« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, May 26, 2023


More January 6th sentences handed down, the Supreme Court crushes the EPA, kids gambling in record numbers, and Target loses a lot of money

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, the life of singer Tina Turner.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Testosterone levels in our society have been cut in half in just the last fifty years. Isn't that staggering? You know that that's the end of america right, if that, if that trend is global, that's the end of everything, my friends at chalk, they're out to put a stop to it, naturally, not with more big farm of filth. Naturally, you know they sell male vitality, stats, natural herbal supplements we're talking twenty per cent increase in your testosterone in ninety days. Naturally, you feeling better a better mood, better energy. Ladies, don't worry, there's a female vitality stack for you. We must be strong and we must be ready to take on the communists in this country. Chalk go get some now c h, o que dot com shop
is the way forward make sure you used a promo code bill, because I get you a thirty five percent discount for the lifetime of your subscription chalk, dot com, promo code bill, below riley year. You are listening to the arrival update coming up next, the new swift might sleep, Thank you bill. It is fraud, it may twenty six twenty twenty three years as happening today in america, J sixers in jail sixers in crashes: the epa kid betting on sports in record numbers and target losing a lot of money all come up. The bill will be here with your message of the day. A january six protester was sentenced to eight teen years in prison. He said. Political prisoner and the jai responded, use, sir presented ongoing, threat and apparel this country and to the republic and very fabric of democracy,
I had of january sixth, he wrote in a message: they won't fear us until come with rifles in hand and pour a note. He did not bring rife. And then the guy who put his feet on Nancy close desk, but it actually wasn't. Nancy's plus his desk goes like the receptionist desk. He was I have eight crimes. Given four years in federal prison. He told the jury. He was looking for a bathroom, that's not a good excuse, but prosecutors said he showed brazen disrespect for every form of authority. He encountered and the judge said: you're sixty three years old, you too old for this nonsense, for better or worse. You became one of the faces of january sixth, and I think you enjoy here. Inside the capital. For how long six minutes and he stolen envelope, The supreme court shut down a ridiculous epa ruling. The PA is always been ridiculous about how classified navigable waterways. When you think of a navigable waterway you the mississippi river on it, but they take You mean any creek,
this has had avogadro. So someone wanted to build a house on land they own in idaho, but the epa said no, because your house's near a ditch that feeds a creek that feeds into a lake and ditch as a navigable waterway and the eu yea threaten them with penalties of forty thousand dollars a day The supreme court ruled against buttons epa, nine to nothing. And it's. A joy study finds that, eighteen to twenty two year old, fifty percent of them are placed at least one bet on a sporting event lie steer, even though in most states it illegal for people that it college students living on campus- seventy percent have placed at least one bet so we found that under age gamblers typically, but between a dollar fifty dollars and Lou, between ten and three hundred a day target so far, lost nine billion dollars in market cap the ceo said. I think those are just good business decisions and it's the right thing for society and a great thing for our brand
then the ceo said that, because of threats to his employs they'll be moving. The pride displays to the back an internal email to the managers, sir to our teams and stores. Thank you for steadfastly represent our values am I bill rally with your message today. Next, bill orally here, inviting you to watch those been news: weak knighted, eight p m eastern on the first tv, but you Twenty four presidential election already under way more than ever. need real facts, honest analysis and you will not find their anywhere else, but here big me, pushes nothing but speculation in their own partisan agendas. The corporate presses hell bent on removing conservative voices. You know that and silencing them in the process. All that stops now with me, So please join us every night for the no spin news.
Only showed a wash was a pm eastern. You can see us free on the first tv, app or tuna Andrew direct tv channel three four seven most been Joseph. don't miss those be news with me: bill o reilly wheat dies at eight. time now for the o'reilly update message today on this front tina turner has passed, as you may have heard. She was three years old, tremendous rock performer onstage, one of the best I've ever seen miss turner had a rough time of it. In her younger days, a child, a pie Where did she married the violet? I turner, who made her life hell, but mister eventually succeeded, despite the bad circumstance, for one simple reason: she d not surrender to adversity. She kept going in her pursuit of happiness.
