« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, May 31, 2023


No debt deal…yet, a Chinese fighter jet gets too close to a U.S. plane, Trump wants to end birthright citizenship, and a baseball player defends his faith.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, the arrogance of corporate America.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o'reilly dot, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming. We'll even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today: billow riley, dot com,
slash ad free that bill O'Reilly, dot com, slash ad free the bill O'Riley here you are listening to the o'reilly update coming up. the new swift, MIKE's, later Thank you bill. It is wednesday, may thirty first, twenty twenty three years, it's happening today in america. Debt deal not quite made chinese gets too close again try wanting to end birthright citizenship and we'll see if this major league baseball player stands strong, that's all coming up. Then bill is back with your message of the day, but first around twenty house republicans are opposing the debt killing compromise these are: members of the house, freedom caucus who think that Kevin Mccarthy, the republicans compromise it too much and if their opposition holds than this pill will pass.
congressmen ship Royce had not one republicans you vote for this deal, it's a bad deal. No one sent us here to borrow an additional four trillion to get absolutely nothing in return now Mccarthy to negotiate with his own party to get this through. The airforce released a video of a chinese fighter jet coming very close to an american jet. Do you ask may call it an unnecessarily aggressive maneuver towards it Us military spy plain this is over the south- the china sea china, of course claims they set their own area. We say its international airspace in December a chinese military plane came within ten feet of a u s: aircraft, while in international airspace ten feet. in his latest video donald trump vowed to end birthright citizenship. If he is reelected, some right now. If an illegal immigrant comes to america and gives birth here, current law says that child is a: u s. Citizen trump ones
change that so that your citizenship is tied to the nationality of the parents, instead of just geographically where you're born very interesting debate. Almost every country, north and south america has it system called law by soil, that's birthright and every country in africa, europe and asia what car law by blood. That means a child's citizenship? Is based off their parents, citizenship of two major the baseball players who have weighed in on the controversy with the dodgers honouring the sisters of perpetual indulgence. One toronto blue days pitcher anthony bass. He has already apologized for sharing a real, encouraging people to boycott target and blood light here. Came out and said he so sorry for being hurtful to the prom community so he's eddie cave the other players who, as far as I know, who have stood up, is starting pitcher, forty wash to nationals who city is deeply troubled by the day This decision he said to invite a group and honour,
gripped the makes a blatant and deeply offensive. Mockery of my religion undermines the values of respect and inclusiveness that upheld by any organization, was If trevor Williams can stand up to the incoming that surely coming his way deliberately, Your message to the day next. But you are cellular, it's just twenty nine. Ninety nine per line for one two or three lines. So you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family glamorizing rope, Elizabeth she's, Can I like that their old, isolated prevail boy get the low rate of twenty nine? Ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us terms, applied visit. You are cellular dot com, pretty deals. We value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit your? U s! Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen, fifty two decorator pike in athens, and now for the o'reilly update message of the day on this
Wednesday. Incompetence and arrogance will cost Anheuser Busch and target billions of dollars in lost revenue as many a man consumers have had enough with the woke movement being forced upon them. The question how corporate executives not see the day. In europe. Promoting alternative lifestyles after disney got its but kit Siding with indoctrinated public schools, kids engender controversies. How could this executor not see that do their bit. and clothing mobiles not consume news. Are they stone called stupid? It is most likely the latter. Hiring a man who turned himself into a woman to page beard. working class guys. Foolish and targeting working class folks with racks of trans clothing for kids.
and design celebrating, say a shoe Where's immediate entry into the dumb hall of fame The only explanation is that many corporate executives live in a world bubble and a few real world clues what it pc people like george clooney, don't shout but target or drink bud light regular folks do and they all want pc, woke values, and they will punish you. If you force those I'll use upon them? I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine go to the mail,
I've been needy winchester Virginia america's voice is reporting catholic charities at the border getting paid by drug cartels to traffic humans. There is absolutely no evidence. Go on the internet, listen to these people, john perkins, south end in new jersey. You see a lot of warnings about the establishment of digital currency in July. Is this real? No again float floating internet and concierge member andrew, thank you gray, column, god and countries and in my column, k. I hope you read it as it highlights the importance of judeo christian influence by placing it in proper historical perspective when we do that and killing of which is its unbelief. we'll tell by the way James patterson, yoga, hooker japan
bill? I want you to know that your broadcast spot on most of the time, I believe people see themselves as good but if you criticise them, they take it as an attack. Even if its constructive criticism not about issues about cell value, your writings In order to criticise another human being gotta, do it in Roundabout way, unless To make an enemy sold say things I did you ever considered this, or maybe this fact will change your mind that that kind of thing, I'm glad you watch and in Japan we are worldwide. Stephen ballroom at the sea, cliff new york. As a gay catholic man, I strongly protest. The l, a dodgers re, inviting the sisters of perpetual indulgence to their gay pride night where to stand up stephen. Thank you,
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here is a story of sign, fell. executives at NBC offered comedian. Jerry, seinfeld sitcom after a string of successful appearances on the tonight show the idea was conceived over lunch with long time. Friend, Larry David Lee were dining at a korean delhi. When the pay began. Mocking spelling mistakes on the menu a week later, the comedians pitch their concept to NBC the sitcom. Starring jerry and his three friends alain georgian kramer, we'll be quote a show about nothing. Seinfeld debuted in may. Ninety ninety and the plots focused on the absurdity of life in the big city. Double parking sitting in traffic going to the movies five episodes. About ordering chinese food, so very soon gained a called following. Equally among new yorkers by the fifth season
Twenty seven million americans tuned in each thursday night to watch jerry and his pals. During the final eighth season and ninety ninety eight seinfeld himself, was making one million dollars per episode now some stars of the sick com prosper it after the finale, but others did not Jerry seinfeld remains one of the biggest stand up comedians in the world jewel. Louis drivers went onto sore and in h, political kommeni be jason Alexander is currently performing on broadway kramer actor Michael richards, kind of disappeared from show business A racist rant at los angeles, comedy club, went viral, and here something else you might not know seinfeld is also responsible for changing the english language. The show creed,
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.