« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, May 15, 2019


Donald Trump Jr. reaches a deal to testify, America’s ten largest cities facing major financial troubles, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez targeting Joe Biden over climate change,  Bernie Sanders losing support among America’s youngest voters, and Alabama passes the strictest abortion regulations in decades.

Plus! Bill's message of the day: Is Elizabeth Warren trafficking in hate?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the go o reilly here wednesday may fifteen thousand nineteen you are listening to the o reilly update and here's was happening across our nation down front junior reaches a testimony deal with the senate intel committee work is ten largest cities facing major financial trouble congresswoman cassio cortez targeting joe biden over climate change bernie sanders losing support among america's young
if voters alabama passes the strictest anti abortion law in decades also coming up by message of the day is sen elizabeth warren trafficking in hatred but first donald trump junior reach a last minute deal with the republican controlled senate intelligence committee monday agreeing to speak with top lawmakers in june over his meeting with russian nationals during the two thousand and sixteen campaign the president's eldest son is the first of trump's children to be issued a subpoena on a report on the nation's finances show america's ten largest cities traditionally democratic strongholds are currently drowning in debt in new york
indeed the estimated taxpayer burden is more than eighty five thousand dollars per resident that number rises to a whopping one hundred and nineteen thousand for chicago los angeles philadelphia san diego round out the top five entitlement spending part of the problem as well as uni in pension controversial congresswoman alexandria o cassio cortez criticising democratic front runner joe biden middle of the road approach when it comes to climate change saying is moderate proposal is a quote deal breaker the former vice president dismissing the criticism telling progressive democrats quote calm down on global warming to the campaign trail where socialist senator bernie sanders is losing support from his key demographic group young voters new
show the far left lawmaker dropping among democrats age eighteen to twenty nine an important group that help carry centres to second place against hillary clinton just a few years ago after years of contentious the bay the alabama senate voted overwhelmingly tuesday to pass the strictest pro life regulations in decades if signed by the governor and it should be the new law makes most abortions felony in alabama any doctor who performs a procedure could face up to ninety nine years in prison a federal court challenge is assured right back with a message of the day everyone has heard of a our pay you may even be a member what many
do not realise is that a r p has become a liberal lobbying grew at spend your harder in dollars lobbying against things you may believe it and stand for thankfully there is now a conservative alternative and organization at believes in the sanctity of the constitution and stands up for the values that make amerika great it's called a mac m ac aim at founded by air force veteran dan weber for lesson twenty dollars a year and a mac membership gives you members only pricing on car insurance roadside assistance discounts on hotels travel self on plans and much more your aim at membership dollars support the ideals that you may believe it like protecting our borders with immigration reform getting rid of obamacare and fixing social security so please join me
but then one million fellow americans right now at m a c dot u s and yes i am a member please visit am a c dot u s that's a m a c die u s now the arrival of the message of the day its fairness that many americans generally have low opinions of politicians and here's a vivid reason why fox knew was kind enough to invite senator elisabeth warren to do a town hall with that that will mean an hour at least a free air time for the presidential candidate but instead of being gracious about the invitation senator warren turned vitriolic saying on instagram quote fox news is welcome to come to my events just like any other outlet but a fox news town hall adds money to their hate for profit machine to which i say
hard ass on quoth of boys warrant as your problem appearing on cnn and amis nbc which hey prison in tromp with an intensity never before seen international news arena or am i wrong so it would seem as if senator warren is being hypocritical elizabeth warrant has no chance to be president for a variety of reasons she is a far less zealot not a public servant who selectively condemn certain people and organisations if she really care about social discourse and eliminating political hatred she would not hate on fox which he saw oliver
can you take eight hard pass on phony politicians who seek to divide the electorate senator warren is looking out for senator warrant not for the country as far as a political hatred is concerned it is absolutely wrong the one valid point that war and has is that some are making money peddling hatred cable ratings without donald trump for the news channels would be insignificant donald trump drives all three cable networks fox msnbc and cnn
the latter to despise aversion fox news much more generous toward him but all our making money with a anti or pro trump posture same thing on my night tv two out of the three house hate president trump and every night that's what you get jimmy fallon on nbc he's not quite as i met on the trump front but remember johnny carson and even jay leno to some extent they did not traffic in politics carson dominated for years sometimes ringing and ten million viewers per night now late night tv shows are lucky if they get three million viewers saturday night lot this season devoted most of it's first skits to bashing trump at first
it worked but in the end saturday night lives ratings went down if you look at the best sellers for books there are many anti trump books and some protract books but they're all making money off donald trump so my advice to everybody in the media is put a lid on it would you my new book out in september the united states of trump as no hatred in it it's a history that will be interesting to see how it is received we'll have more analysis on bill o'reilly dot com where you can see me bloviate i hope you check that out i had on the update today something you might not know
many financial experts believe we are in a hidden recession and make no mistake there were some of these experts work for the largest banks in the country names you'd surely recognise it's important to think about ways to protect her family and your finances from what could be another financial crisis many americans are turning to physical gold and silver to protect their retirement accounts and life savings and a relatively new law allows you to own physical gold and silver as part of your eye are a that it gets you started
hartford gold grew is giving a free silver coin to all of my radio listeners if you are listening to me right now you can get this free silver coin from the hartford goal group no purchase necessary all you have to do is call eight seven seven four four for gold eight seven seven four four for gold so please give them a call or text them to claim your free silver gift for a limited time eight seven seven four four four four six five three call or text today now the o'reilly update brings you something you might not know
all was always first day to legalise recreational marijuana back in two thousand twelve this week the states department of revenue reported that store soul more than one hundred and fourteen million dollars a pot just in the month of march that beats the previous record of a hundred and twelve billion back in august last year now colorado is one of ten states to have legalised recreational drop several more i said to take up similar legislation in the coming months while legalization is clearly boosted revenue in states i colorado it is important to remember that it comes with a rice pardon the pot although marijuana advocates claim that legalization will end the black market for the drug illegal sales of pot remain a problem in colorado water to a report from the department of public safety
felony marijuana cases for crimes like conspiracy distribution and possession actually increased from two thousand and fifteen through seventeen the same report shows at organized crime cases involving marijuana have also increased significantly since two thousand and fourteen that's because street pot is cheaper than store part because of the taxes legalization is also affected young people according to a recent study colorado's youth marijuana uses the highest in the nation seventy four percent greater than the national average seventy four percent talk about rocky mountain high that has had a profound impact on the state schools colorado
warning that during the two thousand sixteen seventeen school year marijuana was responsible for more than one in five expulsions and law enforcement referrals pot is the most commonly used illicit drug in the eu say but we still know very little about the effects of chronic use studies have linked it to depression anxiety and psychotic like experiences in tee age users with so many are knows the wholesale legalization of recreational marijuana is one of the greatest social experiments and our nations history and it may well be something will come to regret i get a moment but first if you are a seventy five or older and if you own a hundred thousand dollar life insurance policy or larger please get a pan and write this information down
many americans are making the decision to convert their life policy into cold hard cash giving them some extra money to pay off credit cards medical bills and a number of things look the economy's always been dicey some people need cash there's nothing wrong with that you may find the cash you need in your life alice if you are over seventy five you have a one hundred thousand dollar policy or larger please write this number down now eight for four we by seventy five totally free to call get rid of those insurance premium stop paying them consider turning the policy you have into cash the number again eight for four we by seventy five call eight for four
i w e b u y seventy five eight four four we buy seventy five call now brought to you by our sponsor life guide partners thank you for listening to the o'reilly update i am bill o'reilly no spin just facts and always looking out real
Transcript generated on 2023-01-25.