« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, March 12, 2021


On this Friday edition of The O'Reilly Update, some good news in the fight against COVID-19, cancel culture continues to run amok, and the media continues to suffer.

Plus, Bill's message of the Day, listeners sound off!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The No o here, five march, twelve, two thousand twenty one. You are listening to the riley update. Here's what's happening this week in amerika positive news in the global fight against covert the vitamins, straighten purchasing. More than a hundred million doses of vaccine from Johnson and Johnson. That's the one shot facts about ten percent of entire: u s! Population right now has been fully inoculated it. Neither twenty percent receiving the first shot from five or modernity, and now we have J J on the way, This also approving the one point: nine trillion dollar covert spending proposal. The plan includes direct payments, fourteen hundred bucks for millions of americans and extends unemployment insurance through the summer at three hundred dollars a week. That will certainly be a positive for many folks, but a big negative for the
out of controlled national debt. Although critic say that sections of the covert villa absolutely not Can you do with gold? It like randal assistance in cash for teachers, unions, somebody in the package directed the public schools, will not be spent till the year two thousand and twenty five next, the cancel culture claiming new victims this week, cartoon, skunk, pepperleigh view dumbo. The elephant and peter pan all got cancel disney, now warning viewers, the classic characters are not suitable for children under the age of seven, because a movies contain stereotypes and some racism which could be edited out of the films correct, also on the chopping block, dove soap, the bran promising to remove the word normal. From its
care products after the new york times, which is the champion of the cancer culture claimed the term normal makes some people feel excluded? Well, that might include may, but I'm worried about, Now the dove soap company is reviewing all packaging for inside the area language like the word normal, which is kind of abnormal when you about it? Finally, the city of minneapolis bracing for potential violence as jury selection begins in the trial of Derek java and the foreign police officer charge with second degree murder in the killing of george floyd sol its prey and hope that violence does not
out in a moment, listeners sound off in the message of the day. Right back, let me introduce you to accompany. Does things right, grip six makes belts,
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twenty a check out to get twenty percent off your bill. That's g are ip six. The number that cop code bill two zero tonnes of the early update message of the day listeners sound off. We do those each friday you can reach me bill add, billow, riley, dot com, that's where we live, be, Oh at bill, o reilly, dot, com name in town. If you wish to opine, let's begin with gretchen who lives in lawrence, kansas Reilly art, all these laws executive orders at cetera, null and void when the person signing his name is incapable of making these decisions. Where is the doktor who can pronounced president Biden healthy and safe that might well gretchen you're, making a number of mistakes number one? The american people elected Joe Biden Zoe
has power and noble, is going to be able to take that power away from him, not a doctor, not a nurse, not his wife. No want. It would have to be proven beyond all doubt that Mr Biden is not able to carry out his duties, and that would take months years and a battery of doctors. Elections have consequences. We all know that Joe Biden is in there he's governing very, very. Far left some surprise some or not, but the mid term elections may take his power away through the vote and not The next big thing, Charles's in colombia, south carolina present bide, knows exactly what's happening at the southern bore. The administration is trying to attract as many immigrants as possible and turn them into democratic party voters. Our nation should be able to regulate how many people immigrate to the country. Yes,
course that's why we have legal immigration and the bite administration is boosting that number up. It's a little bit more than a million now get in here. every year legally, I think is going to go to one three one, four legally, but you're, absolutely right. Charles, the democratic party wants open borders because they believe the more foreign nationals that become american citizens, the more votes the Democrats will get- and that's probably true, because the democratic party gives entitlements, gives federal aid. That's what the parties based on and many immigrants need that assistance Lena is in key largo florida. Nice place tiger lily is a symbol of diversity. Not racism. Disney cannot have it both ways. Oh yes, it can lena theirs
the only one way for disney and that ways to the bank so here's. What lena is talking about. tiger lily is a indian girl who helps Peter pan in the movie, which is made billions of dollars over the years for disney Well, now some people say tiger lily is a stereo type and just it goes yeah, yeah yeah, that's right! We're gonna have to marginalize tiger lily bought disney's, not poland, Peter pan. It wants the money frank in west, I slip new york, though your programme should be nominated for every news emmy out there there. Is no better news cast. Why pritchett that frank on radio and tv we try to be honest, we don't try. To be honest, we are honest and we give you a straight look at news that directly affects
your life. I'm billow riley, and I approve that message by putting it together for more honest news analysis, please go to bill O'Riley dot, dotcom in a moment, something you might not know. Axe internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home internet. It's the real home internet you're, looking for based on cox, analysis of eclipse be test intelligence data, q, three, twenty twenty two in cox, serviceable areas, learn more a cocktail com, slash internet. Are rightly up day brings you something you might not know. Two thousand twenty was a very bad year for the entertainment industry. Music, sports tv ratings all way down since the outbreak began, but the hardest hit was the hollywood film industry
In two thousand and nineteen half of americans took in at least one movie at a theater spending, an average of nine bucks on a ticket total box office sales, topped twelve billion dollars. Global blockbusters like joker avengers toy story, four and spiderman made big money for studios all. Actually, into a hall last march, covert the pandemic shut down the movie industry. Halting distribution of major films like mission, impossible and james bond movie. Theater is closed. All over the country. Ticket sales drop ninety five percent: plummeting two levels not seen since nineteen seventies, it for the golden globe. Award tv show fell to historic lows. This year, viewers ship dropped sixty percent because there was really nothing to watch you show was.
boycotted for lack of diversity, but just six million people could be bothered to watch the golden love. Now the oscars coming up will see a similar fate shows. We to air in April to allow more movies to compete and different categories. Likely nominees this year include no man's land. One am miami the sound of metal and the trial of the chicago seven it all of those films released on streaming services. I haven't seen any of them and hear something else you might not. Now, despite downturn. Hollywood is hoping for a resurrection spring theatres are now beginning to reopen. and in new york, in LOS angeles, you can catch a flick by the middle of this month, bigger Release is coming to cinema is near you guys. Zilla versus king Kong fan and furious nine
You know I missed the fast and furious won through eight, maybe I'll catch fast and furious nine, but it might be confused and also marvels black widow. Now I for one Am rooting for godzilla to finally take home that, oscar back after this you're doing business in an app driven, multi club world you gonna, build and run europe's on your choice of clouds, and you need to manage all those clouds as easily as one with VM, where cross cloud services you ve, got options. That's because VM, where delivers the multi cloud choice, security and control. You need to accelerate innovation, deliver great apps and drive business forward, VM, where the smarter way to cloud learn more at VM where die
come! Thank you for listening to the arrival update, I am below riley no spin, just facts and always being out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-20.