that's a dying strategy today in america really a country full of grievance and excuse making intoxication, for example, is incurred. Blaming others for your Tragedy is standard person, responsibility, rarely champion young, americans would do well to study, tina turner, light and emulate her courage, feeling to change her environment. She left the pressure pack, usa and move the far more tranquil country of switzerland. She analyzed their situation and concluded. She had to try something new. All of us have the freedom to reject bad things and improve our lives. The difficult these figuring out what to do and then having the courage to take a different path, tina turner, did
figure it out. I admire her. May she rest in peace. I'm bill O'Reilly, I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet, bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine there is, though male Patricia just want to say that three generations of l. A dodger lifetime fans are turning in their fan cards forever. We are catholics and find the dodgers are disrespecting our faith, absolutely I'll, never go to another dodger or angel game. Again. Debra concert rubber. Thank you Deborah. What is this world coming to? I never thought catholicism would be so attack by these whacked jobs and knows news outlets defend them. Corporate news doesn't really like christians generally speaking merwin. How can any intelligent person who knows the sisters of perpetual indulgence is anything other than a hay?
the dodgers and angels knew the intent of that group when they invited them to pride. I I don't know about that. but I know they know now stephen liven up today, new york, work in the local news here is that state university of new york, albany campus, will house illegal immigrants who will pay for that you're going to pay for it, stephen I'm going to pay for it. The taxpayer picks up all the tabs for the seven million foreign nationals and the other ten million who came before them pick up the entire. Thank you show by tony people are delusional for thinking that trap is no chance of being reelected. Honestly,
He doesn't have a chance of dissenters runs against him. Well, then, why is trump leading the scientists in a poll so much so different to in the primaries in a general election larry gazette kerrville texas? Why is chuck Schumer not brought up mccarthy's debt ceiling vote for a vote because there's no bill come on. You gotta understand the process. The house negotiates the debt ceiling with the democratic party, the president. They come to an agreement. The agreement goes into bills. Voted
Alex goes over to SEN. Schumer can't do anything now, don't even have a bill. They will in a moment something you might not know. O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio. We are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o'reilly dot com premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming, we'll even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad
please don't wait, learn more sign up today. It bill o reilly, dotcom, slash, ad free, that's go o reilly, dotcom, slash ad free. Now, the orally of day brings you something you might not know forty. Six years ago today, a strange film was released in just thirty two theatres. Across the: u s, eight tickets cost to buy All viewers were handed a commemorative pin stating may the force be with you. Star wars had arrived here is thus story in high school future. Filmmaker George Lucas wanted to become a race car driver, but a near fatal accident changed his mind. He then try to join the air. wars, but was rejected for too many speeding tickets, dejected lucas,
then decided to go into show business. He attended classes, the university of southern california, majoring in cinema, fellow students included godfather creator, Francis ford, complex and director Steven Spielberg. With two films under his belt lucas begins pitching what he describes. As a quote: space Opera, united artists didn't want it. Universals do yo said no, but fox studios gave it a green light, where's george lookers showed the finished product to his friends. They found the plot impossible to understand. It was Spielberg who suggested the opening credits
actually tell the audience. What's going on released on march twenty fifth nineteen, seventy seven star wars, a film made for ten million dollars, would go on to earn more than one billion at the box office since his release. There have been twelve more movies. Six television programmes and dozens of books, comics and video games Bout star wars in total franchises now valued at fifty two Two billion dollars Something else you might not know George lukas is one of the most successful filmmakers in history, but he has ever want a major, a war. No oscar, no golden. all no enemy is next major project comes out this summer, another collaboration which Steven Spielberg. the movie is called indiana jones and the
dial of destiny. It stars harrison ford at the age of eighty back after this Thank you for listening to the arriv update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look Out for you no o reilly year, inviting you to watch the nose been news on the first tv, unlike the core, repress. I will never mislead my audience. my only goes, bring you the truth without spin. That is why the nose been news is the only programme in a watch at eight p m, We are here to report the facts. Without speculation, you can watch no sweat news and eight on directv or any time with the first tv app. If you
enough with cable tvs, boring primetime coverage switch to that ozma news, the only choice. pm eastern, the nose been news on the first tv.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-27.