he makes an announcement, he'll be a lame duck. This is all guess work, but that theory is in bad This is frank. must guerrilla hunting tune new york? keep hearing from you bill that Joe won't run. That is, party will look for replacement with all due respect. You are wrong. The bide machine, will run them all away to the convention. We will, of course, fine
out Dan o brien camera north carolina, Joe Biden, resigns. You will be The partners son not true, In part, this animal bone buying part, two hundred boredom or any, and all crimes on a federal level, jordan richard to run canada if you got one on one interview with Biden bill. What would your first question baby? That's an interesting letter. I go to the board runaway. Now would be number one, then the economy, why he attacked the fossil who industry and I'd have all my fax lined up. So we couldn't deny it. Margaret boy, bolder colorado, you said Nicky Healy is a lightweight that is incorrect. Margaret I never Nicky highly, is lightweight ever Why would I do that should govern south carolina own ambassador to the united nations, Kay
anyway. Marty goes on her views. Make a lot of sense to make good, thing against dickie early snap. My Type of person, but Obviously, as woman of distinction in a moment, something you might not know and it was on a state university. We are committed to our students success. That's why we ve designed our online courses to utilise adaptive technology for enhanced learning, explore more than three hundred programmes on my from the nations. Most innovative university visit a yes you on line that a yes you that eighty. now the are update, breaches something you might not know Five years ago today, frank Sinatra arrested in hackensack, new jersey, his crop, allegedly, the seduction, of a reputable woman that was a law. Here is Thus story young. Frank began. His music career in a group called the hoboken for then
when a three year old gruner was very popular among females. After perform, Yet a club called a rustic cabin sinatra had a romantic liaison with a local woman. the sailor was arrested on november twenty seventh nineteen thirty eight charge with seduction, courtier of the company I promised to marry the girl and then dumped her. However, she was already married, which made active seduction null and void, but forties, accused sinatra of adultery that choice, It was later dropped into all frank sinatra? Spent less than a day in jail was released on five hundred dollars bar. Eighteen months after his arrest. Franked dropped first single recording poker, art and moonbeams for them. fifty years singer is one of the biggest acts in a world. He released fifty nine studio, albums
Twenty live records and had more than two hundred singles on billboard charts, frank, not your died and nineteen. Ninety eight from a heart attack. He was eighty two years. Oh then, his death. The empire state building was illuminated in blue as a tribute you old blue eyes and archers nickname, and here something else you might not now. Sinatra's reputation as a las vegas, carouse, earned him his own signature cocktail to this day, folks on the strip. Can order the chairman of the board, three shots of american whisky for ice cubes and a table spoon of water, so loved booze and tobacco. So much he was buried with a bottle of jack Daniels, two packs of camel
unfiltered cigarettes and his favorite zippo light not sure whether those items did him any good with saint Peter back after this we're lucky landslides. You can get lucky just about anywhere dearly beloved. We are gathered here today. Has anyone seen the broad and grew very sorry we're here we were getting lucky in the labelling. We lost track of time, no lucky lane casino, with cash prices that add a quicker than a guess. Register Ok, so pronounced you re, lucky landslides, dot com, dingley bonuses are rating, no purchase necessary, boyd were prohibited by law. Eighteen vice terms and conditions of black sea website for details. thank you for listening to the orally update. I am below riley no spin, just fine
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-28.