« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, May 18, 2023


Theft is costing Target hundreds of millions of dollars, TikTok banned in Montana, Republicans lose some elections, and Harry end Meghan claim they were in a “car chase.”

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, the death of “fairness” in America.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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So please join more than one point: five million happy fast growing trees customers go too fast, growing trees, dotcom, slash bill to get fifteen percent off with your entire order. Get fifteen percent off a fast growing. He's com, slash bill, good deal bill, o reilly. Here you are listening to the really update coming up the new swift might slater. Thank you bill. It is thursday may eighteen, twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, target thefts, tick, tock banned in this state republicans lose in some big races and the royals involved in a high speed chase, probably not that's all coming up. Then bill will be here with your message. The day of the first ceo of target says that theft accounts for five hundred million dollars in lost profit. This last
five hundred million is the company will be forced to make significant investments and strategies to prevent this from happening in our stores and protect our guests and our He did see the video of the target in san francisco, where every single item is behind glass, doors, pine, lock and key That is not a sign of a healthy society, also the other day and separatist go. A woman was leaving a walgreens and stealing stuff security guard tried to stop her. Please just this: the security camera, carrefour, justice and the officer ended up, shooting or once killing her he's not being charged. Yad, but hear people say: oh, it's not worth stopping someone for fifty dollars in merchandise and you're like okay, but is five hundred million dollars in lost merchandise worth anything? Can we as a society, do nothing ever when people are just stealing everything? there's been a push lavie by the gun. To ban tiktok and government funds. Tik tok of courses, chinese spyware, but
Antenna is the first day to ban it entirely for everyone for all the residents of the state. The dam will go into effect january first of next year, of course, is going to be a ton of legal challenges, but this is the test. The republican governor said today Montana makes the most decisive action of any state to protect montana and private data and sent The personal information from a harvested by the china the communist party. Talks as this infringes on people's first amendment right people need to be free express themselves, earn a living and find community there is an election year that aim for democrats upset the republican for the mare and Jacksonville Florida. Jacksonville has had a republican mare every year since nineteen thirty three, except for one for your term, the democratic Fifty two percent of the vote. the colorado springs and independent, whose really democrat one the mayor's race there. That sea has been a republican seat for forty five years.
Violating my know: royal family news guideline, prince Harry and Meghan Markle, say they were in a near catastrophic car chase through the mean streets of new york city on tuesday night, a two hour car chase, but How is not possible to our car jays event happened the mayor of new york, said I find that hard to believe, but in a cab driver said. I dont think I would call the chase. I never felt like. I was in danger, it wasn't, a car carcase in a movie. They were quiet and seem scared, but it's new york. It safe scrape. but they want their privacy pillars with your message today. Next. But the republican leader cover mccarthy says it just puts vetch in spending back to what it was. Four months ago there will be here with your message today. Next, The chairman of the fed is promising more pain ahead. Lasher stocks dropped, twenty percent that, and this year could be worse.
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tom after the o'reilly update message of the day on this, thursday, here's my problem. Somehow the child, I began to believe that fairness was important. So I challenge What I thought was unfair bad things follow. Nuns who taught me I'd, say: brigitte school were overwhelmed by having sixty restless urchins staring at them every day and crowd control, not fair play prevail that set up rotation between me and the sister marries I lost. In high school. The rich kids dominated working less students like me were expected to accept that I did not and fought the concept to withdraw I also earn some respect and the process forget it my broadcasting career fairness,
Has long been extinct in that industry just like in the political world Now, today many americans are upset because no powerful person. Will be held responsible for the russian collusion fraud. That's not. ere, they say, and they. are correct. It is not fair but neither is the entire bureaucratic system in washing, in d c, and perhaps in your state capitol what we have. There are entrenched politicians not looking out for the folks not trying to deliver fairness to the people. but trying to cover their own butts c Y, a and when you have that you do not have fairness. I'm no o. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me
bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male. Who's in karachi. Urge member says have to review and much of the doorn report. I confess I am not at all surprised about the you're very fbi and department of justice to invest, get anything without bias. My understanding Of our founding fathers documents is that this is what they fear the most a republic. If you can keep it. Benjamin franklin, if you can keep so low life married her and how to new Hampshire. While reading some of the commentaries various new sources on the release of dirt report, it seems evident the government agencies colluded smear trump What I don't understand is why come on Mary, he he's an outsider, the decent swamp people didn't want him and then, when he opened his mouth and spouts conservative starve the maggots people.
They hate a more than any they ate at any politician. That's why we're ok Valerie, the country's divide and angry I'm angry. My tax dollars funded the doorn report and now what nothing happens after millions of dollars and spent, but we know now for sure we know for sure mark from west virginia bill of congress can charge blinkin with contempt for not complying with the subpoenaed turnover requested afghanistan memo. Why can't they charge re with contempt for not complying of her and in over the whistle blower memo on Joe Biden? They can make a charge rate. Absolutely robber darling can learn north carolina. Yes, you spend too much time telling us about how corrupt the media is. But I understand I'm glad you understand. Robert a country will likely continue to decline.
Bridge further away from honest principles it but something you might not know. Astonished, rome levels in our society have been cut in half in just the last fifty years. Isn't that staggering? You know that that's the end of america, right if that that trend is global. That's the end of every thing, my friends at chalk, they're out to put a stop to it, naturally, not with more big farm of filth. Naturally, you know thyself male right quality stats, natural herbal supplements, we're talkin twenty percent increase in your testosterone and ninety days. Naturally, you feeling better a better mood, better energy ladys. Don't worry, there's a female vitality stack for you,
We must be strong a we must be ready to take on the communists in this country. Chalk go get some now c h, o que dot com. Chalk is the way forward, make sure you use the promo code bill cause. I get you a thirty five per cent discount for the lifetime of your subscription. chalk, doc tom promo code bill now the orally uptake brings you something you might not know. Last week, The house oversight committee unveiled numerous allegations of finance misconduct against the Biden family. The republic revealed payments from far and entities to does Of shell corporations operated by hunter by here's bree pile of the president's, only surviving son, There was worn and Wilmington delaware, nineteen, seventy two Joe Biden and his first wife. He was
only two years old, when a truck ran into the family car The lives of his mother and baby sister, the accurate left hunter with a fractured skull and his older. Other bow with a broken leg. Joy. Biden, who is not in the car, took his senate oath. From their hospital room. Hundreds Our agenda attended, georgetown, university and yale law, school graduating and ninety. Ninety six there. He met his first wife kathleen. They have three children, they all me again and maisie. The couple split in two thousand: seventeen a footnote, before his divorce hunter by began a romantic relationship with his brother bows widow halley by, in two thousand thirteen.
during listed in the u s naval reserve on his first day at the base, he tested positive for cocaine and other narcotics the next decade was marred by drug abuse and scandal, comment with this infamous missing laptop Now hundred Biden is in trouble for his business ties to foreign governments during a press conference last wednesday. Republicans in the house reveal financial record, showing ten million dollars being funnel to the Biden family. while Joe served as vice president federal and together in delaware, our scrutinising hunters finances tax records and whether he intentionally lied on an application for a gun. In total.
Hundred biden created at least twenty different shell corporations, beginning in two thousand and thirteen. The question remains why and will that question ever be answered back after
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-21.