« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 9, 2022


Joe Biden’s approval drops in June, the January 6 Committee begins primetime hearings, companies shrink products to cope with inflation, another migrant caravan heads towards the Border.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, fatherhood under attack in America.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The bill O'Riley here thursday jus nine thousand twenty two you are listening to the really update here's what's happening across our nation, presented by approval rating drops again they january. Six committee begins prime time hearings, but shrink products too. skies inflation, neither my grant caravan heading to the usa so I had this state of father hood in america, but first to We're waiting falling to record lows according to a real, clear politics, polling average just thirty nine percent. Now back Joe Biden, job performance. Fifty five percent disapprove a survey, quantity act. Fines. Mr vine support, dropping to thirty five percent. Almost unheard of less than a quarter of independent voters. Thank the present,
and is doing a good job and a quarter to voters the biggest threat facing the nation high prices for just about everything. Rats probing the january six capital riot will conduct public hearings this evening on prime time television that Regos live at eight p m eastern, followed by a second session monday in tone the panel of nine lawmakers, all anti tromp people Viewed, one thousand people connected to the right. That will be broadcast on all the networks and MSNBC and cnn again. Those we, Those despise donald trump it channel will not air the hearings but fox business. Will shrink violation returning to rosary stores, more companies are reducing product sizes to disguise the high costs clean?
slashing the number of tissues per baggage by eight percent yogurt containers down fifteen percent chocolate bar is ten percent. Smaller folders copy shrinking the can. By sixteen percent, even gator, a ditching, their thirty two hours bottle for twenty eight ounces, but the prices are not falling obvious. lee nasa caravan migrants making its way towards the usa. The group is perhaps now nine thousand, nobody really knows and their marching off from guatemala. The thirteen a hunter, mild journey to the usa is considered one of the most dangerous and world leaders The western hemisphere currently huddled at an international summit in los angeles, mexico, prison an overall door who could have stopped the caravan did not show up
thereby insulting president Biden who asked him to this is a mess. In a moment. Fathers under fire right back mobile phone companies say they offer home internet, but if they are internet comes from a cell phone network, you should know it's just phone internet, not home internet, keep your home up to speed with Cox. Cox. Internet is faster and has more reliable, download speeds than five g home. Internet cox is the real home internet you're. Looking for based on cox, analysis of ugly speed test intelligence data, q, three twenty twenty, two and cox serviceable areas, visit cox, dot, com, slash or net for details. Time now for the o, Reilly update message of the day, fathers days weak from sunday and many of our social problems in america, can be traced to a lack of food others in the home, nakata
here that reported very much, but it is absolutely true first nah stats. Seven. Five percent of all- u s, households with children, do have a father and a home. Seventy percent have two parents, five percent father only That figure falls you just thirty percent in africa, american households that is shocking, forty per of all children in the usa, or now borne out side of marriage. That's tat is twenty nine percent for white fifty three percent hispanics. Seventy one percent for blue again, that is out of wedlock. Births Thirty percent of all american children live in a single parent home that is of three percent from nineteen sixty five and eighty five
percent of children in those single parent households live with the mother own facts about single mother homes. Twenty four percent a quarter live beneath poverty line. Twenty nine percent of the moms are jobless. Sixty Two percent receive food stamps. Eleven percent are on full welfare twenties Seven percent are on able to provide three meals a day for their children. Thirteen per, and have no health insurance. Now this is a catastrophe. but the media totally ignores it. The politicians don't do much, even though we are limited and what we can do with personal interactions like Mary Jim child, bearing can't ass laws in that area, but it is
beyond dispute that to responsible pair since in the home, is imperative for healthy children. There are exceptions, of course, but to parents is the rock upon which you build a stable society so again, how often do you hear what just set in the media. This country has largely discarded the tradition, no family in the name of in collusion. Instead of encouraging fathers, for example, to sacrifice for their children many, particularly on tee we in the movies that kind of thing recordings Many celebrate the opposite if who abandon your child. You are not stick
My time any more in america back I was growing up of a father split from the hall that man not show his face. One week from Sunday as fathers day, So this year, let's a break the good guys. maybe the network news could run a series on excellent father. I'm not holding my breath. I'm bill, o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. If you'd, like more honest news analysis, please visit bill, o reilly, dot com and a great fathers. They gift is my best selling book killing the killer in a moment, something you might not know technology, as always Moving at a breakneck speed, my name is amr. I'm a data platform, tech lead and I've been where the O'Reilly platform for eight plus years now, if you have to always keep up with
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mother assassinated for alleged we plotting against him nero then ordered the murder of his sister. She was and and suffocated. In a steam bath. He beat his pregnant wife to death in a fit of rage. soon after under threat of execution. His favorite El servant was castrated, then force to marry nero as a woman. I mean sky was over the top everyday arouse vent a fortune building and ornate palace only to have it burn down, along with the rest of rome, vernal lasted more than a week. Nero watched the destruction indifferently from it nearby hilltop. Thus the phrase nero fiddled while rome burns I the fire on Rome's growing christian community and then hundreds of christians executed. Many were torn apart by dogs or burned alive.
The violence was so shocking. Many eve near out to be the anti christ by sea, The eight a d uprisings were breaking out all across the roman empire after years of me management erratic behave here and general craziness roman politicians sought to remove nero and he fled the capital with word of his enemies, closing in he instructed his personal secretary to stab him in the chest: emperor, nero dead at the age of thirty and hear something as you might not now its russian nero fiddle. While rome burns is not accurate, bs it was not invented. The fiddle for another. Eight hundred years eye witnesses claim the sadistic near was drinking wine and singing ass burned to the ground. Back after this,
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-11.