« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, March 12, 2020


President Trump updates the nation on the Coronavirus, The NBA schedules its first empty arena game, Iranian leaders blame the USA for their deadly outbreak, The Supreme Court sides with Trump on immigration, and Bernie Sanders vows to fight on.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
reilly here thursday march twelve two thousand twenty you are listening to the orally update users happening across our nation president takes action on the corona virus tom hanks and his wife have it iranian leaders blame the usa for their deadly outbreak supreme court sides with the trump administration on image bernie sanders vows to rock on also ahead i will analyze the president's address last night looking a bit harried and tentative president trump told the american people that european flights will be suspended in the short term because of the corona virus outbreak but the u k is excluded
the white house also considering tax cuts to help workers and businesses hammered by the crisis in it in actor tom hanks and his wife have the corona virus they are in australia for a film the contagion also closing down on the nba the national basketball association and we can expect almost all public events to be postponed as the world health organization now designates the virus and official pan democrats the mullahs in iran blaming the outbreak there on the usa ministry of health in tehran saying american sanctions several prevented them from treating the disease leading a hundreds of deaths italy as you may know is completely on lockdown but they are not blaming us
in other news a supreme court siding with the white house on immigration saying prison trumps remain in mexico policy on asylum can continue the present order requires immigrants seeking asylum to stay south of the border while the government here processes their request way times can be more than two years bernie sanders refusing to quit the two thousand twenty race for the white house even though he is losing badly confirming that plans to debate joe biden one on one sunday night in arizona with no audience because of the corona virus bernie trounced in the mid west on tuesday but he's
hinting he may drop out if he gets hammered next tuesday in the four primaries which is likely to happen in a moment how did president trump do last night on the virus will analyze it common right up there are thousands of abandoned animals in the usa that need our help i am partnering with dealt a rescue the largest no killed here for live animal sanctuary in the world founded actor leo grillo who left hollywood to devote his life to saving abandoned animals delta i'm a sanctuary is one of a kind rescue unit they are staffed by train attendants who look after each animal providing them water treats toys and affection supply delta rescue and put your legacy to work each lifesaving gift helps delta fulfil
their mandate to rescue and care for animals request a free estate planning package a delta rescue dot org forward slash for a limited time please watch the ask you were for free only at delta rescue dot org forward to slash bill the rescuers is an award winning documentary about guerrillas two year rescue of a family twenty one dogs abandoned in the wilderness del rescue dot org forward slash time of the riley update message of the day president trump taking action to stop the contagion in his address last side the president's seemed a bit rush he was reading a teleprompter not speaking off the cuff as he often does but he did put forth specifics about how the trop administration will deal with the corona virus
we reported the problem is that no human being or administration can stop the contagion so it's all about trying to mitigate the damage and provide guidelines for protection that looks like it is being done in washington elise it seems to me of course they're here tromp brigades our hammering the president but fair minded americans understand that no matter what donald trump said the haters would hate the president delivered his speech last night because joe biden had set a virus address for thursday today so mr tromp pre empt did mister but also the president use the address to settle some scores with the european union by banning flights to and from europe he is
pressing his believe that the eu is open border policy is a stimulator of the virus spread president trump believes the eu is weak an example of the uk because it is no longer in the eu what present europe did not do was inject politics into his address he could have said look at the democratic party it advocates a soft approach on illegal immigration including open borders it wants to abolish ice how is that gonna go down
in the age of the corona virus think about it if we had a very liberal democrat like bernie sanders or pete buddha judge or elizabeth worn as president you would have open borders people coming in from all the world and living in the united states on supervised how's that going to play with the corona vires yes they to put emergency barriers up but by disrupting the entire immigration law enforcement process would have been impossible to do now i know this is conjecture and speculation i dont like do that but it is certainly valid and going back to europe that's what donald trump essay the eu is chaos anyone in the world can get their through turkey as you know the turks are allowing millions of people to pour into eastern europe
and run around once there any you there are no border patrols there are no passport controls there's nothing so an infected person can do exactly what the infected person wants to do and i would be of course infecting others so what president trump did last night is logical it's an inconvenience for everyone but this corona virus has got to be confronted in a very dear planned methodical and non hysterical way on double riley and i approve that message by actually writing it for more news analysis please visit bill o reilly dot com or i do a newscast every night in a moment something you might not know we ve all got an expert appraisal for things that are valuable a wheelchair for our homes and auto dealer for our cars a jeweler for heirlooms
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this weekend marks the aids of march the fifteenth day of the month long associated with rotten lock and the assassination of julius caesar the ominous day it's a pretty bad rap boy the eyes was an always down or in fact it used to be a festival baggage rome the odds of march mark the arrival of the first moon the new year people get outside the city for food wine music even animal sacrifices hoping for a long lasting life and fourchan overtime the eyes became associated with other events it was a day for newly elected officials to take office a time for link all debts but one act of vial would change its meaning forever on march fifteen forty four b c despite numerous warnings from fortune tellers colleagues even his own wife
julius caesar dismissed his private security force and met with roman legislators sixty conspiring senators we're waiting for him they stabbed him twenty three times in the head and chest caesar's pow brew this was the primary betrayer julius caesar debt from assassination at age fifty five william shakespeare wrote about it but used a bit of the aid of licence when he put down on paper at two brute tag and you brutus no historical record exists of caesar's last word some have him screaming and you child while others say the emperor didn't say anything at all as he met his death today the of march is celebrated in some interesting ways including tone
go runs and something the brides of march where women dressed up in wedding gown and hit the bars across san francisco and other places here's something you also might not now rules in europe rank the eyes of march the second unlucky is day of the year the most dreaded gate on the calendar is actually to morrow fry the thirteen quoting the researchers at distress management centre and north carolina twenty one million americans fear the number thirteen many either after their daily routine refusing to fly go to work or even get out of bed in the morning back after this it is shocking that your home can be easily stolen that's a lesson ro learned wednesday is found her homes title on line forge did and then took ownership in it
themes thieves legally owned every home and actually she got evicted and spend a fortune and legal fees trying to get our house back the fbi calls home title fraud one of the fastest growing crimes i urge you to protect your home with home title lock thieves hunt legal documents online forge them stating use your home then they borrow again and you get the payments no insurance or bank can protect you only home title lock dots you could already be a victim of title fraud and not know it so please register your home at poem title locked out com and your bill the ilo for one month of free protection that's bill for one month free at home title lock dot com thank you for listening to the arriv update i am below riley no spin just facts and always
out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-22.