« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, May 12, 2023


24-year-old former Marine charged in the death of Jordan Neely, federal judge strikes down a gun law, a pride flag gets defaced, and a school rejects Mother’s Day.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, California and reparations.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o'reilly dot, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming. We'll even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today: billow riley, dot com.
Slash ad free, that's billow, riley, dotcom, slash ad free, the riley. Here you are listening to the o'reilly update coming up. The new swift might later. Thank you bill had is friday, may twelve twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, marine charged gun law struck down flag, defaced and moms rejected or coming up then billowy here with your message of the day, but first Twenty four year old, former marine hoop, jordan neely that Michael Jackson impersonator Who called on the subway new york city he is now charged with a second degree manslaughter, Jordan neely has been arrested. Forty two times is most recent was felony assault charge, sixty seven year old woman and the judge told him that if you want to avoid jail time, you can spend fifteen months in some treatment, drug treatment.
And he said yeah I'll do it and he left. After thirteen days and that's why there is a warrant out for his arrest. Originally, the activists said that he was just yelling because he was hungry and thirsty was threatening anyone, but now NBC in new york city is reporting that an eyewitness said he was screaming I'll hurt. Anyone on this train There was a federal law. That said, you must be twenty one to buy a hand handgun without law was just struck down by a federal judge in virginia the judge, was nominated by h, w bush. He said the government did not present any evidence supporting age based restrictions on the perch. Or sale? Firearms from the colonial era founding or early republic, because statute and regulations in question are not consistent with our nations history and tradition, they'd four cannot stand The new word for a homeless person: you may have this is an unhoused individual. Will our daily news, had a headline about a whole. One man. what did he do to be characterized as homeless and not unhoused?.
Well, he deprecated on an energy bt q pride flag and wipe his behind with a different pride flag at a manhattan restaurant. The restaurant owners said this was a total hate crime he could have. Eyes or mcdonald's around the corner. Could have used napkins. the owner also said. We support everyone, no matter what kind of background race or lifestyle. His lifestyle. I guess america. You burn the american flag, but don't you dare touch this one I'm gonna say very bigoted thing right now, I hope you have a wonderful mother's day. a school in toronto. Sixth graders came up with a message that they put on the sign. The front of school life. Does come with a manual. It comes with a mom, very nice, while the ticket because the sentiment does not take into account kids with two dad the school sat upon feedback. We Can this quote does not reflect the inclusive any of our community super lame up. You have agreed
mother's day, bill o'reilly with your message today. Next. Bill no here inviting you to watch those been news: weak knighted, a pm eastern on the first tv, the two thousand. Twenty bore presidential election already underway. Now more than ever need real facts, honest analysis and you will not find their anywhere else, but here big me, pushes nothing but speculation in their own partisan agendas. The court represses hell bent on removing conservative voices. You know that and silencing them in the process, all that stopped now with me Please join is every night for the no spin news is only showed a wash at a pm eastern. You can see us free on the first tv app. Tune in to direct tv channel three four seven most bent Joseph
don't miss. The no spin news with me bill, o reilly, wheat, nicety, hey directly viewers bill o reilly ear, inviting you to watch the nose been news on the first tv weakness, They pm eastern, the child just facing our nation are only getting worse. The border inflation crime drugs- We need real information and honest analysis. They can trust the corporate media feed you biased, reporting every day, the pandit parade around trying to score cheap shots, while big tech silence his people. All of that stops now with me, bill o reilly and then, we ve been news on the first tv weak night, eight p m directv channel three four seven Time now for the really update message of the day on a friday, a killer, pointed committee. Considering reparations has recommended that each
african american living in the golden state, receive as much as one point two million dollars in taxpayers money. That report now goes to the state legislature for consideration. This continues the extreme. letters view that all working American should be punished for the evil institution of slavery. We This is wrong on every level. First off america, since today are not responsible. For the heinous wave industry. Secondly, almost seven hundred thousand union soldiers were killed or wounded fighting to end Slavery in the civil war are their ancestors entitled to reparations the british crown coffee. hated. My family's farm in county cabin ireland, leading to join
