« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 8, 2023


Trump informed that he is likely to be indicted, low air quality in NYC, a sports contract breaks records, and John Kerry compares climate change to WWII.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day, why he won't be buying Apple's latest toy.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
But the republican leader cover mccarthy says just puts vetch in spending back to what it was four months ago. There will be here with your message today next, The chairman of the fed is promising more pain ahead. Lasher stocks dropped twenty percent. that and this year could be worse You are right to be worry so Call the only precious metal deal, or I trust american hartford, go I'll. Show you how to proceed you're savings or retirement accounts. By diversifying your portfolio with physical, gold and silver society A client and spokes person. The price of gold as appreciated more than thirty five percent. So, these call today and they'll. Have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put in your eye are a or for o one kay, Tell him bill. O Reilly sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver. On your first order, please call
eight seven, seven four four for gold seven, seven, four: four for gold, where tax geo, the gold to six five, five. Three to again aids in seven four, four, four gold or tax gold to six five, five, three If the. bill O'Reilly. Here you are listening to the o'reilly update coming up the new swift mike's later. Thank you bill. Thursday june. Eighteen. Twenty twenty three years is happening today in america. Apparently The feds have informed trump that he is likely to be indicted, but trot says he has received no information regarding pending federal indictment. This would be for classified documents, but there's also word that there may be charges coming as far reaching as the be an object. structure of justice related to january. Sixth, incredible. How do they know? That is only makes him stronger.
The air quality is going to get worse before it gets better thanks a canada Seventy five million people are under air quality alerts are with eastern skylines, others, Yuri orange, hugh air quality index. The a q I above two hundred is classified as very unhealthy. Usually around fifty brooklyn was Four hundred and thirteen queen four hundred seven eight hundred percent over Considered safe and the smoke from out of control. Wildfires may continue into the middle of next week the guardia newark, the FDA, shut down. These airports may Julie he's been postponed to games the mayor of new york city said this is not a day to train for a marathon or to do an outside event with your children stance clothes windows and doors they ve had it one million and ninety five masks. Finally, a purpose for those things that happen land around. Why sports news. Yesterday we talked about how the p g, a tour and live golf are emerging in Saudi arabia's quest to take over all
for sports renault, recently signed a deal for tutor million dollars with the saudi arabian soccer early, that's more than the braun james aaron judge, Patrick bombs and staff curry combined toward a million. while the saudis also offered soccer superstar, lionel messy four hundred million dollars to play there and he said no studies gonna play with major league soccer and america. What So we don't know all the details yeah, but it's something like he'll get a share of apples, revenues generated from m l S, impasse he'll, get a share of adivasis profits and who have the option to buy a new major league soccer team David back did a similar thing when he moved to LOS angeles. He took a seventy percent pay cut, but here first ride to by major early team, which he did. Miami costs from twenty five million dollars is now worth six hundred million june, of course, was the seventy nine, the anniversary of d day John Kerry was in norway and he compare climate change today.
quote. Make no mistake, just as that was a fight for the future as much as We think we ve ever faced what we are seeing now. Is this same? I myself, from the podcast politics by faith. Bill really is here with your message today. Next. With lucky landslides. You can get lucky just about anywhere dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to has anyone seen the bride and groom. Sorry, sorry we're here we were getting lucky in the limo and we lost track of time, no lucky land casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry We that case, I pronounce you re, lucky landslides, dot, com, daily bonuses are rating no purchase necessary void where prohibited by law. Eighteen vice terms and conditions of black sea website for details. Now for the really update message of the day, honest thursday, the latest high tech gizmo, is a head covering from apple
that goes over the eyes and allows for all kinds of stimulation directly into the brain cost about thirty five hundred bucks, since many it's already live free with our heads in the sand. This is an expensive up great, Cyberspace has basically become a flight from reality that is incredibly addictive and even dangerous people texting while driving killed thousands every year. In addition, gambling drugs mental violence are easily accessible on social media. Yes, that of just do provide information and research used properly. High tech can educate, but the bad outweighs the good. In my opinion, we all know people addicted to their phones that negatively affect
in person interactions and the ability to actually think. book reading by younger americans, has drastically declined along with their concentration spans. The ability to speak articulately is collapsing as well axe. Anyone, perhaps the most important aspect of all this high tech stuff, is that it makes it far easier for ruthless people to achieve power. If you are not paying attention to real life, bad things will likely happen. so I am not ordering the new apple gizmo, I simply I wanna be a head case, I'm bill o reilly. I approve the message by writing it. You can reach me.
