« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 5, 2019


Joe Biden breaks with fellow Democrats on a controversial abortion law, the State of Maine is one step closer towards ‘legal suicide’, San Francisco considers drastic options to combat the homeless crisis, A Broward County Deputy is charged with multiple felonies for ‘failing to act’ during the Parkland shooting, and President Trump dives head-first into British politics during his trip to London.

Plus, Bill's Message of the Day on Bernie Sanders accusing Politico of anti-semitism.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
the bill o'reilly here wednesday june fifth two thousand and nineteen you are listening the be update and here's what's happening across our nation job and breaks with other democrats over abortion state of main one step closer to allowing legal suicide san francisco considers drastic options to combat the homeless crisis eyebrow county deputy charged with multiple felonies for failing to act during the parkland massacre president trop diving and british politics during his trip to london also coming up my message of the day on bernie sanders claiming anti semitism but first
presidential contender joe biden says he opposes public funding for most abortions that separates him from all the other democratic candidates for president it'll be interesting to see the polling on mr biden next week the main legislature voted tuesday to legalise assisted suicides saying a citizen's right to take his her own life falls within this stage tradition of individualism the lead so i shall now heads the governors desk she ten days to sign or reject the law san francisco will take drastic measures to crack down on its horrible homeless crisis city officials voting tent one to force some mentally ill or drug addicted homeless people into treatment facilities all across california
call a move a clear violation of the civil rights of these homeless people but san francisco has to do something as thousands of homeless are wandering the city causing many public safety problems browed county florida deputy scott petersen has been fired from his position and taken into custody the former officer now faces multiple felony charges including child neglect negligence and perjury for his failure to act during the awful parkland high school massacre that took the lives of seventeen people in february two thousand eighteen president trump diving into british politics during a state visit to the united kingdom commenting on a series of issues including bricks
it and london's liberal mayor khan mr trump urged the uk to drop the shackles of the e u and forge a new trade deal with the usa coming out my message of the day bernie sanders says he's a victim of anti semitism but first everyone has heard of a r p you may even be a member what many
do not realise is that a r p has become a liberal lobbying grew at spend your harder in dollars lobbying against things you may believe it and stand for thankfully there is now a conservative alternative and organization at believes in the sanctity of the constitution and stands up for the values that make amerika great it's called a mac m ac aim at funded by air force veteran dan weber for lesson twenty dollars a year and a mac membership gives you members only pricing on car insurance roadside assistance discounts on hotels travel cellphone plans and much more your aim at membership dollar
support the ideals that you may believe it like protecting our borders with immigration reform getting rid of obamacare and fixing social security so please join more than one million fellow americans right now at m a c dot u s and yes i am a member please visit am a c dot u s that's a m a c dot u s time now would be a really update message of the day region a website called political which leans laughed did a story on bernie sanders becoming a millionaire the socialist senators well known for criticising wealthy people but it turns out he's now one of the financial elite according to political this was not by accident while sanders has always been a hippie
on a guy his wife is not the couple is acquired more than a million dollars of property by refinancing loans and running up credit cards this of course is called capitalism a system all bernie has made a lot of money criticized centres anders did that in books that of course costs money to buy capitalism again so fair minded people can make up their own minds whether bernie sanders is a hypocrite or a shrewd person maximizing his opportunity
is something all americans are entitled to do and should not be criticized for but after stating facts political makes a big mistake if photo shops a picture of senator sanders standing next to a tree full of money almost instantly charges of anti semitism are lodged sanders themselves as the article is anti semitic now it's hard to fathom the politico intentionally wanted to smear bernie sanders because he's jewish the heavy odds are that it bernie were methodist the article would have happened because socialism not religion was the point
but world wide anti semitism is driven to some extent by the image of jews as money seekers political should have known that and avoided the nasty stereo type we live in a country where speech is no longer a protected in the court of public opinion and there are two sides that situation irresponsible hate mongering is all over the place particularly with the net but at least now minority is are protected from it because people refuse to accept attacks on minors but white people in particular
are not protected and you see horrible things about president tromp other politicians celebrities news commentators etc who really have no redress because erica if your famous you will lose the defamation lawsuit the libel lawsuit the slander lawsuit there is a higher level of acceptance of attacks on famous and powerful people in the usa in great britain that is not the case if you smear a famous person that person
can sue you at the same level of an ordinary person that should be the case in america in addition if you are defamed an you win the lawsuit the person who smeared you should have to pay all of your lawyer expenses because now attacks stereo typing all of that is out of control in the usa and that is the message of the day for more commentary please go to bill o'riley dot com where we analyzed the news every night and you can see me next something you might not know china and mexico trade wars can have an impact on inflation and weaken the u s dollar that's why many americans are deciding to protect their cash by investing in gold
i recommend that you contact the hartford gould grew to learn more to get you started the hartford goal grew will gift a freeze we're goin to all my radio listeners if you we're listening right now you can get this free coin from the hartford gold group no purchase necessary all you have to do is give them a call eight seven seven four four four g o l d gold eight seven seven four four four goal so call them today to claim your free coin available for a limited time only the number eight seven seven four four four four six five three eight seven seven four four four four six five three comments the rally uptake continues now with something you might not know tomorrow mark
the seventy fifth anniversary of the d day landings the major allied invasion of europe during world war two the mission code named opera sean overlord began an eleventh month offensive on the western fraud which ended in the unconditional surrender of nazi germany in may of nineteen forty five one hundred and fifty thousand allied soldiers storm the beaches of normandy on that day more than twenty five thousand were killed or wounded on both sides many went missing in fact to this day it is almost impossible to figure
the casually count on data all of the american killed are buried in france at the american cemetery above all my beach i have been there is a emotional experience that all americans should undergo now operation overmore d day was not the allies first planned invasion of france the armed forces arrayed against similar prepared for an amphibious assault on mainland europe as early as nineteen forty two shortly after the usa ended the war but pleasure scrap because the allied forces were not strong enough to take on the germans at that point d day was not the first invasion against the germans in nice
forty two operation torch began when allied forces of the united states and the uk launch an assault of german controlled algeria and morocco in north africa the brutal campaign distracted the nazi war machine paving the way for america to build up its manpower and resources for the day day invasion that followed two years later general patent was a primary general for the allies general rommel the desert fox on the german side president trump will commemorate the seventy fifth anniversary of the allied invasion of europe tomorrow the battle consisted of two hundred thousand troops on both sides it was brutal the movie saving private ryan is an accurate depiction of what happened for more information on hitler's nazi regime you might want to check out my book
the s s also killing patten will give you a good idea of the bravery of american forces will be back moment bill o here and all eyes at the title in mortgage to your home just hit the hands of identity thieves one of the largest real estate title companies in the world let hundreds of millions of homeowner files and i'm betting documents about your home including loans mortgages and bank accounts or offers well illegally internationally and once thieves have them they'll forward your home's title so it appears you soldier then they borrow thousands from online lenders and stick you with the payments i've seen this first
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Transcript generated on 2023-01-24.