racial suffering I demand payments from london. Almost every family on earth has been victimized in some way Historically, it has been more difficult for black americans to succeed economically in this country fact, but the usa's trillions over the years in an effort to make amends so no reparations it's unfair. california governor gave a noose knows it. He is not likely to back reparations because sunday he wants a run for president and he knows, americans do not want reparations. I'm no o. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me bill bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet bill, O'Reilly, dot, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine, let's go to them I'll die
regarding the foreign payments to the Biden family, suspicious activity. These events occurred before apparently, in the time bill bar was attorney general. Was this information hidden from the public by bar? No because it broke when the hunter Biden laptop was discovered, cannot was during by minister so Barr didn't have anything to do with it. Ah, I doubt hunter Biden. This is from owl. I doubt whether hundred by the other members of his family pay any price for their criminal actions. Not so fast. Our due process hundred Biden is done. He's going to get convicted, he'll plead guilty, Joe looks bad. We gotta wait for more evidence. Robert concierge member so watch a press conference on Biden. I firmly believe the man and his family are corrupt. That is your right to believe that
My question is Biden was right, isn't obama had to know what he was doing now didn't have to now present At present, there are only been in the same building I wouldn't go to that extent. Jan Kubes concierge remember jam. Thank you a bill. why would they go solely for civil charges against trumpet, not criminal charges, because you can never ever convicted tromp ray When the woman didn't even know what year it happened and neither did two friends who she told about it allegedly come on. I mean it was. You can punch holes in our case all day long all day, long Tom spurlock yorba, Linda California, John wick mentality, that's correct! Sociological grooming promotes mass chaos. The mental acceptance of anarchy is needed. Remote chaos, that is the marxist playbook you're right. They want to bring the country down
left in a moment, something you might not know. Now the arrival of degrees you something you might not know, Eighty six years ago today, a baby was born in new york city to irish immigrant parents by his thirty fifth birthday. He would be the most controversial comedian in the world. Here. Is this story of george carlin after dropping high school young george joined the air force. He began his car, many career in the nineteen fifty uses a radio dj his early, act was non political, featuring care. like they hippy dippy, whether man and the wonderful y know, and they the ideal, seventies, Carlin transformed itself into an anti establishment icon. He grew his hair and beard, then swap the suit and tie for a t, shirt and torn genes
Georgia's new persona focused on the growing counter culture. He criticised pilot fishing, religion and american society in general. In nineteen. Seventy two carling created the most controversial stand up act of all time. The monologue was titled, the seven words you can never say on television in which he said, seven dirty words sometimes is okay, but not all the time, and there are the only words that seem to have that restriction. I mean there are a lot of words. You can say whenever you want. You know pneumonia and nobody gives you alright. You can't yell at the hospital a great deal, but what there are words that you can say: no problem topography, no one has ever gone to jail for screaming topography.
But there are some words that you can go to jail, for. There are some words that we just have decided. We will not say all the time if you can believe a carlin was arrested for performing that routine in Milwaukee in manhattan, Radio station was fine by the fcc for broadcasting. The act The case ultimately ended up in the supreme court. The justices has ruled that Federal government guys have the authority to limit have seen speech on public airways and that decision still applies to this day. George collar remained a prominent figure throughout the nineteen eightys and ninetys. Some say he was the most important comedian of the twentieth century Carl and died june. Twenty second, two thousand eight the age of seventy one from heart failure.
But today we say happy birthday, George Carlin, back after this. Thank you for listening to the arriv update. I am below riley no spin, just fact. and always looking out for you, the the dogs, drop off meetings from ten to three take kids to soccer then no time left for a job. when everyone else's relying on you, it's easy, put your needs last better connected with a licence therapist online, so you can up for yourself. The way you do, for others find more balance with better help. Visit help dont come today to get ten percent off your first month. That's better aid, the lp dot com.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-17.