« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, May 28, 2019


New York City sees a rise in Hate Crimes, The first ‘privately funded’ section of Border Wall goes up in El Paso, Right-wing candidates make major gains in the European Union election, Joe Biden’s slow campaign schedule called into question, Red Sox star Bill Buckner dead at 69 years old.

Plus! Bill's Message of the Day: Defending Donald Trump in America.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
no o reilly here it's tuesday may twenty eight two thousand nineteen you are listening do they really object and here's was happening across our nation fifty cs and eighty three per cent rise in hate crimes the first privately funded section of border wall goes up in el paso right wing candidates make major gains in the european union election joe biden's slow campaign schedule examine boston red sox nobody yet at sixteen i also add my message of the day defending donald trump is that a worthy thing but her new york city seeing a spike in reported hate crimes this year apparently there's been an eighty three per cent rise in the same period last year the awful increase in hate is linked to the growth of anti semitism and some of it is fueled by anti israeli
coming from political circles over the border with the first privately funded section of fencing was erected in texas during the memorial day weekend a group calling themselves we build the wall instructed the barrier on privately owned land near el paso putting the eu s officials more than nine hundred and thirty
for a national arrested every day near that wall site private land can be protected by walls intact right wing parties made major gains in the european parliamentary elections last week with the uk breakfast party and others in italy and france beating centres candidates major factor driving the victories europe's immigration policy is especially from places like syria and northern africa to the campaign trail in america where former vice president biden is facing new scrutiny over his re laugh campaign scheduled biden has not held a public events is kick off on me t some voters in early battleground states are now asking themselves
where's job sad day for sports fans across country former was red sox first basement bill butner died monday the age of sixty not long time major bigger play twenty to seize it but will likely be remembered for his infamous error during the nineteen eighty six world series gave the title to the new york metz it would take the red sox another eighteen years too the world's coming up my message of the day defending donald trump in america is the trend rowing right back if you are a seventy five or older and if you own a hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy or larger please get a pan and write this information down many americans are making the decision to convert their life policy into cold cash giving them some extra money to pay off credit cards medical bills and a number of things look the account
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now the o reilly update message of the day defending resident because i am a simple may allow me to pose a simple question do you believe the national press in america really wants to find out a powerful government people actively tried to subvert the trump campaign and or his subsequent administrative yes or no perhaps you ve noticed that the new york top is objecting to strict from in government documents that may demonstrate exactly how the fbi and other agencies be hailed during the clinton email investigation and the russian collusion
you may have also observed that the art left his media is angry because president tromp has given attorney general bar woke extraordinary powers to investigate the investigate or even if that were true which is not why would oppressive jack to finding out of our federal government embraced her rupture during a presidential election isn't that a bible thing with a nation to now but the anti trust area does not want that exposition for two reasons first corruption established would help donald trump in its quest for real action and second if the fix was then that would implicate the press as indeed
pillars of this gap as an american i would like to know if elements of my govern fry too you'll legally derail gone over my wish has nothing to do with ideology or party politics i simply do not want my country to be a corrupt place and i believe most americans feel the way i do with that assessment puts me at odds with many in the media who are fighting against any fact finding about the fbi and other the times wash and impose cnn nbc news most political websites will use their power to try to do rail and of iraq the bar pro
and just for asking the questions i am asking right now i'll be scorn war worth supporting president from that means i can be derided by saturday night law bill of by on the net written by zealots an attack personally by the media in a variety of ways all because i dont want a crooked fbi or u s intelligence
apparatus it is simply astounding that we as a country have come to this place president trump is certainly a controversial leader and if you oppose it that legitimate political thought you should not be sworn by anyone we need dissent and debate in america however if you are fine with most of the national media actively trying to destroy a president and then desperately attempting to block the truth about what could be massive corruption by the f b i and others then you deserve to be scored that's what a patriot coming up something you might not know what if you watch want minutes and you own a home you scott very nervous the appeal as a former head of cyber crimes has warned home owners
foreign and domestic thieves can steal your home do it all online that's me his home titles and mortgages are captain databases that can be hacked if you equity in your home here's how they get you he simply forger name onto your homes title use your home as collateral the borrow cash and stick you with the payments no bank or identity their programme protects you so you need a poem title lock america's leading title and mortgage guardian for pennies a day home title lock puts a barrier around holmes title and mortgage if site the thieves tamper with it we mobilise to help it down you may already be a victim here's how to find out go to home title lock dotcom and register for your free titles scan and report a one a dollar value free would sign up don't let cyber thieves steal your home home title locked i'd come home
title lock dot com now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know for most of our history americans move to major city to explore new opportunities find better jobs or simply start not anymore hundreds of thousands of us are now leading the nations most populated states between july two thousand and seventeen and july eighty more than fifty thousand people abandoned new york the number of people moving to california the here is the lowest since nineteen in illinois record breaking eighty six out of the space one hundred into counties experienced a population decline leading the way cookout i took up the fastest growing places in america states like idaho
that utah florida texas and colorado all with little or no state income tax as democratic campaign strategies james powerful said back and ninety ninety two it is the economy work is not only boat ballot box we also vote with our feet millions are saying no the high taxes rising crime illegal immigration unfair business regulations traffic and a study release this week shows the differing value of a single american dollar as one travels from state to state in alabama the purchasing power is thirty five percent higher than in new york city those living in connecticut and new jersey are only getting eighty nine cents for every dollar they span liberal do your governor andrew form over this lesson just weeks ago his state now faces a two point three billion dollar budget deficit why
because while the new yorkers are moving of florida or north carolina or other places where taxes are low woody one per cent of those who decided to leave new york last year earn more than a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and that is a budget faster for open in today's america is easier than ever for folks to relocate risk de gaulle whenever they want but the poor often cannot and states that punish wage earners with high taxes will likely have many more workpeople down now this hey bill o reilly here i'm excited you announce the first ever goes through history taking place next spring whose will definitely be different rates food and activities of course i will also take you back in time to the founding of our faith are freedom in human progress it
opportunity to share your values your beliefs the things you hold dear with the ones you hold dear the cruise will sell the mediterranean out of venice italy there are four different options but basically the crucial begin in venice then sell to the eastern mediterranean visiting asia greece and israel land back we'll be our crews director you can walk with jesus and the prophets walked in the holy land guided step of the way back and i will be doing a cobbler shows together one at sea the other in israel the shows will also feature david barton rob lebanon and stew this once in a lifetime experience please visit come sail away dot com to learn more come sail away dot com for all the details thank you for listening to the really update i am bill o no spend just facts and always looking out
are you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.