« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, March 17, 2023


Kamala Harris struggles to explain her job, a supermarket in NYC uses facial recognition to crack down on crime, voters view both parties unfavorably, and a new study shows how addicted Americans are to their cell phones.

Plus, the Message of the Day on responsibility. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Reilly. Here, the new cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely ad free. You can sign up to become a bill, o reilly, dotcom premium member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and concierge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today, billow riley dot com
slash ad free that bill o'reilly dot com, slash ad free the bill O'Riley. Here you are listening to the o'reilly update, coming up the new swift might slater. Thank you bill. it has brought a march: seventeen twenty twenty three happy saint Patrick stay, we'll talk about saint Patrick, coming up in a few and it shows that into the orally up- here's this happening today in america. commodore harris struggles to explain what twas all day a super. In new york city uses facial recognition to down on crime, A majority of voters view both parties are favourably and a new study reveals how bad the americans are addicted to our smartphones also covered up the message of the day about concentric circles of responsibility, but first president cobblers spoke with coming
in stephen call bear this week where she struggled to explain her job. Put a roles and responsibilities are the vp said quote: well, I have great privilege of serving with Joe Biden, who is the president of the united states. And was vice president. And you come along harris was named, the borders are by Joe Biden in march twenty twenty one and, of course, Then illegal crossings, everyday record, high, a fair way supermarket in government had is turning to facial recognition, software to of criminals. The grocery store is collect. customers, customers' scans images and voices with video cameras. Anyone Caught stealing is immediately reported to the police and entered into a database Rita back to new york city is up two hundred percent in some neighbourhood com the twenty nineteen, via the crowd, of course, up fifty percent and they're all related to solve the broken windows approach to crime.
facial recognition, software. It's it's a thing now madison square garden deny I'd entrance Of someone who worked at a law firm who is suing the owner- of madison square garden. She wasn the case. You just worked the same law firm How did they even now to get ready a new, Paul, gallop, showing a majority of voters wholly negative view of both political parties, If five percent disapprove of Democrats and that figure, is the rise of slightly fifty six percent for the rich? but historically, americans have been more positive towards the democratic party. Then the geo p a study pub by fox news, showing the typical american checks their smartphones. How many times a day, do you think how many times check your vote on Ninety six times a day that once every ten minutes Of course. It's even higher for teenagers The pull also shows eighty percent sleep with our devices less than to me, for my adds that three probably not good for us, the typical
Don't is now awakened twice each night by notifications from your phone no, you can put on mute at least at night, the message of the dame coming next and they the true story of Saint Patrick. Rich done is developing attire using seventy five percent recycled and renewable materials because getting future generations down the road. That's what really matters reached home solutions for your journey? Is it what really matters that come to learn more I signed up for bill arrived in our society around the update method. To the day whenever you, Your politician talk about being a global citizen, global warming or the world health organization pandemic initiatives there doing it backwards. And there's a good chance: they dont have their own life in order, imagined it like five concentric circles inner most circles, the individual and and you go a little further out the innovate. As a part of the family whose
the community, whose The country who belong, the human race napkins It is believed that the further you go out in the middle, the fewer responsibilities you have. I you have in responsibility to your family than you, dear community, and agree, responsibility to the people Your country than up poor person in africa, progressive, believe it's the other way around. They start out humanity and then, their way back in this is why the left Not only does doesn't focus on the family, many try to actively they destroy because it's getting in the way of their greater priority, and that is that human re story about the family, give to me. So I can save humanity. and conservatives were like. Would we are saving kennedy, but at first starts with yourself And then, at home now this two main problems with this progressive approach. First, when you say were responsible for the whole of humanity it often causes you to ignore the problems right around you.
For example, the borders of eastern ukraine. we're told, are more important than the southern american border, or so these are full of homeless, and but diction and mental illness and broken families, but don't worry because our politicians are fighting for freedom and ukraine and spending taxpayer dollars. Africa, don't look What's going on down the street, don't even look at their own families. There are good people, their global citizens, second problem of starting with the outermost circle and working in his when you deal with these massive problems, it's impossible So you end up really just putting yourself. First you end up having for yourself Wrapping up in this messaging of all I'm doing it for humanity, give an example that this is the spokesperson for the white house, This is one there were banks collapsing and runs on banks in the entire economic system of america, peril and the white house hopes person gets up with two women
standing behind her bag. You want to take a moment to note the historic nature of the moment that you see in front of you right now, all three of us, our historic first in our rose the first black woman to serve as see a chair olympian, director white house, press secretary, the first black women right in front of you for all of those three important important key roles in the administration. All of my money that I put in the bank is gone I do I care that your black that's right, because the entire world revolves around you. I forgot So here we are in the midst of this. major important issue. And the white house spokesperson gets up there and somehow makes it all about her so thing, concentric circles start close serve start on you and why your way out and when you the progressive talking about
that outermost circle? It's a good bet. haven't taken care of what's around them, whether it's their community, their own home or their own lives, Jordan petersen said a lot of people support global warming because they want to avoid dealing with personnel issues. and their avoiding those issues by adopting pseudo moralistic stances on large scale social issues so that they do a good, their friends and neighbours. star with yourself and your family first coming next The true story of Saint Patrick. bridgestone is developing attire using seventy five percent recycled and renewable materials because getting future generations down the road. That's what really matters reached home solutions for your journey. Is it what really matters that come to learn more my site or fear of her bill around announced. It's for something you might not know the true story, a saint Patrick, All of our real holidays in america used to be christian holidays to be not anymore,
it will celebrate? Hollowing scary, costumes and carry halloween. Why as all hallows ye hallo means to make wholly too, apart from a religious used, to treat a sacred to revere cell Our father aren't, Heaven hallowed, be thy name, all hallows eve was day for all saints day, which is november first is data celebrate the great christian men and women who came before the martyrs who came forth, but houses scary costumes in canada Obviously christmas san and reindeer? It's nose. The birth of Jesus he's, was the resurrection of Jesus announced the easter bunny next thanksgiving used to be a day of fact, sting and prayer and today the day of gluttony in football, all the real holidays, in america used to be christian holidays, another all pagan and the same is true of, say, Patrick's dave, even has the word saint in it, and we still message:
so say patches days, a data where green and drink green beer But have you ever wondered who this guy was? To my shame, I haven't my whole. I've never even wonder until now series the story they patrick! That's not your name. Is your names may well? it's a He wasn't even irish. He was born in england. He was not a christian. When he was sixteen, he was abducted and sold into slavery in ireland. He was there, six years. Is a shepherd and decided to escape height Two hundred miles found a ship took back to england. and was reunited with his parents. He thanked god for saving his life. Became a christian joined the ministry. any very soon after fell called to go back to ireland to go to the land, the people who abducted him and all them into slavery. To go act that land and spread the gospel to them, to go back to the pagans who wore
up to the sun, god and wind god and reigned god and the druids and all that stuff. He knew the language and the culture and he had the courage and the humility to do it, not to mention, have the people who seldom into slavery, look up saint path, ex breastplate prayer. It's him. He wrote around the year. Four hundred read it and re with their family. let's make say, Patrick's day a real holiday again, I'm sick. Pagan holidays. Nuff already. bridgestone is developing attire using seventy five percent recycled and renewable materials, because getting future generations down the road. That's what really matters reached home solutions for your journey. Is it what really matters that come to learn more. my name's, my slater, my pie cast his politics by faith. Thank you for listening and thank you bill for letting me bill.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-03.