« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 7, 2023


PGA Tour agrees to merge with Saudi-backed rival LIV Golf, a judge overturns a Florida law banning puberty blockers for minors, NYC has the worst air pollution in the world, and California’s “sanctuary” status is put to the test.

Plus, Bill’s Message of the Day, a conservative columnist takes aim at Trump.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
i guess that most but i want than those already superstition has been initiated before me that as you can see piccolo mental model and ask is bookie being near paris they give us got their laughter person what are you know my meda mucho must protect the guy you gonna blimp what is it what is allowed to state farm when it could i don't but i took this evil solo but i'd be i see no wonder because on chemicals that common when they see not state from estate jim but if they knew not what these are young only disparities that he has at least i don't really can really that baroness alexandre committed would have of the media no o reilly here you are listening to the orally update coming up next the new swift mike's later thank you bill is wednesday june seventh twenty twenty three years is happening today in america the saudis now own golf judge strikes down flora bill near sitting has the worst air pollution in the world were now and california is not a sanctuary state anymore i guess that's all coming up
bill will be here with your message the deva first the pda tore has merged with the new saudi backed live gough this is shocked almost everyone because the pda tore has been voted all about how live isn't just bad but immoral for by saudi blood and oil money and now they're merging wesley bryan says i feel betrayed will not be able trust anyone within the corporate structure the pda tool for a long time begins here is nothing like finding out through twitter that we're merging with a tore that we said we'd never do that with worth noting idolatry one year ago said all that golfers remain loyal to the very disloyal pj they will pay a big price when the inevitable merger would live comes and you get nothing but a big thank you from the pj officials who are making millions of dollars a year if you don't the money now you will get nothing after this merger takes place and only say how smart the original societies were he was exactly right
flora passed a bill banning purity blockers and cross sex hormones for minors which is saying that we would never even need a bill like that the first was the lightning speed to get us to where we are now at a noah but a federal judge struck down saying gender identity is real he also that even though this puberty blocker received a warning from the fda which said drug cause brain swelling loss of vision and simple similar to a brain tumor in children the judge said quote there are risks attendant to not using these treatments including risk of anxiety and depression and even suicidal ideation new york city air pollution is among the worst in the world right now but i want to emphasise right now it's not because of any meeting in new york city there's some bad wildfires in quebec new york city is right up there now with the air quality of india indonesia and bangladesh ten school districts in central new york cancelled outdoor events for their school because they are called so back from the wildfires
and finally the state of flora has confirmed that they were behind flying thirty two migrants into sacramento california last week but flora division of emergency management said through herbal and written consent these volunteers indicated they wanted to go to california they provided a video on one video one of the guys that we made to california thank god very thankful to god and sacramento is a sanctuary city sanctuary state so what's the problem newsome i am isolated from the podcast politics by faith bill will be here with your message of the day next this spring breathe life into your backyard with fast growing trees dot com fast growing trees dot com helps you plant your dream garden with expert advised and fast reliable shipping it can be hard to know which plants will do best in your home and backyard but with fast growing trees dot com plant experts
they'll help you keep your plants growing healthy throughout the season it's easy order online at fast growing trees dot com and your plants arrive at your door in a few days with fast growing trees thirty day alive and thrive guarantee you will know everything will look great this spring and summer so please join more than one point five million happy fast growing trees customers go to fast growing trees dot com slash bill to get fifteen percent off with your entire order get fifty percent off a fast growing trees dotcom slash bill good deal time now for the really update message of the day on this one a veteran conservative column is cow thomas is scored king donald trump and a new article saying the former presidents continue political odyssey will
straw the republican party as well as the right wing in america mister thomas what's a variety of conservative pundits who believe the same thing now i've known thomas for decades and he is an honest analysed entitled was vows whatever he wants he writes he did vote for trump because consider the alternatives worse but is now off the trump train for good because former presidents polarizing personality so much four callouses would you really pull the lever or the amber lobe for job i knew if he's trumps opponent two thousand twenty four that would be very destructive war traditional america which mr by an apparent it is day yes job is not a doctrinaire conservative he has no interest in political philosophy he's a deal maker and govern that way
