« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, March 1, 2023


Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses her re-election bid in Chicago, Iran docks warships near the U.S., and the Saudis get into the golf game.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, how the American people are being betrayed.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy, says it just puts vetch in spending back to what it was. Four months ago, there will be here with your message today. Next, the chair, The fed is promising more pain ahead. Lasher stocks dropped twenty percent, and this year could be worse. You are right to be worried, so please call the only pressure metal dealer. I trust american hartford goal I'll, show you how to protect your savings or retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with physical, gold and silver. Since I have been a client and spokesman, in the price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent, so These call today and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put in I'd your eye are a or for o one kay. tell em bill o Reilly sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars. Free silver on your first order. Please call eights.
in seven four, four for gold, eight, seven, seven four four for gold where tax geo the gold to six five, five, three to again eight. Seventy and for four for gold or tax gold to six five, five, three no o reilly. Here you are listening to the arrival update coming up the new swift might later Thank you bill. It's Wednesday march first, just like that. Twenty twenty three years is happening today in america, major up of chicago the example of failing up irene an docking, some warships and our neck of the woods and who, on the first tell em as the live, Gough tournament, It is our common up and a bill will be here with the message today. First, the mayor of chicago lorry lightfoot, the first a of chicago in forty years to lose their real action
racine lorelei foot. It is a hilarious conflicts in the matrix that this woman as ever lighted the mayor of the third. just sitting in the country, the first with violent crime of fifty two percent since last year- I can't imagine her next job will be. But I am certain she will fail up yet again, the over. The state of emergency is officially over. In california, four days shy of three years. And gave a noose and the governor thinks it was great. who regrets called california. better prepared. Because we have a serious legislature and the health ecosystem in california. Second, to none in our country and speaking to failing up Joe Biden just nominated the former california labour secretary to become the federal labour secretary Julie, sue. You mean this woman, she oversaw the california unemployment system during covered where over Ten percent of all unemployment payments were fraudulent, as
Seventy percent thirty one, billion dollars went to fraudsters incurred One billion dollars went to California prisoners. Unemployment benefits going to come. California prisoners that if as well says: I ran his twelve days away from making enough nuclear material for a nuclear bomb, but this I ran still doesn't have the technology to actually build the bomb itself, yet I suppose I wonder how they could be a specific. twelve days, but I bring this up. Does Brazil has a new leftist government and they just allowed. I ran to dock to warships and rio De Janeiro over the weekend. These ships have been sanctioned in the past they're going closer to america. The commander of IRAN's navy said they plan to quote present in the pan, My canal live golf, that is the saudi arabian backed upstart gone league going against the PJ tore the other first televised turn and when her head against a pda tour of at the lower level, honda classic so it's tournament,
more viewers. Do you think the live turn on the the cw. Two hundred ninety thousand viewers, The honda classic a tour that had to point. Four million PJ tour, one was the along that lasts. MIKE slater bills message today. Next, This episode is brought to you by jarrow formulas, say probiotics and you think could get health rate, but did you know our vaginas could benefit from probiotics to jarrow formulas from Novelis has two strains native to a woman's body: one billion cf use and is clinically studied to help balance yeast. So if your vagina is feeling a bit out of whack try from doubtless shop jarrow formulas, jr r, o w a women's probiotic at amazon, these statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat cure or prevent any disease. now for the o'reilly update message of the day
on this. When say one of the worst things in life is being betrayed, and most americans have experienced that people we try stood violating our trust, some they get in stride. Others deeply affected be trail, has damaged countless lives throughout the ages. there is a reason: Judas scare. As a prominent place in the new testament. Jesus is very clear when he told Judas it would be better. Had you not been born, Today, every single american is being betrayed by politics since in the media that consistently misleads In my estimation, abide administration is as bad as the Nixon administration was in the deceit department, just the president and vice president recently
Events on the economy alone are stunning. Examples of blatant falsehoods. Add to that the corporate media that covers for mister widens deceit and the news agencies at falsely reported the election results of two thousand and twenty. and you have a nation besieged by lies. It's true. There is no denying it yet millions of americans still approve Joe Biden job performance and continue, to watch and reed crooked, corrupt media. Why? I can't explain it Yes, ideology can poison the mind, and many of us simply believe what we want to believe. But, Really there is a deceit limit or maybe not I'm bill O'Reilly. I approve the message by writing it you can reach me.
