« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, November 16, 2020


Lockdowns return as CoVID rises in all 50 states... President Trump questions the Georgia re- count... Residents flee New York in record numbers... New Jersey braces for recreational marijuana... San Francisco poised to fine cigarette smokers in their own homes... 

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, what will President Trump do next?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o'riley here monday november sixteen thousand twenty you are listening the arrival update whose roots bring today in america lockdown return is covered rises in all fifty states present from questions the georgia ray count residents flee new york and record numbers new jersey bracing for wreck should a marrow wanna san francisco poised to fine cigarette smokers in their own homes although i had what well donald trump do next but first cases of covert now spiking everywhere passing eleven million in the usa the cdc confirming early two hundred thousand new ones actions just last thursday one day michigan governor whittemore shutting down sessions of her state for three weeks at least but is some good news the pharmaceutical company modernity announcing a vaccine
works and ninety five percent of tests that should be out before the end of the year tromp dismissing the georgia vote recount as a scam mr tromp claims about a riddle with fraudulent signal years and are only being counted because a public pressure joe biden currently liza president the peach state by roughly fifteen thousand votes the recount should be completed by midnight wednesday new data from the eu s postal service shows at least three hundred thousand people have left new york city in the past eight months the stats only include folks who have requested a permanent address change me the actual number of people getting out of the big apple is likely twice as high a majority of those leaving
earn more than a hundred thousand dollars a year so tax receipts will crash residents in neighbouring new jersey preparing for the legal sail a pot starting next year jersey lawmakers must agree on specific taxes on the pot how much individuals can purchase at one time and where stores will be located marijuana shops and other states are colorado prohibit the sale near schools jews or senior living facilities savages goes board of supervisors now considering a law that would find cigarettes smokers a thousand dollars for lighting up in their own homes supporters claim the bill pretend neighbours from second hand smoke critic say it's a violation of a person's constitutional rights which of course it is but san francisco really doesn't care about constitutional rights in a moment what is the future for donald trump
right back let me introduce you to a company that does things right grip six makes belts
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oh bill twenty at checkout to get twenty percent off your bill that's g r i p six the number dot com code bill to zero time to have the rally update message of the day president trump's future right on mr tromp his angry believing massive vote fraud led to joe biden nhs victory but the president is looking ahead and may run again in four years that's what i'm hearing now that happened that would put him in the company of the immortal grover cleveland member grover he was our twenty second and twenty fourth president and the
only president to get voted out of the white house and then when a second term four years later that happened in eighteen ninety three so donald trump may want to emulate mister cleveland but many many things are going to happen in the next three years before the two thousand twenty four presidential campaign gets under way in the meantime mr tromp has to keep a very high profile so he is likely to do something in the media right now there's big money floating around that wants to start a new television media operation had away oh this well so investors came the long island specifically to speak with me about signing on but i did not because i
like running my own media company however if things change and there is a new media operation that features donald trump i might look at it president trump would command tens of millions of dollars to sign on to any media operation so financially it may be worth it for him but mostly he wants revenge the president wants revenge he wants to be able to hammer his perceived enemies in a hype oh file media situation joe biden being number one the democratic party of course and other media including fox news as you know mr tromp is not a fan of fox any law now i'm not exactly sure about what
that is the prime time fox hosts were supportive of him day side not so much but any fair news organization is have a variety of opinions however that doesn't really matter donald trump is angry at the fox news channel and revenge is on my right now there are too conservative tv channels that a rumour to be destinations president tromp might consider the first is news max which has widened it's just beauty and after fox news called arizona very early for joe biden many p got angry and went over to sample news max the other network is one america news network
and present job has been very complimentary toward that operation which favours him in fact news max and one america still have not call the presidential race so i will predict the donald trump will get involved with the media and i will keep you posted on how that might have i don't really and i approve that message by writing it disagree i want to hear from you billet bill o reilly dotcom and please consider my new book big best seller killing crazy horse something you might not know she's underwear mix the most comfortable boxer brace i've ever worn if you're sick boxers that are too loose or brief that too tight sheath is for you the most comfortable box a brief you'll ever put on your body you see stretching fabric is made out of a moisture your waking technology theirs super soft keep everything cool uncomfortable and right in place sheath is prey
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theodore roosevelt invited former slave and long time friend booker to washington to dine with his family in washington dc mister washington brought his wife and other president's had in the past invited black americans to meetings at the white house but never for a formal dinner at the time nineteen o one segregation was the law of the land unfortunately not be invitation sparked a national uproar here's the back story while governor of new york teddy roosevelt frequently invited black friends for dinner so he didn't think twice about having is adviser booker to washington over for some food and conversely
the white ass release an official statement on october seventeenth nineteen o one simply stating but could you wash ing ton of to ski alabama dine with the president last evening news of the dinner between a former slave and the commander in chief provoked and outlying of condemnation from some southern politicians and some in the press a newspaper national genesee reporting quote roosevelt committed the most damnable outrage which has ever been perpetrated by any citizen of the united states that of course is insane the richmond time through this means the president is willing that nigger shall mingle freely with whites and social circle white women may receive attentions from negro man isn't that just
for what happened in america in nineteen o one the event even prompted some southern states to harden racial laws codifying strict restrictions against african americans eating in restaurants rules would ultimately be called jim crow teddy roosevelt response to the fiasco i shall him dine as often as i please wait to go teddy and here's something else you may not know the real into the dinner was so bad it actually affected white ass policy no other african american was invited to officially dine with president oars family for another thirty years again awful america is a great country but some of our legacy is not great at all back after this sheath underwear makes the most comfortable boxer brace i've never worn if you're sick
boxers that are too loose or brief that too tight sheath is for you the most comfortable box a brief you'll ever put on your body you see stretching fabric is made out of a moisture waking technology theirs super soft keep everything cool uncomfortable and right in place sheath is pretty a useful for staying cool how working out now the most you thing about sheath underwear is that they have these dual pouches they keep your man parts separated which prevents things from sticking together keeps them right were they need to be there'll be the most comfortable i a boxer brief you've ever won in your life plus they have brand new materials like bamboo and mesh for even more cooling comfort go to shit underwear dot com and get the most comfortable underwear you ve ever worn and if you use promo code i heart you'll also get twenty percent off your order vats sheath under dont com promo code i heart twenty percent off your order sheath underwear dot com promo code i heart
thank you for listening to the arriv update i am below riley no spin just facts and always out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.