Bill bill o reilly, dotcom bill bill, o reilly, dotcom name in town? If you wish to opine? Ok, let's go to now. We got rick rum denny in argyle wisconsin hey bill. Are we witnessing woodrow wilson with Joe Biden the real question? Who are the people actually controlling his presidency and jesse Kelly? Just just named a few of them. Rice is gone. Ron Klain is gone, but it's the same kind of people. You know very far left committed and they just tell Biden what to do. They write his speeches
that's what's happening there ruth broke in Israel, Jordan, valley ruth says. I can understand why most of the republican candidates I have no chance of winning but want to become fairly famous, so they can be considered as vice president, but why is Pentagon it? I think pence. All of them have one thing in common: they think that trump might be derailed by all this legal stuff, everybody's signing up to run for president on a republican ticket. It's look. We can't be trump out
right, but if they take them out legally, then the field is op and I think that's what pence is considering Kathleen Williams, sumter south carolina with his civil war started. They build this mitch. Mcconnell get credit for the fact that Merrick garland is not on the supreme court. Absolutely Mcconnell blocked, as you remember, merrick garland's, nomination to the supreme court, so votre turtle
well gets credit Jillian. Our message board. Seventy nine years ago today, american allied soldiers embarked upon a great crusade, invasion of france or free europe from nazi tyranny. When I think of the sacrifices made that day, my father in law was wounded on utah beach and look at what the country is now. My heart is grieved. Lot of of traditional people feel the same way chilean even ten fifteen years ago. We could this radical, left stuff wouldn't have been in the marketplace. It is troubling, no doubt about it in a moment, something you might not know. O'reilly hear the news cycle can be overwhelming, as you know, but bill o'reilly dot com is here to make sure you don't miss anything as a loyal listener. Of the no spin news audio, we are offering you a way of listening to it completely
free you can sign up to become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium. Member today and access all the great audio content we have, including the orally update and much more without commercials premium and cause you urge members also get exclusive access to special video programming will even send you a free copy of my new bestselling book, killing the legends so become a bill o reilly, dotcom premium member today and enjoy listening to my podcast ad free. Please don't wait, learn more sign up today. It bill o reilly, dotcom, slash, ad free, that's billow, riley, dotcom, slash ad free. Now the o'reilly of debris do something you might not know On this day in the year nineteen, forty nine, a controversial novel, was published in the united kingdom
more features and all seeing leader known as big brother. the cautionary tale is regarded as a universal symbol for oppressive government. Here is the story of nineteen. Eighty four writer, george orwell was born Eric Blair, in colonial india. He attended. Prep school in london, rather than going to college, like its classmates or will join the indian imperial police and was the boy to burma in nineteen twenty two either want to paris where he worked menial jobs before returning to england, gee forty four oral published animal farm, a police, Oh fable, based on the story of the russian revolution and its betrayal by jury of Stalin. The book became
a critical and financial success. On june eighteen, nineteen, forty nine june. orwell released is last novel, nineteen, eighty four what centres around winston smith a low ranking party member living in a disturbing in london. everywhere. Winston goes even his own home. He is watched, through tv screens by figure known only as big brother of course, is organization the party controls everything At the time, nineteen eighty four was considered a minor success. Products released just twenty five thousand books were bought in the usa and the? U k c then, however, another third five million copies of nineteen. Eighty four have been sold
as for orwell. He died of tuberculosis in nineteen fifty forty six and here's something I was you might not know. george Orwell nearly drowned, while writing nineteen. Eighty four worked on the novel. George took his niece nephew and young son on a boating trip off the west coast of scotland. There dingy. Capsized, but they were saved back after this Would you a cellular, it's just twenty nine ninety nine per line for one two or three lines, so you don't need that robot daughter, you built to get a fourth line for family plan pricing. Rope, Elizabeth she's Can I like that their old, isolated prevail boy get the low rate of twenty nine. Ninety nine per lie. We were cellular built for us terms, applied visit. You are cellular dot com, pretty deals. We value human connection with fever. Distractions cellular built for us visit your? U s! Cellular authorized agent located in eighteen. Fifty two decorator pike in athens.
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-02.