Bill bill, o reilly, dotcom, billet bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town. If you wish to opine now, let's go to the male bar ferris, taught massachusetts to your right bill about the politics, and me my grandfather arrive from ireland at the age of twelve, with five dollars started a successful roofing business see my grandmother also off the boat spent their winters at the breakers and palm beach. He was applaud it at the time for achieving american greame. Now he would be reviled as a capitalist pig state. My electorate girl here in illinois is three times rate is was last year and I'm using less electricity. What is commonly harris talking about she does not know what she is talking about steve it is just in illinois, it's everywhere I call on posting a bill.
I'll die com come on you guys, you gotta go there. You read a column you, nepal. We got the message of the day. We got everything there. My coms on Kabul say anything would put in front of us. You say it Abetting Mary river and city is california. It seems as if we now have totally incompetent people in charge, and they lie just like the old stalinists days is no doubt is that modern american politicians have taken propaganda techniques from Joseph Stalin and the nazis in germany. There's no doubt they have Dave jones, chandler arizona, why Islam peo not in the mix on a republican ticket because he's not well known yet I mean they knew when as secretary of state but he's not showing up in the polling, yet he's got number one. He hasn't declared I dunno. If he will, because he's got.
There's a lot of money. I don't know if you will but he's smart. You could run the country in a moment something you might not know. episode- is brought to you buy, sell De Janeiro. I sell de Janeiro touch, it isn't just for screens physical connection is so essential to how we communicate its infused in everything we offer sense, so irresistible pda is guaranteed, textures are still ashes. Skin is hug of all get into a cell de Janeiro state of mind, received percent off on your first order. Unsold De Janeiro, dotcom plus free shipping, with the so the Janeiro ten. now the arrival of degradation, something you might not know, Ninety one years ago, today, twenty months old boy, a baby was kid from his home in new jersey, the abduction will go.
Out in history is one of the most infamous crimes in america. Here is a story of the lindbergh baby. aviator, Charles limburg became a global celebrity in nineteen twenty seven after he flew the first solo flight across the atlantic ocean on march. First, nineteen thirty two linda And his wife discovered a ransom note in their sons. Crib kidneys brad use a ladder to snatch the baby from his second story home. The perpetrator demanded two thousand dollars the equivalent of one million dollars. Today, hey, skate, immediate international attention, even gangs, her capone offered to help from prison. for three days, investigators found nothing then another letter showed up this time, demanding seventy thousand dollars living the ransom. The kid effort, all the lindbergh that
Your son was on a small boat, nay nellie off the coasts of massachusetts. We'll have turned out to be false after an extensive search turned up nothing but soon after the baby's body was discovered near the line. berger state, he was killed, the knight of the kidnapping, Two years later, the marked bill Applause from the ransom money were used in Manhattan investigators track down a suspect, a german immigrant name, richard huh Mom, when his home research detectives found the berger ransom. The result trial was a national sensation. The evidence and intense public pressure were enough to convict the immigrant. He was executed in the electric chair in nineteen thirty six and here is something else you might not know the limburg.
Kidnapping at a major impact on our criminal justice system. After the abduction congress, pass the federal kidnapping also known as the lindbergh law, the bill may kidnapping a federal offense and gave the fbi the authority to pursue kidnappers of cross state lines and even overseas back after this The hit series claim to fame is back on a b c from executive producers of love is blind and hosted by superstar brothers, Kevin and franklin Jonas watch and play along as these new celebrity relatives do whatever it takes to keep their famous family a secret. Don't miss claim to fame new mondays at eight seven central on a b c and stream on hulu. Thank you Listening to the arrival update, I am below riley no spin, just facts and always look.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-03.