opinion was far more successful in creating american prosperity than joe biden has been there are two immediate dangers to conservatives first of all culture is on the march and if you oppose it most conservatives do you evil and should be punished second is that biden is weak and amount standing in the world is weakening that puts the country in peril so where do you like trump or not that's a situation i'm no o i approve the message by writing it you can reach me bill bill o reilly dotcom bill bill o reilly dotcom name in town if you wish to opine he's not my all we gotta david bill
to completely agree with your warning that we shouldn't convict president biden without knowing all the facts to three ring circus the trump russia collusion fraud is a perfect example of why we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves okay we want our viewers and listeners on the radio to be fair and most of them all laura thank you for defending violence unfortunate trip over the sandbag could have happened to anyone else for him however because he's a constant state of bumbling it is truly is a diminished met there's no question about that rob with the rule of law has been destroyed by the fbi and the current justice department are the mass media will protect your biden and corruption until our country is totally destroyed unfortunately that's true let's hope in two thousand and four we reverse this insanity john collect toe
it's reminding us that eric holder was held in contempt of congress my question into those twenty five could republican administration prosecute christopher wren now his indemnification prosecute torreon discretion so far as would bridge virginia i saw delusional james call me on tv the other day praised by the government should be honest and fight corruption look call me everyone knows whose fair minded would call me is i think it's msnbc is higher don't think i don't know it's insane we all know bill frazier locust grove i up on long island to and was water safety instructive and town of babylon early seventys we just missed each other bill i enjoy the news but my mother loves you he is ninety three and was a water safety instructors self can you give her a shot out natalie phrase
good for you natalie and your side is a good guy so your great mom that goes together natalie was water safety instructor and she's ninety three god in a moment something you might not know for breeze is a proud partner of kant cancel prime however you choose to express yourself for breeze has the perfect sent to make your home even more fabulous in your own nick way have an amazing bride from four breeze now the arrival of the bridge you something you might not know too fifty four years ago today an amount and pioneer began exploring a vast wilderness known to the indians as can to care or land of tomorrow we know it as kentucky here is a story of daniel
born of november second seventeen thirty four in pennsylvania young guy he'll spanish youth hunting entrapping on that carolina frontier his thirtieth birthday bone began venturing deep into the appalachian mountains array considered dangerous to white seminars june seventh seventy sixty nine daniel bone entered present day kentucky here this diary quote entered the valley and looked around with astonishing delight at the end oh planes and beautiful tracks below this is by far are the most favoured place on gods earth on quote years later during the american revolution boone his crew began construction of the cumberland gap trail the first minute settlements in kentucky one expedition the explorers group was attacked by
cherokee indians two people were cast tortured and murdered including daniel born sixteen year old son james the next decade the pioneer continued his journey into the wilderness is exe boys gain national attention you appeared in stories and other folk touts one there are north carolina claim boon killed a dozen grizzly bears with his fists wow a brave man and respected leader daniel boon never really happen on his adventures and exploit or to the end boon died in missouri eighteen twenty at the age of eighty six something else you might not know today is officially known as boons day across kentucky on june seventh people in
bluegrass date celebrate the pioneer with parades coonskin hats and his favorite meal honey fried chicken the biggest rate can be found in the town of boonsborough the oldest angle speaking city in the appalachian mountains back after this for breeze is proud partner of care so prime however you choose to express yourself for breeze has the perfect sent to make your home even more fabulous in your own nick way have an amazing bride from four breeze thank you for listening to the arriving update i am below riley no spin just facts and always look out for you
normally year inviting you to watch the nose been news on the first tv unlike the core repress i will never mislead my audience my only goes bring you the truth without spin that is why the nose been news is the only programme in a watch at eight p m we are here to report the facts without speculation you can watch no spin news in eight on directv or any time with the first tv app if you enough with cable tv is boring primetime coverage switch to that ozma news the only choice pm eastern the nose been news on the first tv
Transcript generated on 2023-06-11.