« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, November 13, 2020


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
no o reilly here thirty november thirteen two thousand twenty you on this to the really update on friday the thirteenth here's what happening today in america the presidential election technically still underway workers north carolina arizona georgia still counting votes more than a week after the poles clothes in the meantime the term campaign is filed a series lawsuits in places that have already called the election for joe biden here's a quick look at the legal challenges that could potentially keep donald then a white house it's a long shot but not impossible for two pennsylvania the most important state mr tromp claiming democratic troll cities like philadelphia in pittsburgh counted late and
he says they stole some bowers to sway the election joe biden currently leads in pennsylvania by fifty thousand votes if that challenge goes to the supreme court that would open a pathway for donald trump next michigan the trump team says officials at detroit blocked republicans from watching the vote count lowing workers to discard ballots in and it for the president a lawsuit still pending in arizona over the so called sharp be controversy the term campaign alleging that some voters had their balloting incorrectly rejected because they use permanent markers to fill a map republicans drop the suit over the weekend but vile another one this is going nowhere in arizona in the vat georgia the geo people's officials allowed late voting in democratic precincts counting bouts had arrived at the polls after the deadline
joe biden holds a razor thin lead of just fourteen thousand votes in georgia and they are now recounting by hand in that state the tree campaign also demanding a recount in wisconsin before the election is certified their setting examples of irregularities and numbers around milwaukee and man in the meantime the election goes on present trump is closing the gap in arizona and as an outside chance to even win that state georgia will likely yoda biden but it's not a lot this is an important newsweek so i hope you dial into the no spin news every night that's bill o'reilly dot com and we are experiencing a surge in people watching us coming up
message of the day listeners sounding off about the election will be right back with that let me introduce you to accompany the does things right grip six makes belts
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code bill twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill that's g are ip six the number that cop code bill two zero tonnes of the iraqi update message of the day listener sounding off we do this every friday and i said hold you in the last segment you can reach me billet bill o reilly dot com let us begin with karol in hawaii how will georgia people vote in the upcoming senate race mail and how will they count the vote same way they did at the first time around carol only this time they'll be so many pole watchers there any cheating would be impossible so here i was going to shake in early january voters in georgia will go to consider two senate races
the republicans are favoured in each race the first rays incumbent republican senator purdue one but he didn't have enough what's he needed over fifty to avoid a run off and he got forty nine point seven so why would anyone again the second race the democrat their ran against two republicans not one and defeated the two republicans but if you add up the republican votes they overwhelm the democrats who i expect in georgia in january to republic and senators which would give the geo p a fifty two forty eight advantage in the senate eric is in columbus mississippi what's to keep the democrats in georgia from using the same cheating tactics to ensure the republicans from what
well first of all the cheating tactics are yet to be defined eric so we suspect that county that's atlanta we suspect or work you regularities but we don't know yet is being investigated but as i said there are going to be so many pole watches this time around all over georgia that i think there will be an honest vote dave and bird hills new york bill please explain what a recount means is a truly verifying the authenticity of each vote or is it we re counting which should amount to much difference what is this specific process so it's a hand recount in georgia that means it each vote will be examined dave and if there is a problem with the vote it's gonna be thrown out not count it that is very very simple
so you'll have two tracks one they'll actually count the votes they have i see how many and who wins but two any votes that are not filled out correctly in the mail and process will be thrown out and the allegations are they weren't the first time around so again this is desperately needed in georgia five million voted and the biden by fourteen thousand come on we need a hand recount state laszlo in louisiana visa or can to explain what would happen if the twelfth amendment would be used to declare donald trump the president is that a possibility it is not now in the constitution there are all kinds of remedies for controversies but in this case laszlo this is a pure vote count situation and as i said the supreme court
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on these hard hit nations if you're looking to avoid the virus spain a country is one of the highest death rates the nation of forty five million people has more than one point four million cases a coded and forty thousand feet alex officials in spain i visited a nationwide curfew to stop party errors in madrid in barcelona from spreading the disease brazil six million cases a hundred and sixty thousand des probably much higher than that but brazil reports a hundred and sixty thousand this desperate south american countries experimenting with different vaccines from around the world thirties recently suspended trials of a russian and chinese treatment after volunteers became gravely ill india also struggling to slow down covered the nation of one point three billion people reporting a hunter
thirty thousand fatalities again that number is probably much higher reporting in the third world is not very liable but india has a terrible problem other hotspots include peru israel mexico and of course our own country america has the highest number of confirmed cases in des of any nation on earth many believe that's because we test far more than other countries and that's probably but the real reason that corvids spread so fast in america is our affluence we travel more and socialize more we have more opportunities to go places and do things and that spreads cove it the worst place on a planet right now the united kingdom population sixty million one point two million infections fifty thousand deaths
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twenty percent off your order sheath underwear dot com promo code i heart thank you for listening to the o'reilly update i am bill o'reilly no spin just facts and always look out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-21.