« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, May 19, 2020


President Trump reveals he’s taking a controversial drug to fend-off Coronavirus, Americans turn to their retirement savings to survive the shutdown, a judge in Oregon tosses the state’s ban on religious gatherings, Bill de Blasio says ‘No Parties’ on Memorial Day, China imposes new restrictions as infections rise.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day: how Donald Trump can win reelection.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the arrival here tuesday may nineteenth two thousand twenty you are listen to the o update here's which happening across our nation president tromp reveals he's taking a controversial drug defend off covert notre dame will reopen a judge in oregon tosses the states and on religious gatherings merit of laws yos has no parties for you on memorial day china this new restrictions as infections rise in that country we had how can compression and trap win reelection but first the president confirming taking the malaria drugs hydroxide cork line to prevent covert miss trump has been on the medication for about ten days he says
take it all i can tell you is so far i feel ok the fda fast track the prescription earlier this year but some doctors warn the drug can cause serious heart rhythm problems nancy blowsy says the president is too fat to take the drum another example of how to our federal government is a new study shows a third of americans have rated their retirement savings to survive the pandemic the average you as adult as with nearly seven thousand dollar since march to pay the bills
the university of notre dame in indiana says it will reopen his cap is in august a very good sign a judge in oregon declaring the governors ban on religious services quote null and void at least ten churches sue the state claiming the covert shut down was a violation of their first amendment rights governor k brown says she plans to take case to the oregon supreme court new york's mayor de blasio vowing to keep the city shut down for memorial day we get the mayor authorizing the cops to physically remove people from the closed beaches even take them out of the water applause you quote there will be no swimming no parties no barbecues until later this summer and even then the mayor or will not be invited
i'd unveiling new travel restrictions for the north east region after infections of covert jump the rules apply to more than a hundred million people during the height of the pandemic the communist regime locked down eight hundred million the biggest quarantine in human history in a moment how donald trump can win reelection right back we are all using lots of hand sanitize or these days but it can be hard to find if need a reliable hand sanitize or from a brand you can trust i'd like to tell you real time hand sanitized real time offers the best sanitize or i've ever used contains seventy percent alcohol dozen dry out my hands real time hands appetizer and skin conditioner is infused with nature's ingredients including aloe vera and vitamin e conditioning your skin as
wage real time hand sanitize does not contain parables artificial dies or fragrances we'll time sanitize are formulated and packaged right here in the usa by the makers of real time pain relief best of all it's in stock right now so for a limited time you could say five box on the twelve hours bottle of real time hand sanitizing when you use a coupon code bill again as coupon code bill please go to r t p r r teepee are up to now for the early update message of the day will president tromp be reelected in november it is now all about the contagion you can throw out everything else the american people or emotional after being locked
for two months but the election hinges on whether the pandemic is under control in the fall and if some sense of normal see returns to this country if there it does not happen mr trump will likely lose because the country is so divided in two thousand and sixteen hillary clinton beat mr trump in the popular vote by almost three million that's because of the very liberal state of california that the biggest population center in the electoral college donald trump won three hundred and four votes hillary clinton two hundred and twenty seven so it wasn't close there the president carried thirty states mrs clinton twenty today poll show joe biden defeat
donald trump by a few percentage forts but those poles we'll be obsolete in about twenty minutes again it all has to do with beating the virus and getting folks working a new harvard harris pole says sixty eight percent of americans are concerned about reopening forty six percent believe the president is handling the virus it you asian well but as summer rules in that number will obviously change things have to improve or else donald trump has an advantage because so far joe biden has been a very weak can mr biden is holed up in his delaware foam he has attempted to launch a podcast but that has been a disaster and i have to tell you i don't know why i do a pod
asked on bill o'reilly dot com four nights a week i have a good staff and we don't have any problem knocking out about forty minutes a night joe biden at a lot more resources than i have he had producer he had a writer he had a teleprompter he had a battery of make up people he had almost everything that a major news operation would have in his basin all he had to do was red words off a page and he could not do it there have been questions about mr barton's mental acuity those questions are valid he looks in a word before mr bind also stands for why he has changed his core positions on things like abortion taxes immigration
we really dont know where he's coming from but we do know that he is running as a candidate who will return the administrator i know barack obama and recently you saw president obama himself start to get involved in the election in order for joe biden to defeat donald trump barack obama is going to have to be forefront nap in november donald trump can win but it's the virus she must beat not the democrats i'm bill o'reilly and i approve the message by writing it for more news analysis please visit bill o'reilly dot com for honest and incisive pandemic coverage in a moment something you might not know
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b b dot com forward slash bill try ebb dot com forward slash bill get to sleep you need order today now the iraqi up their brains you something you might not know online grocery shopping up two hundred percent since march but delivery services cannot keep up with demand folks looking to avoid the supermarket soon is shut down are at least some of them turning to their own backyard growing pandemic gardens for fruits and vegetables here's a people are putting in the ground this spring thirty three percent of u s households will spend about fifty billion dollars in total on lawn and gardening products the most popular items tomatoes followed by cucumbers
ere green beans and strawberries folks in vermont number one in the nation in planting by main in montana growers in california favour cauliflower but tell congresswoman alexandria akashi accordez she thinks cauliflower is an example of quote colonial environmentalism whatever that means gardening also a great way to save money five bucks on seeds can save you six hundred dollars or more on produced each year if you buy it in the stores are three hundred square foot plot can provide a family afore within us
fruits and vegetables for an entire season city dwellers also getting in on the gardening thirty percent of americans are bringing mother nature in doors sales hit one point seven billion dollars last year people buying stuff to grow and a house residence in places like new york city use roofs fire escapes and other spaces to grow stuff doctor say the average american will gain anywhere between ten and twenty pounds because of the shut down your own garden is definitely a good way to avoid that they call it the quote warren teen fifty pounds that is but folks feeling the need to seed may have to wait awhile supplies are scant and the age of covert and hear something else
not dull markers of a long history of getting their hands dirty in times of crisis during world war to the government encourage folks to plant victory gardens to supplement russians and boost morale by nineteen forty three there are eighteen million new gardens across the u s back after this our world is change when you venture outside face coverings are the new normal and the kind of face covering you use matters boomer materials thirty day face coverings provide ninety two point two percent antibacterial protection is comfortable easy to breathe and speak with an comes in the and children sizes not only are the boomer natural's face coverings highly rated but their affordable at less than thirty cents per day these boomer natural face coverings can be used up to thirty days by hand
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.