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The O'Reilly Update, May 27, 2022


Mike Slater fills in for Bill O'Reilly.

Joe Biden’s approval rating plummets, antisemitic Hate Crimes surge in New York City, California proposes a 4-day work-week, economists rank the most-taxed places in the USA.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The. Hey this is MIKE slater san, diego filler, for bill O'Reilly. It is friday, may twenty seventh two thousand and twenty two you're listening to the o'reilly update and here's what's happening today in america, Joe Biden's prove all rating lamas? Can you Ahmed when you're already so low anti I crime, searches in new york city, California, proposes a or day work week, because we hear in california, live in an absolute fantasy land, analysts rank the most taxed places in the usa. Also coming up the message of the day about the police officers in texas who stood outside that school for fifty six, that's the first job out its approval writing plummeting to an all All time low new survey for reuters finds just thirty six percent approve of violence performance. Fifty nine percent disapprove who who's that thirty six percent a similar survey
for example, seashells. Thirty eight percent support Joe Biden at same time and its presidency donald trump, suppose thirty, nine compared to forty eight Brok about seventy five percent of george w bush for those after nine eleven. Think of, I think that all the eight and everything gets donald trump and his approval was thirty nine percent, Joe violence is lower and he has all the media behind them. attacks against new york, city's jewish community rising three one hundred percent, the n Y p d, confirming at least fifty separate incidents across the five boroughs since january up from twelve during the same period last year, while major felonies in the big apple increasing across the board car theft up ninety three percent armed robbery up thirty, three, percent assault, twelve percent shootings, twenty five percent finally crime in the subways up fifty nine percent, compared to last year, new yorkers voted for a former cop and crimes getting worse
Legislators, California, proposing a four day work. We the bill, would regulate all companies with more than five and employs slash weekly schedules for forty two thirty two hours. Anything more would trigger mandatory overtime cup station supporters say the measure would increase the quality of life for gods. They workers could explain or put another financial burden on businesses already struggling with inflation. Obviously forbes magazine, ranking the highest taxed. towns in america number one in twenty twenty. Do we got a tie between los angeles and san francisco state each city at one point: five billion dollars on payroll costs alone. What folks they're making hundred thousand dollars give fifty five that of their salary to the government. The low tax city, the. U s is anchorage alaska people up north taken home, eighty percent of their income beautiful the message of the day talk about
leaving father and why were police arresting parents who just wanted the police to do their job saw coming up, Let me introduce you to accompany the does things right, grip six makes belt right here in the usa, and those belts are incredible. They are infinitely adjustable. Let me repeat that infinitely adjustable their patented system means they always fit right and feel great with no holes, ugly, shrapnel hanging, ugly hanging, strap or extra bull there,
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heard of the shooting drove forty miles, all police standing around outside the school nicely ask them to do something and then not so nicely and she was arrested. Handcuffed arrested for actively intervening in an active investigation As there was an active shooter inside her children's school she knew a police officer who got her unrest, it shouldn't climbed a fence broke into the school ourself rescued Two children a climb back over the fence all before these did anything to the murderer. And the only way this ever ended was because a border patrol agent waiting on its own what in the world was going on for those fifty six minutes, you don't, we
with a school shooter. You engage immediately, no matter how unprepared you are out angled, you are our guns. You are that's your job, that's what you signed up to do. If you are unwilling to do it, you quit your job, sell insurance. see the video the dad got to school, and The girl ran out and said that one of her friends was shot, and that friend was this dad's daughter, that's how he learned his daughter was killed and he's being interviewed in his bawling. Obviously, and he talked about how sweet his tenure, daughter was how she never did anything wrong, always listen, a mommy and daddy. She was creative, made things for us and she always brushed her teeth. She always brushed her tea. Ten years ago after the sandy hook, shooting.
