« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, May 8, 2019


Two gunmen open fire inside a local high school, Cory Booker calls for a “gun buyback program”,  Joe Biden opens up a massive lead against Sanders, The New York Times obtains 10 years of the President’s tax returns, and outrage as an online shop sells products featuring images of Auschwitz.

Plus: Bill's message of the day on the Times publishing Trump's tax returns.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o'reilly here it is wednesday may eighth two thousand and nineteen you are listening to the o'reilly up and here's which happening across our nation or in colorado is too gunmen open fire inside a local high school corey booker says aside for a gun buyback programme to stop future shootings big trouble for bernie sanders is joe biden opens a giant leap new pulling the new york times obtains ten years with the president's tax returns and officials at the ouch wish memorial enraged over an online shops selling products featuring images the nazi death camp also coming up my message of the day on the trump tax situation but first
two gunman open fire at a local charter school in colorado injuring eight innocent students some in critical condition suspects were detained by police within minutes of the shooting they are currently rolled at that school hoary booker wing in on the public debate surrounding guns the democratic hole full in two thousand twenty now calling for a gun buyback programme that would worse some americans to hand in their firearms the real question for senator booker what happens to americans who refuse to do that bad loser bernie sanders and recent pulling with former vice president biden opening up a thirty two point lead over the socialist senator from vermont national surveys show bide now has forty six percent of support from likely democratic
leaders would sanders fading to just fourteen percent but caution many poles are not accurate as we saw in the last presidential election the new york times reporting have obtained ten years president trumps tax returns claiming the documents dated from nineteen eighty five to ninety four chauvinist drums businesses lost more than one point one billion with a big according to the newspaper the losses were mostly caused by a drop in casino hotel and real estate more
i have some commentary on this coming up on line retail market place red bubble called out monday by representatives from the ashes memorial after the store featured quote disrespectful images of the nazi death camp on pillows many skirts and tote backs if you can believe it the items are labelled chimney and sell for thirty five euros this of course is disgraceful but a sign of the times we are living in coming up my message of the day on president trumps tax situation now this eggs vision and intelligence to protect yourself and your family in this very complicated world and that's why i'm happy to tell you about a company i recommend why these foods raise ride food is a modern day miracle it tastes good is healthy and get this can be stored for up to twenty five years
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two six nine zero five zero one here is the really update message of the day as reported the new york times printed donald trump tax returns from nineteen eighty five to ninety ninety four returns were leaked to the anti trump newspaper perhaps illegally apparently must drop lost more than a billion dollars over ten years this does not come as a surprise to me your humble correspond it because in researching my upcoming book the united states of trauma we found out the developer lost far more than that how donald trump made a business comeback is an extremely fascinating story which of course is in the book
as for the new york times i would have gone with the story if i had been given the documents even illegally american should know about the history of their presence which is why i'm writing a history blog about donald trump however president trump is correct in saying that his tax returns are only being sought by democrats in order to embarrass him motive is important also there is the private the situation donald trump is an american tax returns are supposed to be secured by the i r s now in trump's case nothing is secure everything is leaked any presidential contender should understand that once you get into the public arena you can forget about privacy but whoever leaked the trump returns to the newspaper should be held
annabelle if we find out who that person is one other thing the hatred surrounding donald trump is not healthy for america this week the baltimore sun rota editorial scorching golfer tiger woods why because mr wurtz showed up at the white house this week to receive the presidential metal of freedom a very prestigious war the sun objected to a quote man of color tiger woods actually associating with the president of the united states now this is just pure hatred that's all it is most americans being on
like that wouldn't care who the president was it's a respectful situation because of the office not the man or woman in it you respect the office of the presidency but not in the mirror media now it hate trump and hate anyone who associated with it the baltimore son editorial was appalling the newspaper is on the skids it circulation is bought hang out in a few years it will not even exist but in the meantime the baltimore sun and many many other media vehicle simply hate donald trump and therefore they display
anyone who supports him and anyone who associated with it that is wrong that is destructive to the united states of america the message of the day we are more commentary on bill o'reilly dot com where you can see me each evening we hope you check it out this a young lady was looking to buy her first home in texas the market at her price point is very hot so she went to real estate agents i trust that for help to ensure her offer was accepted rages suggested the following steps want yet three qualified with a mortgage company that our asian at a history using to satisfy this seller's agent to find a home that was priced to sell so they knew the owner was ready to move freight
find a whole well located and price correctly so it could be least if an emergency occur for anticipating multiple offers offer more than asking but still less than what the house would be appraised four and five offered a hell with some of the closing costs the house the lady wanted had ten offers in three days but she got the house because she had an agent who knew to get the job done that's why i love real estate agents i trust that car no pin heads just great ages get moving with real estate agents i trust dot com that's real estate agents i trust god now you're really up day brings you something you might not know reality tv saw him car dashi in his back in the news this ivory something positive and something that may
the prize you the flamboyant celebrity has been quietly working with the trop administration for three months to free convicted felons who were given extensive prison sentences for so called low level drug offences the efforts part of her buried alive programme have now freed at least seventeen inmates in the past any day now the buried alive campaign is not only change the lives of some prisoners who face decades behind bars but also miss coordination and herself who now hopes to become a lawyer and take the bar exam in the year two thousand twenty to miss good ashen the wife of a musician staunch trump supporter kanye west has found a surprising ally in president trot who managed to pass a bipartisan criminal reform bill just months ago the commander in chief sign the first step act into law last december after meeting miss core dash inside it
the losses throwing his full support behind a series of proposals there do some minimum sentences while providing a second chance for those in american prisons who deserve a second chance predictably kim kardashian faced a brutal backlash from some hollywood liberals and other left wing activists for simply working with president drop the los angeles resident dismissed the criticism tell
report is quote i guarantee you that people sitting behind bars don't care who the president it was good action should be praised for her efforts although caution should be used in setting convicted felons free it is easy for actors or professional athletes to criticise complain and demand action on social justice but it's quite another thing to get out there and do it miss car dashing should be an example of someone who is trying to make america better our compassion is impressive present tromp too should be applauded criminal justice reform not a popular policy with some of his base but despite the obstacles to people from very different backgrounds met to come together and accomplish something a lesson very much needed for both political parties in america now this work if you watch sixty minutes and you own a home you just got very nervous
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.