« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, March 13, 2020


On this Friday edition of The O'Reilly Update: Joe Biden's rise from Delaware Senator to candidate for President. Plus! Listeners sound off!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the you'll o here friday march thirteen two thousand twenty you are listening to the rally update years which happening today in america let's look at the big political story democrats in the united states have now voted in twenty four different states allocating about half the delegates available before the democratic convention in milwaukee this summer the current tally has joe biden in lead with eight hundred forty six delegates to bernie sanders six hundred eighty four one thousand nine hundred and ninety one delegates are needed to secure the nomination for present after this week's win in michigan mississippi missouri it safe to say vice president biden is on track to become the parties nominee mister
entry into politics came way back in nineteen sixty nine at the age of twenty seven when he ran as a democrat for the new castle delaware county council biden launches campaign the united states senate a few years later focusing on america's withdraw from vietnam and civil rights movement despite trailing in the polls by twenty five points joe biden one the race and nineteen seventy two agis thirty years of age he entered this mr viner remain there until two thousand nine when it was sworn in as a forty seven vice president of the united states sadly joe biden personal life is marked by tragedy less than two weeks before taking office in nineteen seventy three his wife and one year old daughter were killed
a car accident while christmas shopping in delaware biden sons hunter and bow survive the crash with minor injuries but they were just kids and had to be raised by their father s joe biden was wanted to office by the secretary of the senate at a small chapel at the wilmington medical center on january fifth he would commute thirty minutes each way between delaware in washington every night so he could be with his kids earning the nickname am track yup in nineteen eighty eight biden had multiple brain surgeries following two near fatal aneurysms keeping him out of the senate for eight months in two thousand and fifteen his son beau died at the age of forty six following a prolonged battle with brain cancer it has not been easy for joe biden but now he gets a chance to be president in a moment the virus
es listeners sound off recently the stock market has dropped significantly as you know in the corona virus pandemic is already impact at americans i raise and for one case experts are forecasting a long lasting possible pull back so now is the logical taught to explore alternatives to protect what you have worked for many americans are moving to physical gold and silver as a recession proved safe haven for their retirement american hartford goal group is a trusted me you're in gold and silver and it's easy to get started their family owned and have an eight plus rating from the better business bureau if you are listening to me right now get a free silver coin for my friends at american hard for goal group just give them a call eight seven seven four four for gold eight seven seven four four four g o elderly call now to claim your free
over give for a limited time or visit them on the web w w w dot bill free coin dot cop that's eight seven seventy four four four four six five three or free coin dotcom time of the o'reilly update message of the day listeners sounding off about the corona virus each friday we some letters from people who are listening to the o update we encourage you to get in contact with me bill at below riley dotcom ok janet ball wichita kansas bill why don't we here north korea's corona virus cases north korea borders china with huge corona virus patient so common sense tells me north korea certainly has problem but jana we would never know anything about what happens in north korea because there's no free perhaps
there is no internet you ve got a sneak it over there towers too have the internet command don't exist so ever out of north korea is scant we have idea what's going on there we know south korea has a problem but in a totalitarian country you're not gonna get a lot of informing which is why the corona virus mounted quickly in china and for wigs nobody knew anything about it the chinese government like north korea controls the flow of information paul in missouri the economy is the only thing donald trump has in his favor and all the animosity he has built up will now come back to undo him if the corona virus destroys usa economic viability and there's some truth to it
you say paul i dont think that economies the only thing donald trump has in his favour we know that his supporters are fervent ninety five percent of the republican party supports donald trump but if the economy goes into recession we should likely will and doesn't bounce back in the fall that will hurt donald from syria election chances is no question about it dorcas who's up in montana rights as of today my life has not changed due to the corona virus i have not cut back on my regular expenses nor have i stop going to restaurants or public places why should i receive apparel tax caught until the end of the year on the payroll
tax cut is still being debated in congress it will be targeted to workers i don't think they can do workers who are affected versus unaffected dorcas that would be impossible it will be a temporary suspension of the payroll tax but people are getting hurt come on and if the federal gov and can mitigate that a little bit i supported by and large the mail that i'm getting from across the country is non historical and that's good because panic in is corona virus situation hurts you and hurts the country so we're all gonna be inconvenienced some of will be heard some of us will actually get the virus you just have to maintain a discipline in your thinking i the federal government from what i can see is doing what it should do the states
where i live in new york is a little reaction a little politicking going on but that's all right i'm going to give him some slack let's on the side of caution that's if you believe in god say some prayers for everyone and let's remain come on no o and i approve that message by actually putting it all together for honest news analysis please visit bill o dot com in a moment something you might not know it is shocking that your home can be easily stolen that's a lesson deborah learned when thieves and her home's title online forged it and then took ownership in it
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now we are rightly up day brings you something you might not know america's newsroom sovereign big trouble courting a pew research employment a news agencies is down twenty three percent in just ten years more than twenty seven thousand jobs have left the news industry since two thousand not last year the entire business consisted of ninety thousand full time employees at newspapers tv networks or on line outlets across the kind since president trump's inauguration in january two thousand and seventeen ratings are down big at msnbc nbc a bbc cbs cnn has actually seen a seventeen percent drop in viewership
in two years the executive director of the new york times predicts most local newspapers will be out of business by the year two thousand twenty five so what's causing the rapid decline of america's newsrooms the answer is simple it's all about money the news moguls are making a choice to either hate or love donald trump they think that attacking the president constantly is good for business and loving him constantly is good for business but what happens when president tromp leaves office many viewers are disgusted by the pro and anti tromp buys will ever come back probably not the trump situation has fuelled a rat
decline and loyalty among merrick and consumers of news recent studies show forty five percent think the media's gotten more biased and it has the folk site fake news and anonymous sources for their distrust and discussed twice as many young adults ages eighteen thirty four lame partisan buys for big drop in tv ratings and here's something you might not doubt the decline of once great networks is not limited to the evening news late night tv viewers ship has also taken a nosedive in the past viewers would turn into johnny carson for a few laughs most americans found him funny witty and provocative those days are over cbs late show what stephen colbert currently liza ratings with just three million viewers it's a law way down from johnny carson who average ten million view is a night and in his final weak nineteen million will be right
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.