« Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis

The O'Reilly Update, June 25, 2019


President Trump releases new details on his Middle East Peace Plan, Far-left Democratic presidential candidates push for free college with zero debt, Chicago officials under fire after a new study shows wealthy residents living decades longer than the poor, and Oregon considers a new plan to sell marijuana to other states after growers produce too much pot. Plus! Bill's Message of the Day on this week’s Democratic Debate.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
no we hear tuesday june twenty fifth two thousand nineteen you are listening to the orally update and here's what happening today in america prison properly zuzu details on his middle east peace plan and says he does not need congressional approval to strike iran file democratic presidential candidates push for free college with zero debt chicago officials under pressure after new studies show wealthy residents living decades longer than the poor oregon it is a new plan to sell marijuana to other states after growers produce too much pot also coming up i mean of the day on this week's democratic debate but first the news as an unveiling new details of a middle east peace plan calling
the fifty billion dollar proposal a deal of the century for the region their agreement would raise cash to invest in palestinian control territory's throughout israel palestinian president abbas rejected that proposal out of hand i quote humiliating black map as usual some players in the middle east do not want peace it's been that way for decades to the campaign drought in the usa where both bernie sanders and elizabeth warren pledge to provide free public college to all americans or cancelling debt for those already burdened with student loans condoms say there is currently two trillion dollars of student dead outstanding with forty five million americans involve centres anders pledging to pay for the proposal with
taxes on wall street chicago looking like charles dickens a tale of two cities with new study showing wealthy residents live thirty years longer than the city's poor population in chicago riches neighborhoods the average life expectancy is about ninety in poor traditionally african american sections people are not likely to live beyond sixty that's the greatest alike discrepancy of any american city oregon officials facing unintended consequences after legalizing pot back in two thousand fifteen they have too much marijuana quoting the states marijuana control commission more than two thousand growers have produced so much power it would take the states seven years to sell the entire crop lawmakers hoping to sell the drug to other states have legalise the subsidy
it's coming up by message of the day on what to ask the democrats vying for the presidential nomination after this millions of americans have been diagnosed with cancer or a serious illness if you are one of them and money is a problem you're not alone it's simple if you own a life insurance policy of one hundred thousand dollars or more than life guide partners can evaluate your coverage for free to see if you qualify for cash now when you need it the most be ready to take down this number if you own a life insurance policy sea of one hundred thousand dollars or more and you are living with a serious illness than life guide partners can evaluate your coverage free to see if you qualify for cash now so write this number down one eight eight eight guide fifty totally free to call get rid of those insurance premiums stop paying them
zira turning that life policy into cash the number again one eight eight eight guide fifty one aid aid aid for aid for three three five zero one eight aid aid guide fifty call now time over the really update message of the day the debate soaring twenty democratic folks vying for the presidential nomination this week should be of interest to all voters at stake for the dams is whether the party will run to the far left or return to the somewhat moderate approach that was successful for barack obama then senator obama was no radical bomb
ro or back in two thousand seven when he burst onto the national political scene no way you may remember he oppose gay marriage talk talk about stopping illegal immigration was against reparations for slavery mr obama chose old hand senator joe biden as is running may when biden had vocally called for in a hundred miles of border fencing barriers that would stop anyone from crossing into the usa illegally now bravo bombers moderate approach worked but he did govern as a social justice warrior after he was elected but mr obama never espouse tear down the entire american economic system today the far left has seized control of the democratic party no question about that using an intense internet smear machine
in and a cheering media to promote socialism open borders free health care not to mention late term abortion and payments to african americans for the injustice of slavery so we'll most of the democratic candidates tell the nation that capitalism must go and society it must be ruled by politically correct victims it is a safe bet that donald trump hopes it happens he believes america will not vote for radical left change even now they voted for extreme change last time around by electing am but not all change is the same donald trump vowed to drain the swamp in washington some of the democratic presidential contenders this time want to create
