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The O'Reilly Update, March 18, 2023


The Weekend Edition of The O'Reilly Update.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today: billow riley, dot com.
Slash ad free, that's billow, riley dotcom, slash ad free bill, o reilly. Here you are listening to the weekend edition of the arrival of day coming up. Next, the new swift mike's later things better. Here's. This happening this week in america, canada harris struggles to explain what it has all day a super. In new york city uses. Facial recognition to come down on crime. A majority of voters view both parties unfavorably. Study reveals how bad the americans are addicted to are. Smart phones also coming up the message that the day will talk about how many kids in america. Can't read, but first, president Kamel hairs spoke with comedian stephen call bear this week where she struggled to explain her job What for the roles and responsibilities are the vip
end quote. Well, I have the grid privilege of serving with Joe Biden, who is the president of the united states. And was vice president. Thank you, kamala harris Was named, the borders are by Joe Biden in march, twenty twenty one and, of course, and then he legal crossings, everyday record, high, a fairway supermarket in upper manhattan is turning to face no recognition software to of criminals. The grocery store is collect Customers, icecaps images and voices with video cameras. Anyone caught stealing is immediately reported the police and entered into database Rita after new york city is up. Two hundred percent in some neighbourhood cop the twenty nineteen via the crowd, of course, up fifty percent, and they're all related as all the broken windows approach to crime facial recognition, software, it's it's it's a thing now madison square garden, deny at the entrance
of someone who worked at a law firm who is suing the owners, madison square garden, she was the case you just worked, the same law firm How did they even now to get ready? A new Paul from Gallup, showing a majority of voters hold a negative view of both political parties, five percent disapprove of Democrats and that figure rises slightly fifty six percent for the republic. historically americans a bit more positive towards the democratic party than the gnp since two thousand, the average favourable ready for the liberal politicians, but about forty five percent compared with forty percent for concerns, a study, published by fox news, showing the typical american checks their smartphones. How many times at day, do you think check your honor Ninety six times a day, that's once every ten minutes, of course, is even higher for teenagers the poor also shows eighty percent sleep with our devices less than to me for my head. That's really probably not good. For us, the typical
don't is now awakened twice each night by notifications from your phone no you can put on mute at least at night, the message of the dame governor next. Rich done is developing attire using seventy five percent recycled and renewable materials, because getting future generations down the road. That's what really matters reached home solutions for your journey? Is it what really matters that come to learn more excited fount of abyla riley. Now it's time for your riley update message of the day. One of my great political frustrations is that we live in a society where but I'm going to tell you now- is acceptable. on a micro scale on an individual level at sad, because these people have no hope to live. flourishing life, and on a macro scale, it's bad, because our country can survive. with so many illiterate people. There are fifty three school across the state of illinois
We're not a single student can do math at grade level, and there are thirty, schools across the state of illinois were not a single student can read a great, though not one Imagine going inside one of these buildings this place like not one student can read. Have us peaches, pure chaos, you're hierarchy. How can a teacher do anything? The teachers be absolutely demoralized, because that, like the school full of students who really want to learn, but just figured out, it's full of honey. The kids who could give a rip? How do you do You don't care at all. How do you he'd kids who actively resist learning it's impossible. they may say all slater. It's the money, those are not being given enough money How much money do they? They schools, everything you know? There's a digging out,
much too much money think these schools get pursue. Taking us. They get the answer it. Schools range from seventeen thousand dollars per student to fifty's six thousand dollars. That's plenty of money, a video went viral. Recently, students at carmel highschool outside indianapolis, and the students are standing outside of different parts of the school saying. This is our now torreon, and this is our library, this our cafeteria- and this is our theater and its massive. I want one oh and here's, our planetarium, what people say: oh that's what you get when you live in a nice area with a lot of money. Of course, rich people, We'll have a nice school if We, the inner city schools, had that much money than they too could have wonderful facilities and be successful and red bigger, not a red. If all lay they had more money wrong You know how much money is spent per student carmel school,
remember in these illinois schools. It was between seventeen and fifty six thousand dollars per student, this carmel high school Nine thousand six hundred dollars is due to the public schools in annapolis down the street. They spencer, it's thousand dollars per student. More than that with horrific results. There is, zero correlation? no correlation, between the amount of money spent on education and academic result. Nothin we gotta get this out of people's brains. But if you just spend more money, kids will be smarter no amount of money will help a kid. who doesn't want to learn without the kids. For they don't know. Any difference is the parents who don't care. If there it can read or not. What is that? At the corner highschool, seventy one percent of students are provision a math eighty nine percent of professional reading, which, by the way, that's then write home body, but in
apple is only six percent and twenty six percent provision in math reading it parents its culture and we, failing public schools, long enough that there's been generations of failure and We can do is what things can happen. You think a couple generations are now they're gonna, suddenly care about reading the iliad in the odyssey things. You ve gone down this road and it's gonna be this. This huge mass of educational renaissance in our country, no way not we keep doing the same thing over and over and I'm genuinely concerned, and I'm asking you do, you think our country can survive this more coming up. People say we should live in the present, but that doesn't mean we can't drive toward a brighter future. That's why bridgestone is focused on positively impacting the next generation by developing a tyre using seventy five percent recycled and renewable material, because getting people down the road matters beginning future generations down the road that What really matters bridgestone?
solutions for your journey, What really matters dot com to learn? More. My site are filling in for bill O'Reilly now it's time for something you might not know. So I live in san diego and for as long as I've lived here, we've always been in a drought in some these? They have city employees who drive around a check and make sure you're, not water, your plants on the wrong day watering them at the wrong time. Heaven forbid you wash your car, the thing we live in a desert this to yourself. Californian The only way we have any water is because, in the fifties in the sixtys, we built a ton of water storage and irrigation system to move water, from where the water is to where the people are edward grain and then the environmentalist took over and said no nobler or not. Gonna harm the planet anymore, we're not gonna build any more water storage. In fact, we are to remove water storage.
And then there's another drought, and that's it Global warming does that global warming at the man made water shortage build a damn I've been saying this about a decade, but this year people may wake up to it, because this year we've had these things called atmospheric rivers. I've never heard of these. In my entire life, it just means it rains a lot to the first three, these things? We had. We headlines like this from vocs why California's atmospheric rivers can't break the mega drought? Washing atmospheric rivers, well, in california, drought, like what I mean. How could enhance Bloomberg caliph is deluge- is still far too little to end the droughts, grip. What. Drought means none of water and with a ton of water we ve twice, so much so back as average twelve feet of snow in tow- and you tell me is not enough, but now California see that our leaders, instead of capturing This will record amount of water,
our dumping it into the ocean. Why? Because the wars are two full there overflowing. It was just a couple of months ago, when all we saw were pictures of reservoirs lower than ever. We were told about the five bodies that we found. Lake mead outside a vague as bodies dumped, but we discover that because the water level dropped so low. But now the reservoirs or to full suited but in the ocean. The last damn we dont. California was forty three years ago. Progressive dont want to do what's best for people. They want to do its best, the planet. no matter where you live and no matter what happens, not enough. Rayner record amounts of rain, even if they got things like atmospheric rivers doesn't matter. It's always bad, because mother earth is mad at you. For not agreeing with them more coming up.
People say we should live in the present, but that doesn't mean we can't drive toward a brighter future. That's why bridgestone is focused on positively impacting the next generation by developing a tyre using seventy five percent recycled and renewable material, because getting people down the road matters beginning future generations down the road that What really matters bridgestone solutions for your journey What really matters dot com to learn more. I might slater from the park ass politics by faith for bill. O reilly will see you again tomorrow have a navigator. The
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.