« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, May 3, 2023


Biden sends troops to the border, AOC and elder abuse, suspect in Texas mass murder captured, and Fox ratings plummet. 

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, Biden water carriers are lying about Kamala Harris.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today: billow riley dot com
slash ad free, that's billow, riley dotcom, slash ad free bill O'Reilly. Here you are listening to the o'reilly update coming up. the new swift mike's later, development is wednesday. May third, twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, troops to the border, but not what you think yo, see an elder abuse. They finally got em and a tucker, fox news rating update the dot com and the bill will be here with your message of the day, but first the Biden administration will send thousand five at our troops to the? U s: southern border ahead of us, pected surge of illegal crossings next week. Why? Next week? That is the the title, forty two, what is tighter forty, two quick refresher started and nineteen forty four it says- If there is a communicable disease outside of america than the? U S, surgeon general has the
ability to say that we will not allow people from that country to come into our country, ec sense right covered as a communicable disease. so jobs. Now, guy tatu, forty, two, no one is allowed to come in and grant get asylum because of cold. Cigar stay in mexico. Well, that is ending on may eleventh, so there's gonna be a huge rush party has been So we need one thousand father troops at the border to help the two thousand five international guardsman who already there, but don't. think that he's troops are going to be used to stop people from across the border they're. All data entry, Our troops are gonna, be like grin Ober just clicking away keyboard to help people come in faster, sir we'll keep you updated on that. The guard in congress. No respect for the old guard, ayo see, call four die feinstein to give it up already. She's
diane fives. I should retire. Her refusal to either retire or show up is causing great harm to the judiciary, precise, where reproduction rights are getting stripped worth If diane does resign, then Gavin newsom will Point the senator- and there are rumours that he might appoint himself. That's happened eight times before where the governor nominates himself to be senator and other eight times, seven of them that person lost the next affection Finally, they caught that illegal immigrant accused of murdering five of his neighbors in texas happened on friday and they found him in a small town in Texas called cut and shoot population over one thousand. seventy miles from his house, he's a mexican citizen has been deported four times from two thousand to two thousand sixteen and somehow has been living in amerika the last seven years I tucker.
The fox news update on monday across primetime fox news, brought in one point: five: nine million viewers MSNBC one point: six: nine million and MSNBC one that key devil. do you think whoever takes over that eight o clock slot we'll get the ratings back or as fast news done for good. Now. Am I slater from the podcast politics by faith. The the bill bill. Riley will be here with your message today. Next, Weddings are a celebration of finding the perfect fit in with indochina. You can design a custom suit me to your measurements. Go too, I m d, o c h. I n o dotcom and use code podcast for ten percent of any order of bree, ninety nine or more time. now for the o'reilly update message of the day on this one they former Biden, shiva staff ron clay, gave an interview to a leftist internet person in which he said president harris is doing a great job and much of the criticism of her.
Is racist and sexist that of challenging that imbecility statement. The podcast woman just nodded The wind blown puppet. There are two: issues here. The first one is the us calmly harris. some of the lowest pole numbers. We ve seen in quite some time to how, could you be doing a great job, wait, clay and explain that the american public is races and sex is Now I understand the next week soon is does right clay and really believe the blather. He is uttering impossible to know but I can tell you that many political people on both sides, often but what they want to believe and what they want to believe is anything that might help them or their party. Like most,
The Biden Whitehouse clane had no interest in verifiable truth here I lived in Biden land for two years. The truth never came up Al Gore once wrote a book called an inconvenient truth about the dangers of climate change. Then former vice president hopped on a private jet flying around the country, promoting the book broken The common law gore was thomas jefferson, who was repeated. John Adams, It's also maddening If Kamala harris is doing a great job, Michelangelo I'm bill, o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine go to the may, all jimmy Higgins in indiana bill? You probably I have time to answer this email, but I thought I try anyway, my wife- and I are yours- bridge good and honest americans who lean to the right
we're going to believe that republicans will never again win an election. Billion air supporting leftwing agendas, millions of illegal immigrants that will be granted voting cards. and on and on and on what do you think you're, a publican chances are two thousand twenty four fifty if the number one illegal aliens, migrants, they're not gonna, be able to vote, that's not going to happen. Gotta be an american citizen to cast a ballot and that, if it's violated is a crime and that's not it's okay, so that's number one number two you're right about the billionaire soros Zuckerberg. All of these people have corrupted the political system, no doubt about it. They hide behind the first cement, but the republicans can overcome that better policies, and now we have a diminished democrat present. So I put the odds of fifty fifty. Gloria, Pemberton, newburyport, California. After turning church, it is important to me that you
mention when you attend mass every sunday. You never hear any kind of linkage with the gospel or epistle to modern day. I'm experiencing same thing at my church, which is luther and its frustrating beyond frustrating to me: sit near go, and can you please I hope the parishioners live their lives in a more effective way according to the teachings of Jesus by linking it into what we are experiencing most greece will not do it simply want, and it's a shame in a moment, so Then you might not know now the arrival of day brings you something you might not know, Eighty, six years ago, today, author more Mitchell, one the pulitzer prize, eyes for literature after public in the most successful novel in history. The story,
scarlet, o hara and her life during the american civil war. Here, the story of gone with the wind, nineteen. Twenty six miss mitchell quit job as rapporteur at the atlanta journal to recover from broken ankle. Why, recuperating. She used to second hand typewriter to create the novel. releasing Jus nineteen thirty six gone with the wind caught a sensation in georgia, and sold millions of copies all over the united states. I may through Nineteen. Thirty, seven Mitchell won the pulitzer prize. She then sold the film rights to mgm for a modest fee of fifty thousand dollars. gone with the wind is regarded as one of the finest films ever made adjusted or inflation remains the biggest box office, owner in history, generating
ray point four billion dollars in global ticket sales, the movie won eight oscars that year, including best picture best actress supporting actress and screenplay the film the top five greatest movies of all time along the godfather citizen, kane and casablanca. despite all those accolades guy with. The wind is not very popular. These days. In certain circles, cancel culture has come first scarlet and her crew h Your banish gone with the wind and back in two thousand twenty because it allegedly glorifies slavery, promote racism and white washed his three of the civil war according to h, b o.
This on twitter now urging the smithsonian to remove gone with the wind artifacts from the museum american history? and here is something else you might not know. The guy with the wind movie. Why is a historical moment, for a black actress, hattie mcdaniel, annual played mammy and she was the first african american actors too ever win an academy award back after that. Thank you for listening to the arriv update, I am below riley no spin, just fact: and always looking out for you the
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-01.