« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, March 21, 2023


Trump calls for protests ahead of possible arrest, Governor Gavin Newsom demands more of your money, the happiest countries in the world ranked , and TV coach visits the White House.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, something to keep an eye on if Trump is indicted.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o'reilly dot, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the o'reilly update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming. We'll even send you a free copy of my new best selling book killing the legends so become a bill. O'reilly dot com premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today, billow riley, dot com,
Slash ad free, that's billow, riley dotcom, slash ad free below riley. Here you are listening to the really update coming up the new swift mike's later, Thank you build. It is tuesday march twenty first, twenty twenty three years is happening today in america. Try calling for protest. Gavin, newsome, demanding your money back, countries in the world and they have the coach At the white house at all, coming up them bills. Here with the message that I prefer down a trump said, he would be stood on tuesday on truth, social. He said illegal leaks from a corrupt and highly political manhattan. District attorney's office, which has allowed new record, is to be set and violent crime and whose leader this funded by george soros, the zoning capitals, mother, indicated with no crime being able to be proven and based. an old and fully debunked by numerous other prosecutors fairytale.
Far away leading republican candidate and former president of the united states of america will be arrested. tuesday of next week protest take our nation back The accusation is that old boy, Michael Cohen, gay stormy Daniels, a hundred thirty thousand thousand hush money during the lead up to twenty sixteen campaign to stay calm. About an affair she had with trump really know. I'd I'd, see the old but trust. Didn't know about the payment He was pay Michael Cohen. Part of his legal expense is the first time in U S, history, former president is criminally indicted, but to win the case de I would have to prove the trump knowingly and wilfully paid this hush money. governor of California. Gavin newsome is asking federal government, so you to pay for six months of rent for homeless people. California, if they're on medicaid, caught transitional rent. So it's for people moving off the streets into an apartment and also for people who are on the brink
of losing their apartment, the feds. You will pay six months of that person's rent. what percentage of homeless people in america you think living California California is twelve percent of the nation's population, but presented to the homeless population, thirty, and it's not just because of the nice weather, This ranking, as always, annoyed me, but it's worlds happiest countries number ten new zealand number nine Luxemburg Switzerland, norway, sweden number five, the netherlands number for israel number three, iceland or to denmark and the world's happiest country. Finland, usa is ranked number fifteen, the least happy countries in the world. But on one thirty, six and last place afghanistan but speaking of happiness. These stars of ted lasso met with the president to talk about mental health awareness and even so, get the white house press briefing room and since it has had a nice message about mental but faso little, we
and to use. The white house is a platform to promote the new season of ted lasso, which premier non apple tv last wednesday, but also here we are mentioning mental health awareness, so I guess I might later when the podcast politics, by fate, the great bill o reilly, will be here next. time. Now, for the really update message of the day on this whose day here something to keep an eye on if donald is indicted by a manhattan grand jury at the behest of far left district attorney Alvin bragg, the house begins, will almost certainly refer. Criminal charges, Against the Biden family, perhaps including the president himself, I've because everybody knows stormy. Daniel situation is being used to punish donald trump politically, just as the two impeachment work G o p rightly will fight back in all of this political chicanery. Are we the people
All of this certainly does not help strengthen our country, and Major damage is being done to the usa by sell its on both sides of the political equation, but more firstly, the far left. The media, of course, could not care less about the folks and will not report the truth about our now. Why been eyes justice system which rarely seeks justice, today is all about power. Politics and ideology, so called prosecutorial discretion. And the failure of civil judges and following stated law has destroyed accountability and the nations court system. If you are looking for justice. There. Beware from us,
we will give you the facts about the entire trump situation. Without calculation or deceit we hope you re back that I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing. It you can reach me, bill bill, o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine. Ok, let's go Do the male Michael schuyler trolls, who was virginia? Mr, oh, do you most just Time off many events have taken place. Bank crisis trumps announcement of his arrest pending, ass putin, visiting metropole ukraine, tauntingly, linsky and dry queens invading children's book readings, ok, Well, we got to everything but drag queens witches there are a number of american parents who believe this is healthy for their children but you can do about it now. anybody can do about that. There are loony parents,
el as dead, oh say louis, since when is it a crime to pay somebody who so a lawsuit? I don't understand. when a guy's looking to get you a dossier looking to get you diana julian lincoln california, if trop is arrested, can he still run for president? Yes now? did have a felony. Then it gets dicey, which you won't be by the way, but he can run if he's arrest. I'll chickerberry Massachusetts, I'm retired but when I was working, succumb, omen watch the factor find out what is really going on in world. today, the no spin news is just as good. Thank you. I think it's better,
if the show is better than the O'Reilly factor number one, we don't do as many commercials, so we get to a lot more staff and number two. I used to have five guests. Now we have one sometimes two, so my analysis really carries Sure I can give a lot more time to that milton sour meriting connecticut bill. You asked if honesty is important to me, is paramount. That's why watch you I don't care. If what you say makes me angry, I want to be informed you and we will always back up what we say in a moment, something you might. no text us to receive up to five automated marketing texts, your number consent to receive marketing text not required message and data rates may apply. You want to lose weight and get in shape, but every time you try it only last a couple weeks. We'll look: it's not your fault, because it's super hard
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of her death. She was called by the name. Rebecca ROV she is best today, as pocahontas is her story, pogo com, This meeting, the playful one was bore near the chesapeake bay in fifteen? Ninety five, the favourite daughter of a tribal chieftains. The first english settlers arrived in jamestown colony and may sixteen o seven that winter poker, hunt, his brother kidnapped captain John smith, turning to psmith himself. His head was placed between two stones, as the indian warrior prepared to smash it with a bolder poker, how does, however, intervened saving john smith life. After that She was well regarded in jamestown it currently visiting the opposed and trading with the colonists. However, the real
ginger between the native tribes and the english quickly collapsed in sixteen. Thirteen pocahontas was lord onto an english ship and kidnapped. She was held captive in northern virginia by a british minister who taught english and the christian religion during imprisonment, pocahontas met widower and tobacco farmer, John Ralph, the two were married and sixteen fourteen and sale to england in london. Vulgar hunters was revered as a prince, yes m, referred to as lady rebecca she attended play. He's and balls and was even presented to the royal family. the spring of sixteen seventeen pocahontas, her huh, hence on set sail back. to virginia. She began gravely ill on the voyage was taken ashore and on march twenty first, that
two year old, died most likely from pneumonia And here's something else you might not now The many descendants of vulgar heart is live on in with england at america or than twenty, Thousand people can legitimately claim the native american princess and her husband as their ancestors, one of our descendants. Hollywood actor, ed, norton poker, this is his twelve great grandmother back after this. Thank you for listening to the o'reilly update. I am bill, O'Reilly, no spin, just facts. and always looking out for you A journal is a journey, a play to gather thoughts and become the best
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-03.