a new swap one that leans socialist with all of these candidates blow violating this week in miami it will be those who say the most extreme things that will get the most attention mr trump prove that when he went up again sixteen republicans in summer of two thousand fifteen and marginalized them with withering insults and nicknames like lion ted and little marco remember that will any of the democrats use that playbook probably not my guess and it is that a guess is that senator elizabeth worn and joe biden will make the most noise in the debate for miss worn in particular has to separate
herself from the bernie sanders movement her voters and his voters are pretty much the same this warrants as she's a quote democratic socialist sodas bernie sanders but senator worn will have two separate herself from bernie sanders if she wants to win the democratic nation with the others anything could happen joe biden will have to play defence everybody will be looking to take him down so tat in here later this week to see if i'm right and that is the message from more honest fact base commentary please go to bill o reilly dotcom i believe you like it right back with something you might not now i know you have heard of the a r p you might even be a member what you mean
i realise that a a r p has shifted left and has now become a liberal lobbying group that spends your money lobbying against what may believe it thankfully there is a conservative alternative and organization that believes in the sanctity of our constitution and stands up for the values that make amerika great it's called a man for less than twenty dollars a year and a mac membership gives you members only pricing on car insurance roadside assistance discounts on hotels travel cellphone plants discount dental plans and much more you're a mac membership dollars support the ideals that you believe it like protecting our borders with immigration reform and fixing social security a mac gets its voice from you
the individual member so please join more than one million fellow americans right now at a mac dot u s a mac dot u s and yes i'm a proud member so please visit a mac dot u s now the rally update brings you something you might not know the summer season is officially arrived across the usa millions of americans will spend the coming months camping hike enjoying the great outdoors with family and friends but be warned there may be a deadly predator high behind wrong under sheds even in your kids and if you leave the door open snakes
leave it in the usa is home to some of the deadliest snakes in the world the most dangerous species is the diamond back rattlesnake if bitten and untreated the mortality rate for humans is more than thirty percent eastern coral snakes can also be lethal researchers at national geographic say one in ten species of snakes in america are dangerous to people that number jumps to sixty five percent in austria so be careful of your planning a trip down under any time soon especially to the outback fortunately widespread access to emergency medical supplies means very few snake bites are fatal these days pharmacies throughout the usa or stock with anti snake venom and first responders our call away in two thousand and eighteen more than seven thousand people were bitten by poison snakes in america but only five die
worldwide india is a country with the most snake fatalities exports a stunning fifty thousand people die each year from venomous bites neighbouring pakistan comes in a distant second with eight thousand fatalities per year the planet's deadliest serpent the black member can be found in the rain forest of central africa a single bide from that species is lethal to ninety five percent of all human beings within fifteen minutes if left untreated despite their scary reputation snakes are responsible for the same amount of des across the planet as domesticated dog's while obviously not venomous a bite from man's best friend kills thousands per year from rabies and other diseases the planet's deadliest creature to human beings is actually much smaller and something most of us will encounter dozens of times
the lowly mosquito scientists say more than one million people per year die from diseases transmitted by that common past so plan on taking on this summer may be a good idea to practice common sense if you encounter a snake but you're probably much better off with a can of bug spray we'll be back in a moment while you been hearing about gold all over the news and prices keep going up experts warning a recession may be coming and it's time to pay air or region analyse this week's as he sees goal going up hundreds of dollars per hour they hit seventeen hundred bucks an ounce
that's why i recommend that you contact the hartford gold group now to learn more to get you started the hartford goal group will give you a free silver coin all of my radio listeners will get it and if you're listening right now you can get the coin from the hartford gold group no purchase is necessary i have to do is call them eight seven seven four four four g o l d gold eight seven seven four four four g o l d gold give them a call today to claim your free coin and get the information available for a limited time only eight seven seven four four four four six five three eight seven seven four four four four six five three please call today thank you for
listening to the orally update i am billow rightly know spend just facts and always looking out for you
Transcript generated on 2023-01-23.