What a five year old boy was killed and his obituary said he loved to swim and loved. The new york giants a woefully heart breaking the inadequate obituary. But what more can you say he was five. The sort of euro was ten. As our dad said, she always brushed her teeth. That's one of the sweetest most heartbreaking things. I've ever heard she was such a good little girl and as a metaphor for loving and respecting and honouring her parents, she always brushed her teeth. just a week ago, her parents gave her her first phone and dad thinks that as she was calling police, he shot her just pure evil. How could someone get to that state? How? How can there be two
Do people like, if you put the murderer and this sweet little girl standing next to each other? How how are they of the same species like? How can you have this murderer so lost so deceived, so How can we lived a life in a room literally blacked out with garbage back just spiral did spiral to a darker and darker place, and then you have this sweet. Ten year old girl, was a joy who is a light as a huge sum. Alice sparkle in her eyes, she just was on the honor roll and she always brushes her teeth. As her dad said, how can you look at this little girl and want to kill her? How can there be that wide of a gap between people and why does the evil one so often when and how could anyone whose train to kill the bad guy stand by.
while it happens coming up next, something you may not know we'll talk about the while you have to do something. While I have something Mary redeemed a fifty thousand dollar cash prize playing, chuppah casino, the shave only playing for fun. So winning this was a dream come true. Jumbo casino is america's number one social casino experience. It's serious with over eighty casino style games to choose from you, too could win life. Changing amounts of caffeine, like merrick log, on to jamaica, casino, dot com and give them a world. That's jumper, casino, dot, com, no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law, eighteen plus terms and conditions apply, see website for details. The voice in the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner. It's my slater filter for bill O'Reilly now it's time for something you might not know the state with the lowest in our situation rate and with the lowest rate of murder is vermont Vermont also has the highest rate of gun ownership.
what percentage of reminders do you think own again, seventy five percent? Now you would think if you believe the left that the state with the most gods. Would have the most martyrs, but no it's the opposite. I want to take our short time here to make three gun control points. Number one be careful of people who are comparing the number of mass shootings in america with that in other countries. For depends on how you define mass shootings. Some definitions are four or more people shot or three or more people shot or to a more people shot or two people killed her, to be in public or ass to be with strangers. All these different definitions, rarely is it apples to apples. Also, we compared european countries, like denmark or we more measures are denmark. Denmark has five million people denmark's the size of Oregon. nothing else. America's very big european countries are not so good we have this desire to do something. Well, here's the deal we ve done piles of something's, let's enforce what we have
What percentage of gun crimes are committed by people who are not allowed to have the gun their use in the crime? Seven nine percent. So how about? We have forced the gun laws we already have, and even the safeguards that are already in place. Rarely work when the school has an armed security guard like in parkland, horror, didn't do anything and even taxes. When police arrive fifty six minutes before they do anything, do you could have the safeguards in place. It won't stop bad things from happening. I say instead of new something's, let's enforce the pile of something that we already have: but we gotta do something slater, ok, good! I got two things. First, rather than blanket bans, we focus on helping the potential victims, two thirds of gun deaths are suicides, one fifth r, homicides with of men. Fifteen to thirty four at gangs,
and then the third group, one thousand seven hundred women- are murdered from domestic violence. So, let's help middle aged white men who commit suicide. Let's help kids in the inner city who might join gangs and let's help women who are in abusive relationships and, of course, strengthen our families, will be more active ads and more mentors of young boys, such a review or a big country comparing states to other countries makes more statistical sense number two, enforced, the laws that we already have a number three red. Then blanket bans, let's protect the potential victims and even better prevent their from even being mass murderers by raising young boys to become men, but that something requires hard work
More coming up mary redeemed fifty thousand dollar cash prize fighting child look a scene of the higher the only playing for fun. So winning this was a dream, come true and jump. A casino is america's. Never one social casino experience. It serious fought with over eighty casinos tell games to choose for you too good wind, like changing amounts of lightning law. Gonna, tell the casino dotcom, give them a whirl. That's chebec, casino, dotcom, no purchased necessary vote will bring him into by law. Eating plus terms and conditions apply, see website for detailed level using the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner, An absolute honour, MIKE slater, dot, locals dot com bill will be back on Monday and I hope to see you again bill willing. The
Transcript generated on 2023-01-12.