« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, May 11, 2022


Chicago’s Mayor issues a ‘Call to Arms’ against the Supreme Court, the Governor of Texas cracks down on Narcotics, Elon Musk says he will reverse Donald Trump’s Twitter ban, a new survey ranks the rudest states in the USA.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, extremism in America.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Why bill you here wednesday? May eleven, two thousand twenty two euros owing to the o Reilly, update, here's which are. today in america You guys mayor issues a call to arms against the supreme court governor texas, racks down on narcotics. You lie more says he will reverse donald trump twitter, bad, new survey ranks the router states in the usa of fanatics and dangerous extremists. Many are there, but first chicago mayor, lorry lightfoot, urging democratic, take action against the supreme court is widely posting her warning on social media. Writing quote to my friends: the algae bt, q plus community. This ring he's coming for us next. This woman has to be a call to arms, unquote
lightfoot was elected mayor of chicago in two thousand and nineteen she's up for reelection in February twenty three. taking office homicides in the windy city up sixty percent saw mature call to arms is a good phrase for her Touches governor abbe targeting drug smugglers at the border, his programme dubbed operation loan star, has all didn't two hundred thousand migrant arrests in texas, twelve in felony charges. Seizure of five thousand weapons and through a million dollars in cash. Three fifty million level doses of fat or were also taken off the streets by texas law enforcement. That's enough narcotics to kill every person in america, so good job, texas, billionaire olonnois says he will reverse donald trump ban on twitter. The
This man, speaking with financial times, magazine asked about the former president said most quote. It was not back to ban donald trump. It was a mistake. it alienated a large part of the country morally wrong and flat out stupid, on quote for a mosque misery. Previously stated he will not return to twitter, but I bad. He well knew Paul published by you got ranks the router states in the nation. Judges say courtesy to strangers and a willingness to help. Others is the barometer. The worst aids, can be found in the north east new york, connecticut, new jersey, massachusetts, rhode island, the friendly people in the usa live in south dakota montana, north dakota vermont.
A number one hawaii aloha. In a moment, NASH. The extremists back mary redeemed fifty thousand dollar cash prize. Fighting child look a scene of the higher the only playing for fun. So winning this was a dream, come true and jump. A casino is america's. Never one social casino experience. It serious fought with over eighty casinos tell games to choose for you, two could win life, changing amounts of capping, lightner law, gonna jump, a casino dont come and give them a whirl. That's chebec, casino, dotcom, no purchased, necessarily vote will bring him into by law. Eating plus terms and conditions apply, see website for detailed. The valise in the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner. And now for the o'reilly update message of the day. Extremism. Criminality in america As you may know, on may forth this year, Joe Biden said quote this the crowd
is really the most extreme political organisation that has existed in recent american history unquote. So, let's do a fact check about extreme resume in the usa and run down some very dangerous outfits: first m s, thirteen you've heard of it comes from El Salvador, honduras, guatemala headquarters Ella in new york city membership, about ten thousand in this country cry. They commit human trafficking, drug trafficking, kidnapping, murder, prostitution average homicide committed by m s: thirteen in america each year, three hundred fifty next, The blood and crypts street gang african american. In chapters in almost every large city membership, opera from at least sixty thousand crimes, drug
african murder, prostitution, average homicides in america by the groups and blood's six thousand while onto the coup. walks, clan area, nations white supremacist that president I'd and is so worried about all caucasians location, the mid west, southern states, idaho prisons, membership up to eight thousand white supremacist, crimes, extortion, murder, voter intimidation, avc, homicides in america by the area ends up to twenty. So there There is no comparison between white supremacist and the minority criminal gangs, not less the drug cartels, ethnicity central american, mostly from mexico occasion border states, membership to hunt thousand gangsters in mexico, about fifty
in one thousand in the usa, crimes, human trafficking, drug trafficking, murder, kidnapping, prostitution, average homicides by the drug cartels, twenty five in america, twenty thousand a year in mexico. Twenty thousand another hundred thousand plus fatalities from drug overdoses that the cartels smuggle in jihadis organizations Al Qaeda ices in the: u s, a There are terrorists. In most american citys we don't know how many crimes, Obviously, wanting kill all of us kidnapping and some human fucking by the jihadis average. Size in america, five to fifteen, not counting september, eleventh, of course, finally, la costa nostra the mafia at this
italian, sicilian, location, the american north east chicago as a city. L, a miami membership by three thousand mafia people and to in two thousand associates cry extortion, gambling, prostitution, drug dealing, fraud, murder, bribery, pretty much everything. Homicide in america, committed by the mafia. Twenty So obviously there are many bad guys in the usa. Someone tell president by I'm no riley approve the message by writing it. If you'd, like more honest news analysis, please visit bill, o reilly, dot com, and I hope you check out my new book killing the killers, in a moment, something you might not know. Packs internet is faster and has we're reliable download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for don Cox, analysis of oglesby, test intelligence data, q, three twenty twenty two in cox, serviceable areas, learn more at cox, dot, com, slash, internet
the arrival of depreciation. You something you might not know. it is may eleventh for many That means one thing officially world ego, awareness day. Yes, it is. Believe it or not go awareness day is an internationally recognised holiday. Here is thus story. The term ego Was first coined by sigmund freud in the late nineteenth century, for I believe that human psyche could be divided into three segments, the it a person's unconscious and instinctive impulses, the super ego an individual's consciousness. What you do and the simple ego the minds attempt to reconcile the id and the super ego or something that today the term ego refers to a person's inflated self important
Oh no ego awareness day, dates back to two thousand and eighteen social is set aside, may eleventh help those suffering from ego is that is defined as a mental health. This order, egoism, symptoms and who'd, abusive behaviour, blindness to reality, a skewed interpretation of existence. In other words you're alone. According your awareness, dot com quote an excessively eager it mind can cause many afflictions rage, prejudice, inferiority complex it. Feelings of superiority, stir ash related violence, racism, sexism and on. In short, an ego ec mind is not good but those hoping to avoid the disorder, may go too far on the opposite. End of the spectrum is ego depletion syndrome, that disease can lead to sell
many depression, lower wages and poor personal relationships? So you can. when too big There go your abroad to small, you get trample doctors Cambridge university in england have developed a how big is your ego test. Questions include which pronoun do use most often. I me you or wait and how do you feel when other people succeed and here's something else, I do not know if you think ego awareness day is the strangers holiday. You ve ever heard of you wrong. Coming up is route. Now appreciation day back after this
Mary redeemed fifty thousand dollar cash prize fighting child look a scene of the higher the only playing for fun. So many miles was a dream. Come true jumbo casinos, america's, never one social casino experience. It serious fought with over eighty casinos tell games to choose for you, two could win life. Changing amounts of capping, lightner law, gonna jump, a casino dotcom, give them a whirl. That's tumblr, casino, dotcom, no purchased necessary vote will bring him into by law. Eating plus terms conditions apply, see website were to take the police in the preceding commercial was not the actual voice of a winner. Thank you for sitting to the arrival update. I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look out for you.
Transcript generated on 2023-01-12.